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We were lost but Jesus

guided us
We were wrong but He
corrected us
We gave up but He made us
We were dead but now we

Jesus said ‘’ARISE”

Now open your eyes, see the
light of the Gospel
Celebrate new life and
Young people “I tell you,
I tell you, ARISE!

Alleluia! Praise the Lord!

For we are risen with Jesus
PERSONAL INFORMATION Write the Story of your Faith Life Journey
Name: __________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
Parish: __________________________________________
Contact Number: __________________________________
*Please Answer the following:
a. How long have you been part of your youth ministry/ youth
organization? ______________________________________
b. What is your favorite food? __________________________
c. Who is your celebrity crush? _________________________
d. If you will be given a superpower, which superpower do
you want? Why? ____________________________________
f. Why did you join this activity? ________________________
g. What is/are your expectation/s for this activity?
h. Did you join the DYC2022 Preparatory Formation? _______
Share your most memorable experience during that day.
i.How did you prepare for this activity? __________________
j. What is the first prayer you have learned?_______________
k. Who is your favorite Saint? Why? _____________________
l. If Jesus is in front of you right now, what will you say to or
ask Him? ___________________________________________

Soon afterward [Jesus] journeyed to a city called Nain, and his disciples and a
Draw Your Vision for the Church large crowd accompanied him.

As he drew near to the gate of the city, a man who had died was being
carried out,
the only son of his mother, and she was a widow.

A large crowd from the city was with her.

When the Lord saw her, he was moved with pity for her and said to
her, “Do not weep.”

He stepped forward and touched the coffin; at this the bearers halted,
and he said,

“Young man, I tell you, ARISE!”

The dead man sat up and began to speak,

and Jesus gave him to his mother.

[Lk 7:11-15, NABRE]

Image from

The Scripture theme of the Diocesan Youth Camp 2022

mirrors the theme and message of His Holiness Pope Francis to
the youth on the occasion of the 35th World Youth Day (WYD)
2020. Diocese of Ilagan Youth Apostolate prepares a formation
program that is both formative and festive—mainly with elements
of catechesis, fellowship and worship.

The Diocesan Youth Camp 2022 is a Diocesan celebration of the youth
of the Diocese of Ilagan. It is a special day that the Church has given to
its young people. It has become an occasion for variety of activities and 3-2-1 APPROACH
events that highlights the Church’s preferential love for the youth.
Youth Ministries in the different parishes and organizations overall lead
the programs and undertakings of this celebration starting from
preparations to the actual event. The Diocesan Youth Apostolate, in 1.______________________________
partnership with the Parish Youth Ministry of Our Lady of La Salette
Parish, organizes the large gathering of young people for the celebration 2. ______________________________
of Christ the King Diocesan Youth Camp 2022.
3. ______________________________

1. _________________________

2. _________________________
For the Diocesan Youth Camp 2022 Formation Program,
the participants are expected to:
➢ Recognize the power of God who raises us from our
“experiences of death”, as shared by Pope Francis
in his WYD2020 message
➢ Express in prayer their compassion and solidarity
with the struggles of other people
➢ Participate actively in the mission of bringing God’s
hope to their fellow youth through various forms


21 November 2021

“Stand up. I appoint

# you as a witness of
what you have
seen." (cf. Acts 26:16)

# Dear young people,

Once again, I would like to take you by the hand and walk with
you on the spiritual pilgrimage that leads to the 2023 World Youth
Day in Lisbon.

# Last year’s Message, which I signed shortly before the pandemic

broke out, had as its theme: “Young man, I say to you, arise!”
(cf. Lk 7:14). In his providence, the Lord was already preparing us
for the grave challenge we were about to experience.

Everywhere in the world, we suffered the loss of so many of our

# dear ones and experienced social isolation. The health

emergency was a particular setback for you young people, for
your life is naturally directed outwards: to school or university, to
work and social gatherings. You found yourselves in difficult
situations that you were not used to facing. Those who found it
harder, or lacked support, felt disoriented. We saw a rise in family

# problems, unemployment, depression, loneliness and addictive

behaviour, to say nothing of growing stress, tensions, outbursts of
anger and increased violence.

Yet, thank God, this was only one side of the coin. The
experience showed us our fragility, but it also revealed our
virtues, including our inclination to solidarity.
-----------------------------------------------51--------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------04-----------------------------------------------
All over the world, we saw great numbers of individuals,
including many young people, helping to save lives, sowing
seeds of hope, upholding freedom and justice, and acting as

peacemakers and bridge builders.

Whenever a young person falls, in some sense all humanity

falls. Yet it is also true that when a young person rises, it is as if
the whole world rises as well. Young people, what great

potential you have in your hands! What great strength you have
in your hearts!

Today too, God is saying to each one of you: “Arise!” I fervently

hope that this Message may help us prepare for new times and
a new page in the history of humanity. Yet we cannot begin
anew without you, dear young people. If our world is to arise, it
needs your strength, your enthusiasm, your passion. I would
like, then, to meditate with you on the passage of the Acts of the
Apostles where Jesus says to Saint Paul: “Arise! I have
appointed you to testify to what you have seen” (cf. Acts 26:16).

Paul’s witness before the king

The verse that has inspired the theme of the 2021 World Youth
Day is taken from the testimony of Paul before King Agrippa
following his imprisonment. Paul, formerly the enemy and
persecutor of Christians, is now on trial precisely for his faith in
Christ. Some twenty-five years later, the apostle recounted the
story of his fateful encounter with Christ. #
Paul states that he persecuted Christians, until one day while
travelling to Damascus to arrest some of them, a light “brighter
than the sun” shone around him and his companions
(cf. Acts 26:13). He alone, however, heard “a voice”: the voice
of Jesus who spoke to him, calling him by name. #
Saul! Saul!

Let us take a closer look at this event. By calling Saul by name,

the Lord made him realize that he knew him personally.

----------------------------------------05---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------50---------------------------------------------
NEW FOUND FRIEND It was as if he said: “I know who you are and what you are up to;
even so, I am speaking directly to you”. Twice, the Lord calls Paul
NAME: ______________________________________________________
by name as the sign of an important special vocation; so he had
ADDRESS:____________________________________________________ earlier done with Moses (cf. Ex 3:4) and Samuel (cf. 1 Sam 3:10).

