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The Canowindra Phoenix

Issue 165 Wednesday 27 July 2011

Your free weekly guide to life in and around locally first!
P: 02 6344 1208 P: 02 6344 1208 F: 02 6344 1845 F: 02 6344 1845
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56 Gaskill Street Canowindra
02 6344 1009
Reminder: the Canowindra Preschool
Movie Night is this Friday night, so make
sure you don't leave it to the last minute
to book or you might miss out. For c
atering purposes, please contact the
preschool on 6344 1261 before 2pm
Thursday 28 July.
Good Luck: our Age of Fishes Museum is a
contender for this year's Inland Tourism
Awards that are being held this Saturday
night at Balranald. Let's all hope that this
is the year they come home with the very
much deserved award.
The Old Vic Inn will be inducted into the
Inland Tourism Hall of Fame this year as
a testament to the success they have had
in the previous years' awards.
Membership: invoices for 2011 Show
membership fees are being mailed as this
is being typed. Everyone is invited to
become a member of our Show, we are
striving to make this year the biggest
Show with the most number of members.
Non Member entry into the Show is:
Adults: $15, School children: $5, Aged
Pensioners: $5, Family Ticket: $25. Non-
Members leaving ground will have to
pay for re-admission = No pass outs are
Membership is only $25 and admits
your partner and school children. It also
allows you free exhibit entry, unless
specified in the Schedule. Support your
Show and become a member by calling
Jo Gaigals on 0418 413 753. Call Jo if
you don't receive your invoice next week.
Police: interviews have been conducted at
the Orange Station as the headquarters
for the Canobolas LAC and at the time of
printing the successful candidate had not
been advised. Next week we should have
more details and hopefully a photo.
Hopefully that should keep Maureen
Thanks!: Ebann Malae, Max Wensley,
Gene Tarrant & Matt Fisher want to
thank the Skate Park Committee &
Cabonne Council for all their work. The
guys were at the skate park for the
opening and said that the skate park has
changed many things for them: it has
helped friendships grow, where before
kids would pick on each other, now they
have a common interest; they learn from
each other; they stay in town to play, and
it gives them something to do. A few
suggestions were: bubblers, shade &
maybe a smaller, less steep mini track for
the little kids, as sometimes it's hard to
avoid them. I was so impressed with their
positive and helpful conversation, it is so
heartening to listen to intelligent kids.
Cabonne Mayor Bob Dowling has heaped
praise on the Canowindra community for its
hard work and determination to establish a
skate park in the town.
Cr Dowling said the skate park was a
permanent example of a community working
together at its best.
When the people of Canowindra decided
they needed a skate park to provide an
important recreational facility for the towns
youth, they just rolled up their sleeves and
got the job done to raise money for the pro-
ject, he said.
Cabonne Council offici ally thanked
Canowindra for its contribution to the
$140,000 facility at a ceremony at the skate
park on Saturday.
Often in the past month I have been asked
what is the most defining feature of
Cabonne? What is it that makes it unique?
Cr Dowling said
My answer has always been the same. Its
the people our communities. And there is
no better example than this skate park at
Cr Dowling said the Canowindra community
did a magnificent job raising $35,000.
The skate park committee members
collected wood for raffles, gathered sheep
manure to sell, held discos, collected
donations for a T-shirt competition, held a
linen party, a bowls day and manned gates
for a car rally, the Mayor said.
On top of that they were busy approaching
businesses, organisations and residents for
Cr Dowling said that when the community
demonstrated such a commitment to the
skate park, the Council had no hesitation in
allocating $75,500, which was half of the
grant Cabonne received in the second round
of the Federal Governments Regional
Community Local Infrastructure Program.
In addition, Council provided a further
$30,000 to make the project a reality.
Cr Dowling paid special tribute to the
Skate Park Committee: Mark Edwards,
Ken Willson, Anne Traves, Robyn Welsh,
Bev Wilson, Richard Waugh, Cindy, Nick,
Blake, Alex and Sam Willson; Tina, Aaron,
Kane and Alicia Earsman; Michael and
Callum Clyburn; Jenny and Lachlan
Watson; Josh Welsh; Tracey, Brodie and
Dan Friend; Robyn Wooley; Jill and Jamie
Bennett; Peta and Casey Edwards and
Scott Stuart.
The Mayor and Canowindra-based
Councillors Kevin Walker and Anthony
Durkin handed out more than 50
certificates of appreciation to the
committee members and individuals and
organisations that had played a
significant role in establishing the skate
The Council congratulates you, I
congratulate you, Cr Dowling said. We
are proud of you and you should be very
proud of yourselves.
