Fiscal Printer Instruction For FAM Maintenance

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Fiscal Printers Poland

Instruction to logon to webportal per printer

Suggestion is to use a webbrowser with the google translate as extension so you can translate the
PL page into any language you require.

Enter following web address and press “zaloguj” (no password required)

Enter protected memory by pressing this button

Chose search criteria(best is to search based on document number or dates)

Click on document to display it’s printout preview:

Preview example:

Below are the ip addresses / links to the different fiscal printers:






(below screenshot of the setting in SAP)

Test printer IP address can by request at Basis team G_SAP-Services can be set for
connection from AHD AHT or AHA. Also make sure to request to disable connection to the other
environments to prevent disturbing your test cases per environment.

(extract from the functional spec)

Error handling:

1) Idoc failure;

This means IP adress of the destination is not set correct. SAP can not connect to this address.

Basis team needs to make correction.

2) Error at fiscal printer

- A) Rounding issue
- B) Different VAT issue
- C) others
2A) should not occur anymore is solved in the mapping from idoc to xml by applying a calculation
similar to the one the fiscal printer performs. So calculation/rounding issue should not occur.

2B) should not occur anymore in respect to different VAT because of export sales.

Export sales are excluded from sending message to fiscal printer (in BRF+)

Different VAT can occur per material also with domestic sales …..
IF you click on the non-fiscal print-out [the report]

Scroll to the bottom

In above sample you see that the last xml files received are for resp. 0040000036, 0040000051
and 0040000052

Odebrano:437[B] w 07.10.2020 o 15:47:28:239








Odebrano:318[B] w 07.10.2020 o 15:48:14:386






Odebrano:314[B] w 07.10.2020 o 15:49:02:752






Odebrano:314[B] w 07.10.2020 o 16:54:13:094






If you anayse the last record you see it was received at 07.10.2020 at 16:54:13

Item 00000000010 033450

Name: 501671MPInGrIImpulsMaxMONgr

Qantity 13.880

Price 1441.59

Systemno (document no) 0040000052

Nip 9270101402

Total 20009.22

 The printer perfomrs from its own internal software a check on the data which has been
 One check is regarding the vat rate linked to the material. VAT rate should and can not
differ, if occurs the printer will give an error reason
 One check is regarding the amounts
In this case it is checking the price amount 1441.59 against quantity 13.880 to be equal to
the total 20009.22 . SAP, your calculator, MS Excel will calculate with more than 2 digits
behind the ,(or.) which will give 20009.262 as result rounded this is 20009.26 a difference of
4 cents with the value in the xml therefore the fiscal printer will reject this xml and go in
Checking the invoice itself it has a condition value of 20009.22 as in the xml

The Total condition value amount is calculated based on list price and all conditions like surcharges
and discounts plus the VAT. From the total condition value 20009.22 calculating back dividing by the
quantity the amount is 1441,586455331412 which using 2 digits after the , is 1441.59

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