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A Unit of Shri S.D. Education Society (regd.), Panipat

Periodic Assessment – 6

Class – VIII

Subject- English M. M. 40

Part – A (Reading)

Q1. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions :(6)

(i)The great wall of China is the world's largest human made structure, stretching
over approximately 6400 kilometres from Shanaiguan in the East to lopnur in the
West. The great wall has been very important in China throughout history. It was
remodelled throughout many historical dynasties of China for several different
reasons. It was constructed for protection from northern invaders.

(ii) The great wall began as independent walls for different states when it was first
built, and did not become the great wall until the Qin dynasty. After the
unification of China in 221 BC, the first emperor of Qin dynasty linked the walls of
the three states in the North and formed the first great wall. The great wall that
can still be seen today was built during the ming dynasty.

(iii) The great wall of China is made of granite blocks, stone and sometimes bricks.
The width of the wall could fit five horse riders or ten foot soldiers walking
shoulder to shoulder. One of the highest point of the great wall is 10.5 metres tall.
Spaced at regular intervals are the watchtowers that appeal every 90-180 metres.
It is the tribute to the engineering skills of its builders that all the stones in this
gigantic structure were perfect square.

(i) The great wall has been very important in ____________ throughout history.
(a) India (b) USA
(c) China (d) Nepal
(ii) The purpose of the great wall was:-
(a) to unite different walls of China
(b) to create a physical border of China
(c) to protect China from invaders
(d) to display great engineering skills

(iii) The great wall of China that can still be seen today was built by

(a)Ming dynasty (b) Qin dynasty

(c) China dynasty (d) tang dynasty

(iv) The width of the wall could fit ____________ horse riders.
(a) five (b) six
(c) four (d) nine

(v) The great wall is made up of

(a ) brick and cement (b) granite blocks, stone and bricks

(c) stone and mortar (d) marble and mortar

(Vi) All the stones in the great wall were perfect .

(a) rectangles (b) squares
(c) circles (d) cubes


Q2. Write whether the underlined phrases are noun , adjective or adverb
phrases. (3)
(a) To confess one's guilt is difficult.
(b) The lady with golden hair is my friend.
(c) She smiled in a warm manner.

Q3. Write whether the underlined clauses are noun, adjective or adverb clauses.
(a) The boy who wore a white shirt was winner.
(b) I promise that your dues will be cleared.
(c) She behaved as if she was a celebrity.

Q4. Put the following sentences into indirect speech. (3)

(a) Shiva says, "I am eating apple pie. "
(b) Sheetal said to the teacher, "She found the map work very confusing."
(c) I said to her, "You will reach the east coast tonight."

Q5. Distinguish between this pair of words by using them in sentences of your
own. (2)


Q6. Read the poem extract and answer the questions that follow:-(3)
The sun glistened on the sand,and the sea waves broke waywardly.
A child sat playing with shells. He raised his head and seemed to know me and
"I hire you with nothing."
1. Name the poem and the poet.
2. What was the child doing on the beach?
3.Find in the poem, lines that match the following:
I have nothing to give you
Except goodwill and cheer

Q7.Write the meanings of the following words and use them in sentences as
(I) Clamour

(II) pleaded

Q8. Why didn't he pay the school fees on the day he brought the money to
school? (2)

Q9.When it it is time to pay the fees, what does he do? How is he disobeying
the elders by doing so? (3)

Q10(I) Tick (√) the correct option:-(6)

(i) The boy was in the ___________standard at the government school,

Kambelpur when the story started.

(a) fifth (b) sixth

(c) third (d) fourth

(ii) The sight of crisp, syrupy__________ in the market excites the boy.

(a) rasgullas (b) jalebis

(c) gulabjamuns (d) maalpuaas

(iii) The boy reached the point where the kambelpur____________ begins.

(a) cycle stand (b) railway station

(c) airport (d) bus stand

(iv) "The fear was killing me." What was the fear?

(a) fear of getting stomach upset

(b) fear of meeting a monster in dreams

(c) fear of loosing his dignity

(d) fear of getting caught by his parents.

(v) What did he do with remaining jalebis?

(a) he ate himself

(b) distributed to the children and beggars

(c) threw them away

(d) took them home

(vi) Why did the writer get four rupees?

(a) to deposit his school fee

(b) to spend with friends

(c) to donate

(d) none of these

Part D-(writing)

Q10. (II) Junk food can be very appealing to children , but they cause more harm
to them than they can imagine. Taking ideas from the following hints, together
with your own ideas, draft a speech in about 150 words to be delivered in the
school assembly on the harmful effects of junk food.


•proves to be harmful


•obesity , chronic illness , low self esteem, depression

•decreases concentration level

•high calorie, fats, carbohydrates and added sugars

•deficiency of nutrients
•diabetes, blood pressure, stroke

•slow poison

•Poor health

•slowly and gradually loss of appetite

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