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Globalization does not need Media for Global Integration

Globalization is known to be a social, cultural, political, and legal phenomenon. Social

Phenomenon since it is the source of interaction among different countries, Cultural Phenomenon
because it describes how exchange of ideas, values and beliefs occur among different countries, Political
Phenomenon as it includes intergovernmental organizations and Legal Phenomenon since it represented
a law that is enforced for the whole of all countries. While Global Integration is when a company is
capable to utilize their products and services in other countries, both are related to each other since it
talks about the connection of a country to another in a sense where they can share different aspects of
their economy. Media on the other hand describes any channel of communication, it is considered to be
a way of putting off information in public and letting people know about it. Nowadays, it has different
forms that explains how it can really help in spreading out information about a certain idea in a short
period of time. The need for Media in Globalization has been something that is furtherly discussed since
it is something that most people think of a way to give out the information of how they are connected to
another but the fact that Globalization did exist way before Media has been invented is something that
proves how Globalization does not need Media to be able to foster Global Integration.

The history of globalization is rooted down to the Roman Empire during their domination on
Mediterranean, it gave way to the sharing of culture and the start of what we call globalization. Global
Integration first paved it way through the sustainable economic growth of Europe wherein they shared
advances in navigation and geographical discoveries to other countries. The continuity of Globalization
after the World War II was within an accelerated pace, during those times it helped in the advancement
of technology that helped in different ways. This is an evidence that even during those times that Media
is not yet invented, globalization still made it way to help countries to be able to relate to one another.
In addition to that the evidence that it helped even in the development of technology which is
considered to be a part of Media is a way to know that without Globalization there can be a possibility
that even technology and media is nothing today.

Media is intended to reach a larger audience which means that the responses of people to a
certain information will not be controlled in a way that it can even destroy and exploit what is
happening without getting to grasp the real thing. The way media works and how it disseminates
information that most of the time gets out of hand is something that repels to the initiative of
Globalization and Global Integration and it is to help connect countries and to let information flow
through without having to affect the quality and the authenticity of a certain culture or information that
is being shared whereas the dangers of Media can destroy the intentions of being as one with others.

Although Media has its cons as stated before, it has been said that it enhances globalization in a
manner where it acts as a pen that drives globalization to the hands of many since it helps to create a
larger audience and a broader information. It helps in identifying the needs and wants of a certain group
of people that can help Global Integration to function. Information was able to flow through in a short
period of time and gave way to opening of more opportunity to show culture and economy of other
countries to one another.

The question whether Globalization needs Media for Global Integration equates to the phrase
where one can exist without the other, meaning Globalization and Global Integration can both exist
without the use of Media because Media helps to enhance and strengthen the way people globalize but
still it does not make the whole process of Globalization wherein even if it is not included in the process
there will be a way to integrate and interact with other countries. It is something that helps the process
but it does not define the whole. It gives the drive to enhance but the fuel is still within the Globalization
because it existed way before Media happened.

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