PARISH: _____________________________________________________ Falling to the ground, Saul realizes that he is witnessing a

CONTACT NOS.: _______________________________________________
theophany, a powerful divine revelation that throws him into
confusion, but does not destroy him. Instead, he finds himself
FACEBOOK: __________________________________________________ called by name.
FAVORITE SAINT: ______________________________________________ Only a personal and non-anonymous encounter with Christ
changes lives. Jesus shows that he knows Saul very well, “inside
out”. Even though Saul is a persecutor, even though his heart is
NEW FOUND FRIEND full of hatred for Christians, Jesus realizes that this is due to
ignorance. He wants to show in him his mercy. This grace, this
NAME: ______________________________________________________
unmerited and unconditional love, will be the light that radically
ADDRESS:____________________________________________________ transforms Saul’s life.

PARISH: _____________________________________________________ Who are you, Lord?

CONTACT NOS.: _______________________________________________
Before this mysterious presence calling out his name, Saul asks:
FACEBOOK: __________________________________________________ “Who are you, Lord?” (Acts 26:15) This question is decisive, and
sooner or later all of us have to ask it. It is not enough to hear other
FAVORITE SAINT: ______________________________________________ people speak about Jesus; we need to speak to him ourselves,
personally. Deep down, this is what prayer is all about. Prayer
means talking directly with Jesus, even though our heart may still
NEW FOUND FRIEND be confused and our mind full of doubts or even contempt for Christ
and Christians. I pray that every young person, in the depths of his
NAME: ______________________________________________________
or her heart, will eventually ask the question: “Who are you, Lord?”
We can no longer assume that everyone knows Jesus, even in the
PARISH: _____________________________________________________ age of the internet. The question that many people are asking of
Jesus and his Church is precisely this: “Who are you?” In the entire
CONTACT NOS.: _______________________________________________
story of Saint Paul’s calling, this is the only time in which he, Paul,
FACEBOOK: __________________________________________________ speaks. And the Lord immediately replies: “I am Jesus whom you
are persecuting” (ibid.).
FAVORITE SAINT: ______________________________________________
“I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting!”

-----------------------------------------------49--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------06------------------------------------------
With this answer, Jesus reveals to Saul a great mystery: that he NEW FOUND FRIEND
sees himself as one with the Church, with Christians.
NAME: ______________________________________________________
Up to that point, Saul had seen nothing of Christ, but only the ADDRESS:____________________________________________________
faithful whom he had cast into prison (cf. Acts 26:10) and in whose
killing he had consented (ibid.). He had seen how Christians PARISH: _____________________________________________________
responded to evil with goodness, hatred with love, enduring
CONTACT NOS.: _______________________________________________
injustice, violence, calumnies and persecutions for the name of
Christ. In some way, without knowing it, Saul had already FACEBOOK: __________________________________________________
encountered Christ. He had encountered him in Christians!
FAVORITE SAINT: ______________________________________________
How many times have we heard it said “Jesus yes, the Church
no!”, as if one could be an alternative to the other. One cannot know
Jesus if one does not know the Church. NEW FOUND FRIEND

One cannot know Jesus apart from the brothers and sisters in his NAME: ______________________________________________________
community. We cannot call ourselves fully Christian unless we ADDRESS:____________________________________________________
experience faith’s ecclesial dimension.
PARISH: _____________________________________________________
“It hurts you to kick against the goads”
CONTACT NOS.: _______________________________________________
With these words, the Lord speaks to Saul after he had fallen to FACEBOOK: __________________________________________________
the ground. Yet for some time he had no doubt been mysteriously
repeating those same words to Saul, in an attempt to draw him to FAVORITE SAINT: ______________________________________________
himself. Saul, however, had resisted. Our Lord addresses that
same gentle “reproach” to every young person who turns away
from him: “How long will you flee from me? Why can’t you hear me NEW FOUND FRIEND
calling you? I am waiting for you to come back to me”. There are
times when we too say, like the prophet Jeremiah: “I will no longer NAME: ______________________________________________________
think about him” (cf. Jer 20:9). Yet a fire burns in every person’s ADDRESS:____________________________________________________
heart: even if we try to stifle it, we will not succeed, because it is
stronger than we are. PARISH: _____________________________________________________

CONTACT NOS.: _______________________________________________

The Lord chose someone who was persecuting him, completely
hostile to him and his followers. We see that, in God’s eyes, no one FACEBOOK: __________________________________________________
is lost. Thanks to a personal encounter with him, we can always
start over again. No young person is ever beyond the reach of FAVORITE SAINT: ______________________________________________
God’s grace and mercy.

------------------------------------------07------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------48---------------------------------------------
NEW FOUND FRIEND Of no one can we say: He’s too far gone… It’s too late… How
many young people passionately rebel and go against the grain,
NAME: ______________________________________________________
while deep in their hearts they feel a need to be committed, to
ADDRESS:____________________________________________________ love with all their heart, to have a mission in life! In the young
Saul, Jesus saw exactly that.
PARISH: _____________________________________________________

CONTACT NOS.: _______________________________________________ Recognizing our blindness

FACEBOOK: __________________________________________________ We can imagine that, before his encounter with Christ, Saul was
to some extent “full of himself”, thinking he was “great” on the
FAVORITE SAINT: ______________________________________________
basis of his moral integrity, zeal, background and education.
Certainly, he was convinced of being right. Once the Lord
reveals himself, Saul “falls to the ground”, blinded. Suddenly, he
is unable to see, both physically and spiritually. His certainties
NAME: ______________________________________________________ are shaken. In his heart, he realizes that his passionate zeal to
kill Christians was utterly wrong. He realizes that he does not
ADDRESS:____________________________________________________ possess absolute truth, and is indeed far from it. His certainties
PARISH: _____________________________________________________ and his pride dissipate; suddenly he finds himself disoriented,
weak and “small”.
CONTACT NOS.: _______________________________________________
Such humility – the awareness of our limitations – is essential!
FACEBOOK: __________________________________________________
Those who are convinced that they know everything about
FAVORITE SAINT: ______________________________________________ themselves, other persons and even religious truths, will find it
hard to encounter Christ. Saul, once blinded, lost his reference
points. Alone in darkness, the only clear things were the light he
NEW FOUND FRIEND saw and the voice he heard. How paradoxical! Only when we
are blinded, do we start to see!
NAME: ______________________________________________________

ADDRESS:____________________________________________________ After his overpowering experience on the road to Damascus,

Saul preferred to be called Paul, a name that means “small”.
PARISH: _____________________________________________________ This was not like those nicknames or made-up names so
CONTACT NOS.: _______________________________________________
common today. His encounter with Christ changed his life; it
made him feel truly small and tore down everything preventing
FACEBOOK: __________________________________________________ him from truly coming to know himself. As he tells us: “I became
the least of the apostles, unfit to be called an apostle, because I
FAVORITE SAINT: ______________________________________________
persecuted the Church of God” (1 Cor 15:9).

