Common Affidavit

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MA-07-2022 1 7 : 2 0 : 16

A NON ltefAI

Phono No
Sold To/ I ssued To
BUILDERS AND Under t a k i n g


GIVEN BY OWNER5, 1661944016213-00007859

day of MAZ
executed on this....Q.1....
. . .

This under taking is * '* * '*

...lM.D.A..... .., (ULB) Jointly by: paPA
S- radarm . hut1 P r o s l a

Owners: Slo., Wio. s/0

Sri/Smt. 1ANSANIpA!!Y..A PEAIAM... 1akou
*** '************* ****''*' ***

D/o..AS6...M.:.PA KMA.LA...3NAT Aged.... OCcupation..

''**'*''***A ''****** ' ' * ' ' '*' '* ' * ' * * *
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''*** ** ... Rlo. P.No.44



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anedae. .g.Iel... " **
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* *'*******

. Builders
(In case if it is entrusted to builder)
Name of the Builder
* * * * * * * * ' * ' * *

II. Licensed Surveyor

EngineerI Architect
V- ASEs m ' *'***** * * * * * ^ ' '*'*** ''**
' ' ' * * '
' * ' *


Municipal Reg. No/coA le..T...lo...e.....eliaun edlucy

e...Argal.,.. :#ydda.N
V. Structural Engineer: ...NA... BHARATH tR
Name of the Structural ****'***** * ****

Engineer pleanM.. Ve 3t/5/2-2

Municipal Reg. No. .A.3x.A
. . S 6 . . I . . 4 A . MaaMI.Neaal,Alenonht

parties of the 1st party, which terms shall include their

Here in after called the
legal heirs successors, agents, assignees etc.

In favour of the Commissioner, fan PA .... (ULB), here in after

officers and
called the 2nd party, which terms shall include, their representatives, agents,
staff ofthe ...ffMD.... ..(ULB).

Whereas the persons 1& 2 being parties of the 15s party have applied for the
building permission for the proposed construction of residential /commercial building
.floors at Plot/ H. No.
2. Ao...344..
consisting of.....
situated at ...0.p....3.S|P..K... 3S3p -a lavaeol yrlage M d e h . ma D),Telogon
Whereas the 2nd party imposed the certain conditions, mentioned below for grant
of the building permission and the 1st party in token of accepting the said conditions

hereby undertake that.

.Road Widening: in
The land and the existing structures are/s
widening throughout the frontage of the plot admeasuring.:9.1. Sq. m should
getting effected road
be surrendered to the ADA...... (ULB) for road widening before
releasing the approved plan free of cost without claiming any compensation

YDARItowards the land and the structures existing on the road widening site
B Com.,LCB
Musheembad, Hya-20
G.0. Mu. No 2529

That, the first party hereby undertake that they are herewith handing over
the physical possession of the said strip of land to the Commissioner,
ULB) on this day o f . . . at free of cost
before commencing the construction without claiming any compensation towards
land and structures. The above undertaking is executed by me with free will and
due consciousness for having obtained permission for the construction of
residential commercial building in the Plot H No
.. situated at *'**''''''

II. Execution of the construction work by owners/builder:

(a) That lam / we are taking up the construction ofthe said building by myseif
ourselves and that I am/ we are not entrusting the work to any builder or any
other person.

1/ We hereby under take that I am/ We are solely responsible for execution
of the building construction work according to plan sanctioned by
....(ULB), under the strict supervision of the Architect,

Structural Engineer, and Site Engineer engaged by me/ ourselves for the

(b) That / we have entrusted the Construction of the said building to
...Builder / Construction firm, the details of
which are as given below:

Name of the Builder

Construction Firm
Represented by
Present Address * ' ' * * * * * * * * " ******** ****' ***'*******

Permanent Address
Regd. No. if any

That I am/We are also jointly and severally responsible along with Builders
Architect, Structural and Sit Engineer, for the execution of building according
to sanctioned plan.