Skate park committee chairman Mark
Edwards said the first meeting to initiate
the project was held at the Canowindra
Golf Club in March 2006.
I said then that it would not happen
overnight, Mr Edwards said. But five
years and 54 committee meetings later
all the hard work has paid off.
Cr Dowling complimented Scott Spring,
who designed and built the skate park
after consultation with the young people
of Canowindra.
The parks popularity is certainly a
testament to Scotts work, he said.
The second stage of this skate park,
which will involve landscaping and the
installation of seating, was included in
the Councils 2011/12 Budget and should
be completed within the next three or
four months. The Council also hopes to
obtain additional grant funding to erect a
shade shelter.
Ouoss w|o w||| bo
|oduc|od |o|o ||o
lo|ood Jout|s Awotds
Ho|| o| loo 2011?
LUNCH 12-2.30pm DINNER 6-8.30pm
Sunday Roast
fr $10pp
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Moyot ood C|t Wo||ot. l| to|o|otcod
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J|o o|o s|too| |s |o qo| tosut|ocod,
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updo|od w||| ||o ptoqtoss ood
ou|coo o| w|oto wo oto up |oo.
l oow |ovo o oow dod|co|od oo||
oddtoss |ot o|| tos|doo|s o| ||o
Coboooo s||to |o coo|oc| o o|.
An open letter to Cabonne Council
Roads in the Canowindra area are
deteriorating at an alarming rate. The
large amount of traffic comprising heavy
vehicles (especially container trucks) has
seen many sections become highly
Of particular concern is the Eugowra
(Nangar) Rd, out past the poplars and
Fishermans bend. Here there are
numerous safety issues:
Serious deformation makes it highly
dangerous to pass oncoming traffic.
The roadside verge is higher than the
road surface itself in many places, and
collects water during rain, forcing
traffic in both directions to drive in the
middle of the road or run the risk of
being dragged off the road by the
depth of the puddles.
Potholes and broken edges
I find it hard to understand how Council
puts a higher priority on re-aligning the
intersection of Wenz and Pauls/Beaths
Lanes than the more dangerous problems
like those highlighted above, and while
there are other misaligned intersections
with a higher amount of traffic, such as
the Eugowra (Nangar) Road/Wenz Lane
School buses share these roads with semi-
trailers, and action needs to be taken
before there is a serious accident.
I would welcome the opportunity to show
the General Manager these areas, how-
ever in the meantime I put Council on
Notice regarding my safety concerns,
also shared by other road users.
Yours sincerely,
Andrew Holmes, Canowindra
Couoc|||ot's Cooo|s by Lut|o Lut|o Lut|o Lut|o
Saturday was a tremendous day for the town
of Canowindra and Canowindra Rugby
League as the Tigers hosted a reunion in
celebration of the Western Region Caltex
knockout Champions of 1971, a 40 year
celebration. The day was also attended by
many other past players from different eras.
The crowd were treated to a speech from
the Captain Coach of that day Greg Hay who
spoke of his time in Canowindra and where
he resides currently. Chief organiser of the
day Eddie Clyburn was presented with a
Canowindra Tigers shirt on behalf of the
current group of Tigers.
The first grade match between 2nd placed
Canowindra and 3rd placed Molong lived up
to all expectations in a real tit for tat affair.
The scores were locked up at 32 each mid-
way through the second half until the Tigers
superior fitness showed and they roared
away to a 49-32 victory.
The Tigers were best served by Brad
Bowman and Peter Pita, who were just too
powerful for the Molong pack. Anthony
Gaeta must also receive a mention for his
entertaining performance including a very
good try.
The League Tag Girls found themselves in a
tough tussle against the constantly
improving Molong Bullettes. In the end
sheer brilliance from Madi Vitnell was the
difference as the young speedster finished
with three tries. Canowindra Tigresses 4-
Molong Bullettes 1.
In the Youth League Canowindra started off
strong with Brydon Hughes slicing through
the defence and scoring next to the uprights
with Brendan Traves converting.
Minutes later Dan Middleton cut through
Molongs defence passing on the inside to
Nick Willson who was tackled metres short
of the try line, this saw Brodie Friend take
advantage of Molongs scrambling defence
to crash over from dummy half with Brendan
Traves once again converting.
A mistake at kick off saw Molong in great
position to attack although the Canowindra
defence held strong with Brydon Hughes
and Kain Earsman hitting hard in defence. A
wide shift from Molong saw the Canowindra
defence stretched with Molong scoring on
the side line.