-----------------------------------------------47--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------08------------------------------------------
Saint Therese of Lisieux, like so many other saints, loved to say
that humility is truth. Nowadays we fill up our time, especially on
social media, with any number of “stories”, often carefully
constructed with backdrops, web cameras and special effects.
More and more, we want to be in the spotlight, perfectly framed, __________________________________________________________
ready to show our “friends” and “followers” an image of ourselves
that does not reflect who we really are. __________________________________________________________

Christ, the noonday sun, comes to enlighten us and to restore our __________________________________________________________
authenticity, freeing us from all our masks. He shows us clearly
who we are, for that is exactly how he loves us.
Changing perspective
Paul’s conversion did not involve turning back, but being open to
a completely new way of seeing things. He continued on his __________________________________________________________
journey to Damascus, but something had changed; now he was a __________________________________________________________
different person (cf. Acts 22:10). Conversion can renew our
everyday lives. We continue to do what we did before, but our __________________________________________________________
hearts and motives are now changed. In the case of Paul, Jesus
told him to continue on to Damascus, where he had originally been __________________________________________________________
going. Paul obeyed, but the goal and purpose of his journey were
radically altered. From this point on, Paul will view things with new __________________________________________________________
eyes, no longer as a persecutor and executioner, but as a disciple __________________________________________________________
and a witness. In Damascus, Ananias will baptize him and present
him to the Christian community. In silence and prayer, Paul would __________________________________________________________
deepen his experience and the new identity bestowed on him by
the Lord Jesus. __________________________________________________________
Do not dissipate the strength and passion of youth
Paul’s attitude prior to his encounter with the risen Jesus is not so
strange for us. How much strength and passion also well up in your __________________________________________________________
own hearts, dear young people! Yet the darkness around and
inside you can prevent you from seeing things rightly. You can risk __________________________________________________________
finding yourselves lost in fighting meaningless and even violent __________________________________________________________
battles. Sadly, the first victims will be yourselves and those closest
to you. _________________________________________________________

------------------------------------------09------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------46---------------------------------------------
There is also the danger of fighting for causes that begin by

upholding just values, but once carried to extremes, turn into
destructive ideologies. How many young people today inspired,
perhaps driven, by political or religious convictions, end up
becoming instruments of violence and destruction in the lives of
many others! Some, moving with ease in the digital world, use
__________________________________________________________ virtual reality and social networks as a new battlefield,
__________________________________________________________ unscrupulously employing the weapon of fake news to spread
venom and to wipe out their adversaries. When the Lord broke
__________________________________________________________ into Paul’s life, he did not suppress his personality or passionate
zeal. Instead, he brought those gifts of his to full flower by
__________________________________________________________ making him a great herald of the Gospel to the very ends of the
__________________________________________________________ earth.

__________________________________________________________ The apostle of the nations

__________________________________________________________ Henceforth, Paul would be called the “apostle of the nations”.
__________________________________________________________ Paul, who had been a Pharisee, a scrupulous follower of the
Law! Here we see yet another paradox: the Lord putting his trust
__________________________________________________________ in the very one who had persecuted him. Like Paul, each of us
can hear a voice in our heart saying: “I trust you. I know your
__________________________________________________________ story and I lay hold of it, together with you. Even if you have
__________________________________________________________ often been against me, I choose you and make you my witness”.
God’s ways of thinking can turn the worst persecutor into a great
__________________________________________________________ witness.
__________________________________________________________ Christ’s disciples are called to be “the light of the world”
__________________________________________________________ (Mt 5:14). Paul must now testify to what he saw, but for the time
being he is blind. Another paradox! Yet by virtue of his personal
__________________________________________________________ experience, Paul can fully identify with those to whom the Lord
will send him. That was why he was made a witness: “to open
__________________________________________________________ their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light”
__________________________________________________________ (Acts 26:18).

__________________________________________________________ “Arise and bear witness!”

__________________________________________________________ When we embrace the new life bestowed on us in baptism, the
_________________________________________________________ Lord gives us an important and life-changing mission: “You are
to be my witness!”
Today Christ speaks to you the same words that he spoke to
Paul: Arise! Do not remain downcast or caught up in yourself: a
mission awaits you! You too can testify to what Jesus has begun
to accomplish in your lives. In Jesus’ name, I ask you:

- Arise! Testify that you too were blind and encountered the light. __________________________________________________________
You too have seen God’s goodness and beauty in yourself, in
others and in the communion of the Church, where all loneliness
is overcome. __________________________________________________________

- Arise! Testify to the love and respect it is possible to instil in __________________________________________________________

human relationships, in the lives of our families, in the dialogue
between parents and children, between the young and the
elderly. __________________________________________________________

- Arise! Uphold social justice, truth and integrity, human rights. __________________________________________________________
Protect the persecuted, the poor and the vulnerable, those who
have no voice in society, immigrants.
- Arise! Testify to the new way of looking at things that enables
you to view creation with eyes brimming with wonder, that __________________________________________________________
makes you see the Earth as our common home, and gives you
the courage to promote an integral ecology.
- Arise! Testify that lives of failure can be rebuilt, that persons
spiritually dead can rise anew, that those in bondage can once __________________________________________________________
more be free, that hearts overwhelmed by sorrow can rediscover
- Arise! Testify joyfully that Christ is alive! Spread his message
of love and salvation among your contemporaries, at school and __________________________________________________________
in the university, at work, in the digital world, everywhere.
The Lord, the Church and the Pope trust you and appoint you to __________________________________________________________
bear witness before all those other young people whom you will
encounter on today’s “roads to Damascus”. __________________________________________________________
Never forget that “anyone who has truly experienced God’s

Notes: saving love does not need much time or lengthy training to go
out and proclaim that love. Every Christian is a missionary to
the extent that he or she has encountered the love of God in
Christ Jesus” (Evangelii Gaudium, 120).
Arise and celebrate WYD in the particular Churches!
Once again, I invite all of you, young people throughout the
world, to take part in this spiritual pilgrimage leading to the
__________________________________________________________ celebration of the 2023 World Youth Day in Lisbon. The next
event, however, will take place in your particular Churches, in
__________________________________________________________ the different dioceses and eparchies of the world, where the
2021 World Youth Day will be celebrated locally, on the
Solemnity of Christ the King.
I hope that all of us can experience these steps along the way
__________________________________________________________ as true pilgrims, and not merely as “religious tourists”! May we
be increasingly open to God’s surprises, for he wants to light
up our path. May we be more and more open to hearing his
__________________________________________________________ voice, also through the voices of our brothers and sisters. In
this way, we will help one another to arise together and, at this
__________________________________________________________ troubled time in our history, we will become the prophets of a
new and hope-filled future! May the Blessed Virgin Mary
intercede for all of us.
Rome, Saint John Lateran, 14 September 2021,
__________________________________________________________ Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Having been raised to life by Christ, we commit ourselves to
raise our community from death by… (Your Parish Youth
Whenever a young person falls, in some Ministry Vision)
sense all humanity falls. Yet it is also
true that when a young person rises, it is
as if the whole world rises as __________________________________________________________
well. Young people, what great potential ___________________________________________________ _______
you have in your hands! What great __________________________________________________________
strength you have in your hearts! __________________________________________________________

