2300ad Tasks

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2300AD – TASKS:

To hit a target with aimed fire at close range: Routine. Applicable weapon skill. Absolute (1 action).

Referee: Difficulty increases 1 level with each increase in range, but decreases 1 level if target is
stationary in the open.
Failure at this task does not require the character to roll on the Failure Type table, and a roll of 1 is not
a fumble, but simply an automatic miss.

TASK: To fire a sidearm without Sidearm skill (Unskilled, Hazardous): Difficult.

Intelligence, Education, and Combat Rifleman. Absolute (1 action).
Referee: see note below.

TASK: To fire an infantry weapon without Combat Rifleman skill (Unskilled, Hazardous): Formidable.
Intelligence, Education, and Sidearm. Absolute (1 action).
Referee: see note below.

TASK: To fire a heavy weapon without Heavy Weapons skill (Unskilled, Hazardous): Impossible.
Intelligence and Education. Absolute (1 action).

NOTE: Success at one of these tasks means that beginning with his or her next action, the character can
fire that weapon at a difficulty level one stage higher than normal.
Failure at one of these tasks means that the weapon is damaged, if a mishap results.
A fumble at one of these tasks means that the character has accidentally shot himself – roll for damage
as an attack.

To hit a target with indirect fire: Difficult. Lower of Forward Observer or appropriate weapon skill.
Absolute (1 action).
REFEREE: in this case, appropriate weapon skill refers to the firer’s skill.

To strike: Routine. Melee and melee skill modifiers. Absolute (1 action).
REFEREE: Using a short range weapon against opponent with long range weapon makes the attack
difficult. Surprise attacks (unexpected attacks from behind) are automatically successful.

To block a strike: Difficult. Melee and melee skill modifiers. Instant.

REFEREE: A successful block blocks a would-be successful strike, and the strike misses.

To avoid a diving blow: Routine. Dexterity. Instant.

If diving blow is avoided, the attacker is knocked down.
If the diving blow is not avoided, compare the attacker’s size times 2+1D6 to the defender’s strength
plus size.
The lower value receives the damage (if equal, both receive the damage).
Damage received is equal to 1 stun hit (DP value=0.5). Armour has no effect on diving blows.

A grapple is an attempt to place an opponent under control.
To Successfully grapple, a character must roll as stated below:
Blocking a grapple is not possible; armour and range have no effect.
The target of a grapple receives one hit of stun damage; DPV equals attacker’s (strength+melee)/30.
Treat any stun points received as control points instead. Control points are a temporary indicator of
who is winning in a grappling melee.
When control points equal or exceed the target’s strength, the target ceases struggling and may not
move; the controlling character may not move without releasing control.
Until a target is controlled, he may attempt to escape or grapple. If both characters grapple, the first to
achieve sufficient control points the controls the opponent.
ESCAPE: An escape is an attempt to move out of the control of an opponent.
In order to escape a grapple, a character must roll for the task below:
To Escape: Routine. Melee. Absolute (1 action).
A successful escape removes all control points that the opponent has on the character.

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