Canowindra worked back into an attacking
position through strong runs from Ethan
Drennen and Harry Myers this saw Sam
Barker crash over the try line with his first
touch of the game. The conversion was
unsuccessful. Canowindra and Molong went
back and forth in battle until Molong kicked
a 40/20 which gave Molong a scrum feed 10
metres out from the Canowindra line.
Molong scored off the scrum through some
soft Canowindra defence, leaving the half
time score at 16-8 in favour of Canowindra.
After half time both sides came out fired up
which saw some great attack and defence, a
wide shift from Canowindra saw Blake
Willson cross over with Matt Mclean adding
the extras. Once a gain both teams were
locked in a back and forth battle until a
Canowindra pass got intercepted and
Molong ran off to score out wide.
The game heated up with a few blow-ups on
the field this fell into Canowindra hands with
Josh Cooney scoring out wide. There was some
strong football played after that for the
remaining of the game with neither team
being able to break the opposing teams
defence leaving the final score 26-12 in favour
of Canowindra.
Back at the bowling club the large crowd were
entertained by Ian Breen, Eddie Clyburn and
Greg Hay before hitting the dance floor for the
rest of the night. Thanks to Graham Rice for
making a great speech. It was a great day for
Next Week: League tag have the bye. On
Sunday Youth League play Eugowra at
Eugowra at 11:45. First grade play Gooloogong
at Gooloogong at 2pm also on Sunday.
Woodbridge Cup Ladders

League Tag
Canowindra 24
Eugowra 20
Molong 15
Cargo 13
Condobolin 12
Grenfell 10

Youth League
Peak Hill 21
Canowindra 16
Molong 14
Eugowra 14
Condobolin 14
Grenfell 5
1st Grade
Peak Hill 19
Canowindra 17
Cargo 14
Molong 14
Grenfell 13
Condobolin 12
Eugowra 7
Gooloogong 0
Fresh garden peas $5kg
Fancy lettuce $1ea
Local Kipfler potatoes $3kg
Local Navel oranges $1.50kg
Phone orders: 6344 1011

Specials at
Risi e Pisi (Rice & Peas)
750g fresh peas
1 onion, chopped roughly
1 carrot, chopped roughly
1 celery, chopped roughly
1.5l water
2 spring onions, finely chopped
50g lean pancetta, diced
250g Arborio rice
75g fresh Parmesan, grated
50g butter
1/2 glass dry white wine
2 tbsp olive oil
Shell peas & set aside. Place the rinsed
pods into a large a pot with onion, celery,
carrot & peppercorns. Add water, bring to
boil, then reduce to simmer, continue to
simmer for 1 hour. Strain stock, discard
onion, celery, carrot & peppercorns. Blend
pods & add pulp to the stock. Pour into
saucepan, heat slowly until nearly boiling.
Heat olive oil with pancetta over medium
heat. When pancetta fat turns translucent
add chopped spring onions, cook until soft.
Add the peas, ladle in a little stock & cover
for about 10 mins. Add the rice, stir to coat
rice in oil pour in wine. When most is ab-
sorbed, start adding the hot stock a ladle-
ful at a time, stirring the rice & adding
more when rice thickens. Use enough
stock until the rice is just al dente, this is a
fairly wet risotto. Add parmesan & butter,
stir and serve hot.
Semester 2
Parent Teacher Meetings
Dont come to uswell come to you!
date: Thursday 4 August
time: 4-6:30pm
at: Canowindra Bowling
Club Ryall Street
Please call the school to arrange
a time to meet with your childs
teachers on 02 6344 1305.
The parent teacher meetings will
be 10 minutes each in length, a
great opportunity to discuss
your childs progress and areas
for development! If you are
unable to make it, please also
call to arrange another time or
phone interview.
Cooow|odto ltosc|oo| luodto|sot
lt|doy 29 Ju|y
o| CWA Ho|| (|o|c||otd S|too|
J|o J|o J|o J|o
K|oq's K|oq's K|oq's K|oq's
Spooc| Spooc| Spooc| Spooc|
J|c|o|s [25 |oc|udos ov|o &
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L|||od oubots so qo| |o oot|y |o
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Oo so|o Moodoy 18 Ju|y
o| ptosc|oo| oo 02 2== 121
42 Ferguson Street Canowindra

Book in for dinner
Sunday 31 July
Poetry Competition
or phone 02 6344 2332
Canowindra Hospital Auxiliary held their
Annual General Meeting on 18 July, the
Committee once again elected Peggy Beath
as President, and Jan Mills was elected
Treasurer, former treasurer Val Jones did not
stand due to ill health, the President and
Committee would like to take this
opportunity to thank Val for her invaluable
service over a 12 year period as the
Auxiliaries Treasurer.