Activities: __________________________________________________________
1:00- 4:00 PM Arrival / Tent Pitching / __________________________________________________________
Registration __________________________________________________________
4:00- 4:30 PM Orientation / Animation /
4:30- 5:00 PM Preparation for the Opening
Mass __________________________________________________________
5:00- 6:00 PM Opening Mass __________________________________________________________
6:00- 7:00 PM Parade __________________________________________________________
7:30- 10:00 PM Barrio Fiesta (Host Parish)
10:00 PM Evening Prayer

------------------------------------------13---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------42---------------------------------------------
DAY 3: NOVEMBER 20, 2022
Guidelines of the Diocesan Youth Camp 2022
The Gospel does not tell us the
name of the young man whom • BE ON TIME: Be mindful of the time, Be at the assembly
Jesus restored to life in Nain. This area before the session begins. Let the Emcees assist
invites each reader to identify with you in managing the time.
him. To you, to me, to each one of
• BE ATTENTIVE: Be attentive to the Emcees when they
us, Jesus says: “Arise”. We are very
aware that, as Christians, we are giving instructions. Listen well to the speakers who
constantly fall and have to get up provide input. Listen to your group mates during sharing
again. People who are not on a moments. Allow yourself to be enriched by the things that
journey never fall; then again, you will hear.
neither do they move forward. That is
why we need to accept the help that • BE SAFE: As the threat of the COVID19 pandemic is
Jesus gives us and put our faith in God. still present, everyone must observe the health protocols
The first step is to let -
ourselves get up and to realize that the new life Jesus offers us is always wear facemask, use alcohol as needed, maintain
good and worth living. It is sustained by one who is ever at our side
safe distance with one another.
along our journey to the future. Jesus helps us to live this life in a
dignified and meaningful way. This life is really a new creation, a • BE 100% PARTICIPATIVE: We are here to participate;
new birth, not just a form of psychological conditioning. Perhaps, thus, give your best in everything, and surely you will gain
in times of difficulty, many of you have heard people repeat those 100% as well! Using our phones during sessions might
“magic” formulas so fashionable nowadays, formulas that are lead to distraction for you and for others, so limit yourself
supposed to take care of everything: “You have to believe in
yourself”, “You have to discover your inner resources”, “You have to using them only during break times. Let the
to become conscious of your positive energy”… But these are mere Documentation Team capture the meaningful moments
words; they do not work for someone who is truly “dead inside”. foryou.
Jesus’ word has a deeper resonance; it goes infinitely deeper. It is • CLAYGO- Clean As You Go, is a method that involves
a divine and creative word, which alone can bring the dead to life.
continually cleaning throughout our activities. Let us allow
ourselves to be more responsible in taking care of our
9:00-10:00 AM Animation/ Recap/ Synthesis Mother Earth.
10:00-11:00 AM Evaluation / Closing Program/ • BE AN OMG (Online Missionary of God): Share the
De- Registration experience on social media using the following
3:00 PM Christ the King Celebration hashtags: #DYAILAGAN #DYC2022 #ChristTheKing
Venue: Roxas Astrodome, Roxas, Isabela #VivaCristoRey
Furthermore, should you wish to post your pictures/ insights/
realizations on Facebook, Twitter, etc. do this only during
break time.

-----------------------------------------------41--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------14------------------------------------------
1. Cooperate in all the activities in the Diocesan Youth Camp
Day 2: Reflections
2022. Always wear your I.D., Follow the I.D. system __________________________________________________________
throughout the camping event. No I.D.-No entry will be strictly
imposed. __________________________________________________________
2. Ask permission to the Delegation Head whenever you go and
___________________________________________________ _______
whatever you do. Join your small group during activities and
group sharing. Remain within the designated area for the __________________________________________________________
duration of the activity.
3. Strictly NO SMOKING, VAPING and DRINKING LIQOURS __________________________________________________________
inside the campsite and school premises. __________________________________________________________
4. Safeguards your valuable, luggage and personal belongings.
Only chaperons (maximum of 4 and are officially registered as __________________________________________________________
chaperon) are allowed to stay in the parish camps while
activities are going on.
5. Use comfortable clothing/ casual but modest enough for the __________________________________________________________
6. Do not loiter and do not litter. Help ensure the cleanliness and __________________________________________________________
orderliness at all time in all areas of the celebration. Practice
proper waste disposal, each parish must have garbage bags. __________________________________________________________
Always clean the C.R. and bathroom after using.
7. Visitors are not allowed to enter the camp site. Do not bring
hazardous materials like guns, blades and balisong. __________________________________________________________
8. Do not fight or start a fight with anyone inside and outside the
campsite. __________________________________________________________
9. Water Dispenser, rice cooker and cellphone charger are only
allowed to plug in. __________________________________________________________
10. Curfew is 11:00 pm. No one is allowed to leave the campsite __________________________________________________________
beyond this time.
11. You may buy souvenir items at designated Souvenir Booth __________________________________________________________
after the activities. Like every Pilgrims, let us be open-hearted
and ready to adapt to situations.
12. Savor every minute of the experience for we shall never pass
this way again. __________________________________________________________
13. For further inquiries, assistance and complaints, feel free to __________________________________________________________
approach any member of the Diocesan Youth Apostolate
-----------------------------------------15------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------40---------------------------------------------
A Final Note:
Remember to confess your sins with supernatural sorrow as well as a firm
resolution not to sin again, and to avoid the near occasions of sin. Ask your
confessor to help you with any difficulties you have in making a good confession.
Say your penance promptly.
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee. And I detest all __________________________________________________________
my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of hell, but most __________________________________________________________
of all because they offended Thee, my God, who art all good and
deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to __________________________________________________________
confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.
PRAYER FOR PERSEVERANCE IN THE CATHOLIC FAITH __________________________________________________________
Mary, Immaculate and Virgin, Mother of God our Mother, Thou sees
how the Catholic faith is assailed by the devil and the world, that Faith __________________________________________________________
in which we purpose by the help of God, to live and die. To Thee we __________________________________________________________
entrust our firm purpose of never joining assemblies of heretics. Do
Thou, all holy, offer to Thy Divine Son our resolutions, and obtain from __________________________________________________________
Him the graces necessary for us to keep them unto the end. Amen.

