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V module

Verification Validation
Development stage Testing Stage

Information Gathering Assessment of Dev. Plan

Analysis Preparation of Test Plan
Requirement of phase Testing

Design & Design Phase Testing

Coding Program Phase Testing
Test Case Design

(Installation Build) Sanity Testing

Integration Testing System & functional Testing
Test Documentation

Maintains DRE
Post marten testing
Regression Testing
 V module stands for V & V
 In V module V & V working parallel
 It is mapping between development stage & testing stages to validates Customer
 In V module suppose you have completed Development of one stage , and second
stage is running & if any change in requirement CR comes for first stage – we can go
back to first stage and fulfil that CR with extra amount
 V module generally preferred for big organization
 Duration 3 plus months
 How Decides V module process - Client
 Extra money – for change in requirement

Information Gathering

1. Assessment of development plan –

Defining objective of project – Banking, Telecom, Health Level

Taking/Defining steps to how we can achieve objective of project

Assessment of development plan – making the strategy for Testing

This phase decides which methodology we are going to use in our testing

Assessment of development plan – making the strategy for development also get decided

they plan which methodology is used like Automation Testing, Manual Testing

Defined by CEO or Top Level persons of company

Test responsibility matrix is get finalized .TRM.

Example: BCCI – Format – IND vs AUS

Strategy depends on format Test|1 Day |T20

2. Preparation of test Plan –

Implementation of TRM is done in preparation of Test plan

Project manager is part of it & responsible for TRM Implementation

Project manager choose team

Team leader prepare Test Team

He distributed work to all team member

And ask for the estimation – estimation means how much time it will take to complete
test – start to end time

Job Allocation

Resource Allocation


3. Requirement of phase testing

Phase means Unit

In this phase estimated requirements of phases are finalized

eg. One Application contains number of phases/ Modules

PayTM –

PayTM > Recharge – Travel – Flight – Train – Movie

Continually Introduces new modules like. Money Transfer – so we need requirement


In one projects different phases are there (say 100 phases) – That developer & tester has
to develop & Test
Design & Coding

4. Design phase Testing

5. Program Phase Testing

Design & program phase testing means code testing

Code testing - start from small unit of program.

Developers are involved in both process

Developers known the internal coding & if any difficulty or error identified he is able to
solve this

This phase means like white box Testing – Unit Testing

6. Test Case Design

Design test Case

Positive Test Cases Negative Test Cases

Test Cases Have Two Parts –

1. Positive scenarios testing & 2. Negative scenarios testing

Preparing the scenarios for Testing & same scenarios will execute in later as part of
Testers are involved in this
This testing should carried out like Black Box Testing (+ Ve & - Ve)
As per The SRS documents we are preparing Scenarios/ Test Cases

Eg. Two Step Authentication

SBI online Transfer Login Page

SRS - Page 1 – UN & PSW

SRS Page 2. Mobile Number (* Mandatory)

Positive scenarios?

Negative Scenarios?

7. Integration (Build Installation)

Under 3 month’s period in V module – 5 to 6 modules are developed

Sometimes in Current running project, organization got new requirements to develop as

a new module – which Clint / customer wanted to add in existing flow

It is nothing but integrating new module or Requirement in main module depending upon

Development Team will work on new requirement > Develop code for that > perform
WBT on that > and when module is ready they add/ Integrate module into existing or old
application Flow

Example – Amazon E-comers’

Home – Fashion – electronics – Mobile - flight - Beauty –

Existing Flow

Mobile – view Product – Buy Product/Add –place order – payment – delivery


Mobile – view Product – Buy Product/Add –Exchange - place order – payment – delivery

Device Company





Developers are responsible for integration testing

White box tester performs integration testing

New sub module or phase designed, Developed and integrated in already existing flow by WBT

Integration Testing has two types

Front End integration – Front end developer combine all dependent module using CALL


Back End Integration - Back end developer combine all the table together using JOIN function

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