The Committee also acknowledged the
31 year commitment to the Auxiliary of
member Celie Bowd, by making her a Patron
of the organization, Celie now joins Flo Nash
and Daisy Toohey as Patrons.
As the public would be aware, the Hospital
Auxiliary over the years has contributed
greatly to the equipment at the Soldiers
Memorial Hospital, 2009-10 with the I-Stat
Monitoring Machine ($9,900.00 approx.) and
most recently 2011 with a Pressure Point
Mattress valued at $2,400 approx, attending
our Meeting was Tara Earsman from the
Hospital nursing staff, and it was very
pleasing to hear her comments on the
benefits to Doctors, patients and staff that
these two items have made, as a committee
of the town we look forward to continuing
our commitment to the welfare of our
Brain Injury Awareness Week is between
1521 August. It is a week to bring to your
attention the severity of ABI (Acquired
Brain Injury). Around twice as many people
are diagnosed each year with ABI
compared to those diagnosed with Breast
Cancer and yet very few people know
about it. About 20,000 children under 15
have ABI, and around 1.6 million
Australians or 1 in 12.
This year Canowindra High P&C are
getting behind this great cause. There are
quite a large number of people in our own
community living with or have a family
member affected with an ABI. The High
School Canteen will be selling the blue
beanies and tshirts. Toby Newcombe is
also supporting the cause by selling
beanies from Belubula Butchery. The
beanies are $9.95 and tshirts $19.95.
If you would like to find out more
information about ABI or Bang on a Beanie
campaign go to
Please support the Canowindra High
School P&C and Brain Injury Awareness.
The great thing about the folk scene is that
it is one of the few musical styles where
spoken word is performed alongside
musical acts.
We have decided to celebrate this part of
t he f ol k scene t hi s mont h at
As well as four guest poets, who between
them cover a wide range of poetic styles; we
are hosting a poetry contest. There will be
three sections:
Adult original poetry
Adult performance of other's poems
Under 18 original poetry.
Entry to these sections is quite limited
(because of time constraints on the night);
so all entrants must contact Nerida Cuddy
via or call 0429 048 603 as
soon as possible in order to register your
Save the date: 31 July, 4-6pm at taste
Canowindra, Ferguson Street. It is bound to
be a rich afternoon of thoughts and words...
Best mechanic in town!
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& honest advice
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NRMA Insurance
Business & Personal
RTA inspections
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02 6344 1075
Parking at rear

AH 0429 441 075


The Phoenix
Joanne Gaigals (ABN 43 292 469 472) and printed by
Nick Carne at COMPRINTING: call Nick on 0402 340 852
For news or ads, please call Jo on 0418 413 753 or
The Canowindra Phoenix
proudly supports independent
Save the date
Jul 29: Canowindra Preschool Kindergarten Movie Night The King's Speech 6:30pm CWA
Rooms. Tickets $35 includes movie & 3 course meal, available on 6344 1261 from 18 July
Jul 31: folk@canowindra Poetry Contest at taste Canowindra 4-6pm. 3 sections: adult origi-
nal poetry, adult performance of other's poems, & under-18 original poetry. Ph 0429 048 603
Aug 3: Education Week @ Canowindra Public School 12:45pm Students will show parents,
relatives & friends their classrooms & books. Stay for lunch & Book Week parade from 2pm
FOR SALE firewood, cut & delivered $100
per trailer load. Ph 0488 252 300
The CaNOWindra Hotel
110 Gaskill Street CANOWINDRA 02 6344 1407
Saturday 30 July
6pm Canowindra
Sunday 31 July
8.30am Eugowra
POSITION VACANT Casual work available
for local DJing jobs, training provided.
Phone Craig on 0447 093 500
NOTICE The Annual General Meeting for
Canowindra@home is to be held on
Wednesday 3 August 2011 @ Finns Store
6.30pm. All are welcome & reports will be
given on the activities during the year
available at all times
BBQ chicken or
Ham & pineapple $15ea
Meatlovers $17ea
Lunch: 12-2pm tue-sun
Dinner: 6-8pm mon-sat
Great pub food!