My Personal Prayer: __________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

OPENING MASS He who wants to gain this earnestness and keep it, must necessarily have
November 18, 2022 the resolve to always avoid especially the following venial sins:
Celebration of the Day: Mass for Various Needs: FOR A SPIRITUAL GATHERING 1. The sin of giving entrance into your heart to any unreasonable
Readings: suspicions or unfair judgment against your neighbor.
2. The sin of introducing talk about another’s defects or offending
Rev 10:8-11 “I took the small scroll and swallowed it.” charity in any other way, even lightly.
Ps 119:14. 24. 72. 103. 111. 131 “How sweet to my taste is your promise!”
3. The sin of omitting, out of laziness our spiritual practices or of
Lk 7:11-17 “Young man, I tell you, Arise”
performing them with voluntary neglect.
Prayers of the Faithful: 4. The sin of having a disordered affection for somebody.
Jesus is God Incarnate who has come to earth to save mankind. His utmost priority 5. The sin of having a vain esteem for oneself, or of taking vain
satisfaction in things pertaining to us.
is to help the last, uplift the least, and search for the lost. Confident that we can
6. Impatience, resentment, any failure to accept disappointments as
expect the same mercy and compassion shown by Jesus to the weeping
coming from God’s Hand; for this put obstacles in the way of the
mother who lost her only son, we make our prayers to Him:
decrees and dispositions of Divine Providence concerning us.
JESUS, RESTORE US TO LIFE 7. The sin of giving ourselves an occasion that can even remotely
blemish a spotless condition of holy purity.
1. That the Church may continue to help young people today to 8. The fault of advertently hiding from those who ought to learn
arise by empowering them to become life-givers through them, one’s bad inclinations, weaknesses and mortifications,
participating in the pastoral works of the Church. Let us pray seeking to pursue the road of virtue not under the direction of
to the Lord. obedience, but under the guidance of one’s own whims.
2. That leaders of our community may recognize the Spirit alive
in their midst and be moved in love to make room for the gifts Notes: This speaks of times when we might have worthy direction if we seek it,
and the needs of the youth in our community. Let us pray to but we prefer to follow our own dim lights.
the Lord.
3. That the families with adolescents may be blessed with joy,
O my God, by my grievous sins I have crucified again Thy Divine
strength, and peace to continue their important mission in the
Son and made Him a mockery. For this, I have deserved Thy wrath and
home as signs of Christ’s love. Let us pray to the Lord.
made myself fit for the fires of hell. How ungrateful have I been to Thee
4. That those youth who are experiencing sickness physically and as well. My heavenly Father, Who created me out of nothing, redeemed
emotionally may draw closer to Jesus and may experience his me by the precious Blood of Thy Son and sanctified me by Thy holy
healing touch. Let us pray to the Lord. sacraments and by the Holy Ghost. But Thou hast spared me by Thy
5. That those who have died may be restored to life through the Mercy, to make this confession. Receive me back as Thy prodigal son and
merciful gaze of Jesus. Let us pray to the Lord. grant me to confess well, that I may begin anew to love Thee with my
whole heart and soul, and henceforth to keep Thy commandments and
We come before you, Father, in need of your healing hand. In you all
suffer patiently whatever temporal punishment may remain. I hope by
things are possible. Hold our hearts within yours, and renew our Thy goodness and power to obtain everlasting life in Paradise. Through
mind, body, and soul. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

The Six Commandments of the Church NOVEMBER 18, 2022
1. Have I heard Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligations? NIGHT PRAYER- SALUBONG
2. Have I fasted and abstained on the days appointed and have I
kept the Eucharist fast? Christ’s disciples are called to be “the light of the world” (Mt 5:14).
3. Have I confessed at least once a year? Paul must now testify to what he saw, but for the time being he is
4. Have I received the Holy Eucharist at least once in the year? blind. Another paradox! Yet by virtue of his personal experience,
Paul can fully identify with those to whom the Lord will send him.
5. Have I contributed as far as I must to the support of the Church?
That was why he was made a witness: “to open their eyes, so that
6. Have I observed the laws of the Church concerning Marriage, i.e.;
they may turn from darkness to light” (Acts 26:18).
Marriage without a priest present, or marrying a relative or non-
Catholic? “Arise and bear witness!”
THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY Prayer Leader: Let us end our first day together with our Blessed
1. Have I blasphemed against the Immaculate Conception? Mother by recalling, through a song, her joy at encountering her
2. Have I blasphemed against Our Lady’s Perpetual Virginity? Risen Son. Let us affirm our Christian faith which says that death
3. Have I blasphemed against Our Lady’s Divine Maternity? Have is not the end; we are called from death to new life in Christ!
I failed to recognized Our Lady as the Mother of all men?
4. Have I publicly sought to sow in the hearts of children Prayer Leader: In the name of the Father, and of the Son
indifference or scorn, or even hatred, of this Immaculate Mother? and of the Holy Spirit.
5. Have I outraged Her directly in Her Holy Images?
All: Amen
o Have I received Holy communion in the state of Mortal Sin? (This
GOSPEL: Lk. 7:11-15
is a very grace sacrilege.)
Soon afterward [Jesus] journeyed to a city called Nain,
St. Anthony Mary Claret’s Examination of Venial Sins
and his disciples and a large crowd accompanied him.
The soul should avoid all venial sins, especially those which pave the
As he drew near to the gate of the city, a man who had died was
way for grave sin. It is not enough, my soul, to have a firm resolve to
being carried out,
suffer death rather than consent to any grave sin. It is necessary to have
the only son of his mother, and she was a widow.
a like resolution to venial sin. He who does not find in himself this will,
A large crowd from the city was with her.
cannot have security. There is nothing which can give us such a certain
When the Lord saw her, he was moved with pity for her
security of eternal salvation as an uninterrupted cautiousness to avoid
and said to her, “Do not weep.”
even the lightest venial sin, and a notable, all-extensive earnestness
He stepped forward and touched the coffin; at this the bearers
reaching to all practices of the spiritual life-earnestness in prayer, and in
halted, and he said,
dealing with God; earnestness in mortification and self-denial;
“Young man, I tell you, arise!”
earnestness in being humble and in accepting, contempt, earnestness in
The dead man sat up and began to speak,
obeying and renouncing one’s own self-will; earnest love of God and
and Jesus gave him to his mother.