1. Not to deliver possession:

That the 1st party shall not deliver the possession of any part of the built up
area of building constructed by us to any purchaser or tenant unless & until the
Occupancy certificate is obtained by us from this 2d party by submiting the
a) Building Completion Notice issued by the Architect duly certifying that the
building is completed as per the sanctioned plan.

b) Structural stability certificate issued by the Structural Engineer duly

certifying that the building is structurally safe and the construction is in
accordance with the specified designs

An extract of the site registers containing
inspection reports of Site
Structural Engineer and Architect
for a minimum period of three
d) Insurance Policy for the completed building
V.Employlng of quallifledtechnical personnel:
a site Engineer, who shall maintaina register
That the owner shall employ
in which, the site Engineer, Architect
and Structural Engineer shall record their
foundation level, and at each roof, slab level,
comments at regular intervals i.e. at
and submit the periodical report to the
2nd party.
be proceeded with under the
That the construction work shall strictly
and Site Engineer, without which
supervision of the Architect, Structural Engineer
it shall be treated as construction without permission.

That in case Site Engineer Structural Engineer/ Architect is changed

/ Site
or the Architect/ Structural Engineer
during the course of construction
Engineer disassociates themselves with project, the fact shal
seven days by registered post
i.e. within
immediately be reported to the 2nd party
site Engineer Architect
i n person along with consent of newly engaged
Structural Engineer.
Architect. Structural
That all the parties of the 1st part viz. Owner, Builder,
be held responsible for the
Engineer and Site Engineer shall jointly and severally
structural stability during the building construction.

V. Complyving ofthe General conditions:

the stilt / cellar for parking of vehicles
(a) That parking space provided in
will not be converted (or)
the Residential flats/ Commercial complex
and it will be free from
misused for any other purpose other than parking
shutters will not be provided at any
any partition walls /cross and rolling
demolish (or) remove the
time in future and the 2nd party is at liberty to
same if provided without any notice.

bath & WCs

(b) That the balconies will not be converted into toilets,
and if such construction
Staircase landing or convert into rooms etc., any
is made the 2nd party is at liberty remove them without any notice

(c) That1/ We or shops etc., will pay the special

Purchaser of the flats /
for garbage
collection charges for the garbage disposal as prescribed
refuse collection on demand from 2d party.

(d) That 1 We or Purchaser of the flats shops etc., will pay the special
sanitation fees for the routine clearing, desilting of storm water drain on
demand from 2nd party.

1/ We will not stock the building materials and do not dump debris
(e) That
is at
the road margin, foot-path and on Municipal Land and the 2d party
fine 1st party
liberty to remove / seize such material or inmpose on

The of units permitted will not be increased and the building

() number
should not be converted into group housing and sold
4' 4' x4
That he / she will provide percolation pits of size not less than
2 5 2
size in the paved surface of the building, covering at least 30% of such
area and the pits shall be filed with small pebbles or brick jelly or river
sand and covered with perforated concrete slabs. Further terrace water
collection and open ground will be provided depending on the site
VI. Quality of material/workmanship and supervision as per NBC:
IWe hereby certify that the erection, re-erection of material,
demolition in/of building premises No....
***** ****° ****'''''**'***** ***:
shall be carried out under the supervision and further
IWe certify that all designs, constructions and the materials (type and grade and
workmanship) of the work shall be generally in accordance with the general and
detailed specifications submitted along with and as standards
per specified by
the National Building Code and Bureau of Indian Standards and that the work
shall be carried out according to the sanctioned
We, the undersigned are held responsible for structural and other
the building during construction and after
safety of
completion. The structural design
including Geo-Technical aspects shall be in accordance with the National
Building Code of India. All materials and workmanship shall be a good quality
confirming to the Bureau of Indian Standards
Specifications and codes
Accordingly, tne... ULB)
can for the
legal action
if any such structural failures occur
during or after the construction.
The 1st party in token of accepting the above conditions
2d party hereby under takes and assures that all
imposed by the
the above conditions will be
strictly adhered too, and if the 1st party commits violations of any of the above
conditions, the 2nd party is at liberty to take action deem ft.
We the above named deponent do
hereby solemnly affirm and certify that
we have voluntarily executed this under
takings with free will and signed on this
. Day of...... °°
20.... in presence of the following witness:

1) Signature of the Site Engineer

Name and Address with Regn.
2) Signature of the Architect
Name and Address with Regn.
3) Signature of the Structural Engineer
Name and Address with Regn.

4) Signature of the Builder/ Contractor

name and Address with Regn.
5) Signature of the Land Owner
name and Address

Sworn& signled before me.
T NoraryGIRI lushes om Lia

Mushearebad, y20
GO. Ma No 2529
1-6-47, 2Jnistanpur, NOTARIAL
Musticerabad, Hyderabad-20
G.0 Ms. No r79

7 7 MAY 2022

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