Photography Assignment (Varun)

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Assignment 01


Course Code: GE20B309,
Submitted By :-- Varun Gohe
Enrolment No. :-- 21BTA3ARI10018
Sage School of Advance Computing

Q.01: Define Photography camera.

Ans:- Photography refers to the process or practice of creating a photograph –
an image produced by the action of light on a light-sensitive material.

Q.02: Write short notes on history of Camera.

Ans:- The basic concept of photography has been around since about
the 5th century B.C.E. It wasn't until an Iraqi scientist developed something
called the camera obscura in the 11th century that the art was born. Even
then, the camera did not actually record images, it simply projected them onto
another surface.

Q.03: Explain types of Sensors and Uses.

Ans:- Types of sensors are:
1) Charge-coupled device (CCD)
2) Electron-multiplying charge-coupled device (EMCCD)
3) Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS)
4) Back-illuminated CMOS.

Q.04: Define Working of Camera with diagram.

Ans:- Pinhole camera works on the principle that “Light travels in straight lines"
Light from the objects enters the camera through the pinhole. It goes to the
screen where it forms an inverted and small image. The image has the same
colour as the object. If the pinhole is small, the image will be sharp and clear.
Q.05: Define Five Type of Photography.

Ans: - 1. Portrait Photography :- One of the most common photography styles,

portrait photography, or portraiture, aims to capture the personality and mood
of an individual or group. Images may be candid or posed, full body or close-

2. Photojournalism :- Photojournalism is a way of telling the story of a

newsworthy (perhaps even historic) event or scene through photographs.

3. Fashion Photography :- Fashion photography showcases and glamorizes

fashion clothing, shoes, and accessories to make them more desirable to
consumers. It is commonly published in magazines and online.

4. Sports Photography :- By catching athletes, coaches, and even fans at the

perfect moment, sports photographs can depict the passion, drama, and
emotion that fuels sporting events.

6. Editorial Photography :- Editorial photography is taken to illustrate a story

or article, typically for a magazine or newspaper.
Q.06: Submit on any four picture on following:
1. Sport 2. Portrait 3. Art & culture 4. Candid 5. Nature 6. Society 7. Medical 8.
Food 9. Environmental 10. Any best subject of your choice picture, in hard copy
size 8x12 inch of each any choice best photo with explains caption. Best

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