-----------------------------------------------37--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------18------------------------------------------
Prayer Leader:
“If Jesus was someone who was only concerned about himself, the The Seven Corporal Works of Mercy
son of the widow would not have been raised”. The resurrection of 1. To feed the hungry.
that young man restored him to his mother. 2. To give drink to the thirsty.
3. To clothe the naked.
In that woman, we can see an image of Mary, our Mother, to whom 4. To visit and ransom the captives.
we entrust all the young people of our world. In her, we can also 5. To shelter the homeless.
recognize the Church, who wants to welcome with tender love each 6. To visit the sick.
young person, without exception. So let us implore Mary’s 7. To bury the dead.
intercession for the Church, that she may always be a mother
for her dead children, weeping for them and asking that they Remember our Holy Catholic Faith teaches us that.. as the body without the
be restored to life. In every one of her children who dies, the spirit of dead; so also, faith without works is dead. (James, 2:26)
Church also dies, and in every one of her children who arises,
the Church also arises. Let us altogether pray to our Blessed The Seven Deadly Sins and the Opposite Virtues
Mother: Pride ------------------------------------------ Humility
Covetousness ------------------------------------------ Liberality
Lust ----------------------------------------- Chastity
Anger ----------------------------------------- Meekness
Gluttony ----------------------------------------- Temperance
Envy ------------------------------------------ Brotherly love
Notes: Sloth ----------------------------------------- Diligence

Nine Ways of Being an Accessory to Another’s Sin

o Have I knowingly caused others to sin?

o Have I co-operated in the sins of others?
1. By counsel.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. By command.
3. By consent.
4. By provocation.

5. By praise of flattery.
6. By concealment.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. By partaking.
8. By silence.
9. By defense of ill done?

The Four Sins Which Cry to Heaven for Vengeance
1. Willful Murder.
2. The sin of Sodomy or Lesbianism.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Oppression of the poor.
4. Defrauding the laborer of his just wages.
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o Have I been envious of another because I don’t have what he has? Prayer Leader: In this prayer, we reflect on the many faces of
o Have I been jealous of what another has? death in our world today. With the help of our heavenly friends and
with the power of God’s Word, we confronted these deaths, and
o Have I been stingy?
sought the grace of new life in Christ, the Way, Truth and Life.
o Have I been grasping and avaricious, placing too great importance
upon material goods and comforts?
The first step is to let ourselves get up and to realize that the new
o Is my heart set on earthly possessions or on the true treasures of life Jesus offers us is good and worth living. It is sustained by one
Heavens? who is ever at our side along our journey to the future. Jesus helps
us to live this life in a dignified and meaningful way”.
EIGHT COMMANDENTS: Thou shalt not bear false witness against
thy neighbor. And when we have this new life from and in Christ, we can become
o Have I lied about anyone? His channels to bring life amidst trouble, suffering and chaos.
o Have my lies caused them any material or spiritual harm? Various forms of death may have infected our way of life, but we
o Have I rashly judged anyone without sufficient evidence, that they recall this beautiful and sure truth:
are guilty of some moral defect or crime? Jesus can bring forth life out of death. If we allow Him to touch us,
o Have I injured the good name of another by revealing true but He can transform evil into good, He can change water into wine,
hidden faults? He can raise what is dead to new life.
o Have I been guilty of talebearing?
“If you can feel God’s immense love for every living creature –
o Have I lent an ear to or encouraged the spreading of scandal about
especially our brothers and sisters who experience hunger and
my neighbor?
thirst, or are sick or naked or imprisoned – then you will be able to
o Have I taken false oaths or signed false documents? draw near to them as he does. You will be able to touch them as
o Am I, without necessity, critical, negative or ever uncharitable in my he does, and to bring his life to those of your friends who are
talk? inwardly dead, who suffer or have lost faith and hope”.
o Have I flattered others? .
Reyna ng langit, magsaya, aleluya!
THE SPIRITUAL AND CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY Anak mong dinala sa tuwa, aleluya!
Have I neglected to do the following when circumstances obliged me? Ay nabuhay na magmuli, aleluya!
Ipanalangin mo kami sa Ama, aleluya!
The Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy Aleluya, Aleluya! Aleluya, Aleluya!
1. To admonish sinners. Aleluya, Aleluya! Aleluya, Aleluya!
2. To instruct the ignorant. While the song is playing, the black veil of the Blessed Mary will
3. To counsel the doubtful. be removed by a little Queen Angel.
4. To comfort the sorrowful.
5. To bear wrongs patiently. Prayer Leader: In the name of the Father, and of the Son
6. To forgive all injuries.
and of the Holy Spirit.
7. To pray for the living and the dead.

Day 1: My DYC 2022 Experience o Have I entertained or taken pleasure in impure thoughts?
o Have I indulged in lustful desires for anyone, or willfully desired to
see or do anything impure?
__________________________________________________________ o Have I willfully indulged in any sexual pleasure whether complete
or incomplete?
o Have I been an occasion of sin for others by wearing tight or
__________________________________________________________ otherwise revealing and immodest clothing?
o Have I done anything to provoke or occasion impure thoughts or
__________________________________________________________ desires in others deliberately or through carelessness?
__________________________________________________________ o Have I read indecent language or looked at bad pictures?
o Have I watched suggestive movies, TV programs or Internet
__________________________________________________________ pornography?
o Have I used indecent language or told indecent stories?
o Have I consented to impure glances?
__________________________________________________________ o Have I neglected to control my imagination?
o Have I prayed at once to banish such bad thoughts and temptations?
__________________________________________________________ o Have I avoided laziness, gluttony, idleness and the occasions of
__________________________________________________________ impurity?
o Have I attended immodest dances or indecent plays?
__________________________________________________________ o Have I unnecessarily remained alone in the company of someone of
the opposite sex?
__________________________________________________________ Note: Do not be afraid to tell the priest any impure sin you may have
committed. Do not hide or try to disguise any such sin. The priest is
__________________________________________________________ there to help you and forgive you. Nothing you say will shock him,
so do not be afraid, no matter how ashamed you might be.
__________________________________________________________ SEVENTH AND TENTH COMMANDMENTS: Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.
__________________________________________________________ o Have I stolen anything? What or how much?
o Have I damaged anyone’s property?
o Have I negligently spoiled anyone’s property?
o Have I cheated and defrauded others?
o Have I gambled excessively?
o Have I refused or neglected to pay any depts?
o Have I acquired anything known to be stolen?
o Have I failed to return things borrowed?
o Have I refused or neglected to help anyone in urgent need?
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DAY 2: NOVEMBER 19, 2022
FIFTH COMMANDMENTS: Thou shalt not kill.
o Have I procured, desired, or hastened the death or bodily injury of
“If you have lost your vitality, your dreams, your enthusiasm, your
optimism and your generosity, Jesus stands before you as once
o Have I borne hatred?
he stood before the dead son of the widow, and with all the power
o Have I oppressed anyone?
of his resurrection he urges you: ‘Young man, I say to you, arise!’”
o Have I desired revenge?
o Have I caused enmity between others? That passage from the Bible tells us how Jesus, upon entering the
o Have I quarreled or fought with anyone? town of Nain in Galilee, came upon the funeral procession of a
o Have I wished evil on anyone? young person, the only son of a widowed mother. Jesus, struck by
o Have I intended or attempted to injure or mistreat others? the woman’s heartrending grief, miraculously restored her son to
o Is there anyone with whom I refuse to speak, or against whom I bear life. The miracle took place after a sequence of words and
or grudge? gestures: “When the Lord saw her, he had compassion for her and
o Have I taken pleasure in anyone’s misfortune? said to her, ‘Do not weep’. Then he came forward and touched the
o Have I been jealous or envious of anyone? bier, and the bearers stood still” (Lk 7:13-14). Let us take a moment
o Have I had or attempted to have an abortion or counseled anyone else to meditate on these words and gestures of the Lord.
to do so?
o Have I mutilated my body unnecessarily in any way? Activities:
o Have I entertained thoughts of suicide, desired to commit suicide or 8:00-9:00 AM Mass
attempted suicide? 9:00-9:30 AM Animation / Roll Call / Recap
o Have I become drunk, used illicit drugs? 9:30-10:30 AM Plenary Talk: Theme
o Have I overeaten or do I neglect to eat properly? 10:30-11:30 AM Reflection and Sharing
o Have I failed to correct in Charity? 11:30 AM-12:00 PM Synthesis
o Have I harmed anyone’s soul, especdially6 children by giving scandal 12:00-2:00 PM Lunch Break/ Self Preparation
through bad example? 2:00-2:30 PM Orientation for the Afternoon Activity
o Have I harmed my own soul by intentionally and without necessity 2:30- 4:30 PM Benediction/ Confession
exposing it to temptations, e.g., bad TV, Bad music, etc. 4:30-5:00 PM Orientation for the Evening Activity
5:00-8:00 PM Self- Preparation/ Dinner
SIX AND NINTH COMMANDMENTS: thou shalt not commit 8:00 PM Onwards Youth Jam
adultery. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife. 10:00 PM Evening Prayer
o Have I practiced birth controls?
o Have I abused any marriage rights in any other way?
o Have I committed adultery or fornication (premarital sex)?
o Have I committed any unnatural sin against purity (homosexual
o Have I touched or embraced another impurely?
o Have I engaged in prolonged or passionate kissing?
o Have I engaged in petting?
o Have I sinned impurely by myself (musturbation)?
SECOND DAY MASS o Have I made fun of God, our Lady, the Saints, the Church, the
November 19, 2022 Sacraments, other holy things?
o Have I been guilty of great irreverence in church, e.g., conversation,
Celebration: Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary behavior or dress?
Readings: Isaiah 7:10-14; 8:10 Behold the Virgin shall conceive. o Have I been indifferent with regard to my Catholic Faith-believing
Ps 40:7-8, 8-9,10, 11 “Here I am Lord, I come to do your will.” on can be saved in any religion, that all religions are equal?
Lk 1:26-38 Annunciation Account o Have I presumed on God’s mercy at any time?
Prayers of the Faithful: o Have I despaired of God’s mercy?
o Have I hated God?
Let us glorify our Savior, who chose the Virgin Mary for his mother. Let us o Have I given too much importance to any creature, activity, object
ask him: or opinion?
1. That the Church, especially the youth today, may practice the Lord in vain.
humility of Mary in willingness to serve God and men. Let us o Have I sworn by God’s name falsely, rashly or in slight and trivial
pray to the Lord. matters?
2. That Christ may find a welcome abode in the hearts of young o Have I murmured or complained against God (blasphemy)?
people, as he found a well-prepared dwelling place in Mary. o Have I cursed myself or other, or any creature?
Let us pray to the Lord. o Have I angered others so as to make swear of blaspheme God?
3. That true spirit of prayer may deeply penetrate the hearts of o Have I broken a vow made to God?
people that they may hear the cry of the poor as it permeated
THIRD COMMANDMENTS: Remember that thou keep holy the
the whole being of Mary. Let us pray to the Lord.
Sabbath day.
4. That those who are sick in mind and body may find healing
o Have I missed Mass on Sundays or Holy Days of Obligation?
and consolation through the powerful intercession of Mary.
o Have I been late for Mass on Sundays or Holy Days of obligation
5. That the dying may look up to Mary as their source of
or left early through my own fault?
strength and comfort as she stood by the cross of her Son.
o Have I made others miss Mass on Sundays or Holy Days of
Let us pray to the Lord.
obligations, leave early or be late for Mass?
God our Lord and Master, cleanse our hearts that we may receive Christ o Have I done or commanded unnecessary servile work on Sunday
your only Son in the spirit of Mary’s faith and obedience. We ask this or Holy Days of Obligation?
through Christ our Lord. Amen. o Have I bought or sold things not of necessity on Sunday and Holy
Days of obligation?

FOURTH COMMANDMENTS: Honor thy father and thy mother.

o Have I been disobedient or disrespectful to my parents, or have I
neglected or refused to aid them in their wants or do their last will?
o Have I shown irreverence to others in positions of authority?
o Have I maligned or insulted priests or others consecrated to God?
o Have I failed in due reverence to aged persons
------------------------------------------23------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------32--------------------------------------------
------ -
1. Serious Matter
Questions to reflect on:
2. Sufficient Reflection
3. Full Consent of the Will
➢ What struck you most from the input?
o Have I ever deliberately failed to confess a past serious sin, or
have I willfully disguised or hidden such sin?
Note: the deliberate concealing of a mortal sin invalidates one’s confession ____________________________________________________
and make the person guilty of another mortal sin. Remember that confession ____________________________________________________
is private under the Seal of Confession, i.e., it is a mortal sin for the priest to ____________________________________________________
reveal the matter of one’s confession to anyone else. ____________________________________________________
o Have I been guilty of irreverence for this sacrament by failing to
examine my conscience carefully?
o Have I failed to do the penance given to me by the priest?
o Have I any habits of serious sin to confess first (e.g., impurity, ➢ Recall a situation of death, or a similar experience
drunkenness, etc.)? which may have been intensified by the COVID19
FIRST COMMANDMENTS: I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not ____________________________________________________
have strange gods before me. (Including sins against Faith, Hope and ____________________________________________________
Charity) ____________________________________________________
o Have I neglected the knowledge of my faith as taught in the
catechism, such as Apostles’ Creed, the Ten Commandments, the
Seven Sacraments, the Our Father, etc.?
o Have I deliberately doubted or denied any of the teachings of the
Church? ____________________________________________________
o Have I taken part in any non-Catholic Worship?
o Am I a member of any non-Catholic religious organization, secret ➢ Have you felt the touch of Jesus in the situation?
society or anti-Catholic group? How?
o Have I knowingly read any heretical, blasphemous or anti- ____________________________________________________
Catholic literature? ____________________________________________________
o Have I practiced any superstitions (such as horoscopes, fortune ____________________________________________________
telling, Ouija board, etc)? ____________________________________________________
o Have I omitted religious duties or practices through motives of ____________________________________________________
human respect? ____________________________________________________
o Have I recommended myself daily to God? ____________________________________________________
o Have I been faithful to my daily prayers?
o Have I abused the Sacraments in any way?

-----------------------------------------31------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------24------------------------------------------

I believe in a loving Savior Who forgives my sins and who gives me the
grace me the grace to become a saint. Jesus Christ, through the ministry
of His priests, does both in the Sacrament of Penance.

“As a Father hath sent Me, I also send you… Receive ye the Holy Ghost.
Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins
you shall retain, they are retained.” (John 20:21-23)

“If your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made as white as snow.” (Isaias

“I have not come to call the just, but the sinners.” (Matt. 9:13)

“Men have received from God a power not granted to angels or

archangels. Never was it said to the heavenly spirits, ‘Whatsoever you
shall bind and unbind on earth shall be bound and unbound in heaven.’
The princes of this world can only bind and unbind the body. The power
of the priest extends further; it reaches the soul, and it is exercised not
only in baptizing, but still more pardoning sins. Let us not blush, then,
to confess our faults. He who blushes to discover his sins to a man, and
who will not confess, shall be covered with shame on Day of Judgment
in the presence of the whole universe.’’ (St. John Chrysostom, Treatise on
Priests, Bk. 3)


O Lord, grant me light to see myself as Thou dost see me, and the grace
to be truly and effectively sorry for my sins. O Mary, help me to make a
good confession.

First, examine your conscience well, then tell the priest the specific kind
of sins you have committed and, to the best of your ability, how many
RITE OF EUCHARISTIC EXPOSITION times you have committed them since your last good confession. You are
obliged to confess only mortal sins, since you can obtain forgiveness for
your venial sins by sacrifices and acts of charity. If you are in doubt about
AND BENEDICTION whether a sin is mortal or venial, mention your doubt to the confessor.
Remember also, confession of venial sins is very helpful for avoiding sin
and advancing toward heaven.
Blessed be the name of Jesus.
Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed. The faithful are invited to kneel,
Blessed be His Most Precious Blood. while the following song or any other appropriate Eucharistic song is
Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. sung:
Blessed be the Holy Spirit the Paraclete. O salutaris Hostia
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary Most Holy. Quae caeli pandis ostium
Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception. Bella premunt hostilia
Blessed be her glorious Assumption. Da robur fer auxilium.
Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse. Uni trinoque Domino
Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints. Sit sempiterna gloria:
Qui vitam sine termino,
After the Divine praises is said or sung, the presider immediately Nobis donet in patria.
reposed the Blessed Sacrament, bows before the altar and Amen.
proceeds to an image the Blessed Virgin Mary.
O Saving Victim opening wide
Meanwhile, a suitable final hymn to the Blessed Virgin Mary is The gate of heav’n to man below!
sung while the ministers leave the altar in the usual way. While Our foes press on from every side;
singing, the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is incensed. Thine aid supply, Thy strength bestow.

℣ Pray for us O holy Mother of God, To thy great name be endless praise,
Immortal Godhead, One in Three;
℟ That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Oh, grant us endless length of days,
Let us pray: In our true native land with Thee.
Almighty, everlasting God, who by the co-operation of the Holy
Spirit didst prepare the body and soul of the glorious Virgin-
The monstrance should be placed upon the table of the altar which is
Mother Mary to become a dwelling-place meet for thy Son:
covered with a cloth. After exposition the minister incenses the
grant that as we rejoice in her commemoration; so by her fervent
sacrament, then he invites the people to pray.
intercession we may be delivered from present evils and from
everlasting death. Through the same Christ our Lord.
℟ Amen.

Let us all go in peace and arise to glorify God. Presider:

O Sacrament most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
℟ Thanks be to God.
R. All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.

-------------------------------------29-------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------26---------------------------------------
Genitori, Genitoque
Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Laus et iubilatio;
source of every perfect gift, Salus, honor, virtus quoque
who has bestowed on us in Christ, Sit et benedictio:
every spiritual blessing in the heavens. Procedenti ab utroque
“God chose us in him before the world began Compar sit laudatio.
to be holy and blameless in his sight.” (cf. Eph. 1, 3-11) Amen.
R. Glory and Praise to you, forever.
V. You have given them Bread from heaven (P.T. Alleluia).
Praised be Jesus Christ, wellspring of every blessing. R. Having within it all sweetness (P.T. Alleluia).
“Though he was in the form of God,
he did not deem equality with God something to be grasped at. Let us pray:
Rather, he emptied himself Lord,
and took the form of a slave, you give us the body and blood of your Son
being born in the likeness of men.” (cf. Phil. 2,6-7) and renew our strength.
R. Glory and Praise to you, forever. Fill us with the spirit of love
that we may work effectively to establish among men
Praised be the Holy Spirit, Lord and giver of life, Christ’s farewell gift of peace.
who helps us in our weakness,
for we do not know how to pray as we ought. We ask this through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.
“He makes intercessions for us with groaning Afterwards the minister rises and sings or says:
that cannot be expressed in speech.” (cf. Rom. 8, 26-27)
R. Glory and Praise to you, forever. Let us pray.
O God, who in this wonderful Sacrament have left us a memorial
SILENT MEDIDATION AND CONFESSION of your Passion, grant us, we pray, so to revere the sacred
mysteries of your Body and Blood that we may always experience
BENEDICTION in ourselves the fruits of your redemption. Who live and reign
Toward the end of adoration and confession, the priest goes for ever and ever
to the altar, genuflects, and kneels. Then a hymn or other R. Amen.
Eucharistic song is sung. Meanwhile the minister, while kneeling,
incenses the sacrament. The following hymn may be sung: After the prayer the priest or deacon puts on the humeral veil,
genuflects, and takes the monstrance. He makes the sign of the
Tantum ergo Sacramentum cross over the people with the monstrance in silence. Afterwards
Veneremur cernui; the divine praises may be said.
Et antiquum documentum Blessed be God.
Novo cedat ritui; Blessed be His Holy Name.
Praestet fides supplementum Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man.
Sensuum defectui.

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