Beer garden & family friendly environment
On Sunday 17 July Gun Club was held in
Canowindra. We had 30 Shooters from Dubbo,
Cowra, Orange, Forbes, Bathurst and local. The
weather was fine and it was a great afternoon,
a few nail biters and a few shoot offs.
The Results for the Three Events of the day.
25 Target Point Score
AA Grade 1st Matt Chellas
2nd Joe Caltabiano
A Grade 1st Josh Lambert
2nd David Player & Peter Haley
B Grade 1st Kay Hunt
2nd Barry Heaslip
C Grade 1st Peter Sullivan & Jack Knight
50 Double Barrel
AA Grade 1st Matt Chellas
2nd Joe Caltabiano
A Grade 1st Grant Spencer
2nd Peter Haley
B Grade 1st Barry Heaslip
2nd Adrian Hodges
C Grade 1st Brett Hooper
2nd Jack Knight
Over All Winner for this Event was John Finn
(4 Way Shoot Off) Well Done John.
25 Target Handicap
1st Josh Lambert
2nd Peter Haley (3 way shoot off) Well done
High Gunn for the day Matt Chellas Well
done Matt
The next shoot will be held Sunday 21 August
with a 12 noon start at the Canowindra Gun
Club on the Eugowra Road. Come along and
get involved in a great competitive sport.
chainsaws & brush cutter repairs.
2/176 Gaskill Street. Tuesday-Thursday
9am-5pm. Phone 02 6344 2013
The Kens Service Centre Under 16s travelled
to Grenfell, again, to take on the Grenfell
After the players were all changed and the
Tigers had leant Jayden Brown, Jesse
Gander and Michael Watt to the Goannas,
the 16s were warming up on the soccer
A player from Cabonne was injured in the
Under 14s game and the ambulance was
After the player complained of no feeling
below the waist, a chopper was called and
the player was put into the ambulance
which stayed on the field.
The Under 16s game was then called off so
we all came home.
The Under 16s last three games are against
Parkes, [a] Forbes [h] and Forbes [a].
A note for the unwary if you follow a certain
green Holden to or from a game, be careful
what you may see from out the back
NOTICE AGM of Canowindra Challenge Inc
will be held upstairs at Old Vic Inn 7pm
Tuesday 9 August 2011. Please come
along with ideas to help make next years
event bigger, better & easier. We seek
help from volunteers to make it even
more successful.
Last Saturday the Pythons hit the road to
West Wyalong. With the full effects still
evident from Ronnie's 21st the night before,
it was going to be interesting how the boys
would perform. To their credit, they all
played well in the warm conditions at
With the Wyalong boys not having the best
season this year they had defiantly found
some extra talent for their home games and
both teams knew that they had to play well
to come away with the points. Canowindra
did not seem to fire well with the whole
team seemed to be in only second gear with
the boys not hitting the rucks like they have
being in the past few weeks. Though the
Python defence was still there with the boys
not coinciding a point for the day.
The opening try went to Huw Wills who
made a good run through the defence from
10 out and reached out and slammed the
ball down under the posts. Tommy Abbott
converted. Soon after Clint Oborn was also
awarded with a try from a pick and drive and
jumped over the defence to score near the
posts. The boys went into the break with a
14-0 lead though were still not playing any-
where near their best.
Pete Stacey tried to fire the boys up in the
second half with some tough counter ruck-
ing and also Dan Willams with some strong
running. Dude was soon rewarded with
probably his easiest try he will ever score in
his career with him finding him self in the
middle of a backs play and the defence soon
parted when he got his hands on the ball
and strolled over for his first 5 pointer for
the year. Aarron Woolly was next to score
what was to be the last try of the match to
give the Canowindra boys a 28-0 win.
Points for the day went to Dan Williams 3 for
a strong game back from a few weeks off,
Clint Oborn 2 points for another great game
and Adam Grant found himself in the points
again also with 1. Players player went to
This Weekend the boys play their last comp
game before the semis at Condo against the
ladder leaders who have only dropped one
game this year. Though they were lucky to
get away with the win last time the 2 sides
met with Condo winning 19-17.
The Feedlot Restaurant
Fast, efficient service! Lic 70446C
solar & heat-pump hot water systems
roofing - draining - general plumbing
Steve Thompson
0428 0428 0428 0428 532 532 532 532 984 984 984 984
Club P W L D F A BP Pts
CDN 13 12 1 0 442 89 10 58
BLA 13 11 2 0 544 96 9 53
GFL 13 10 3 0 367 112 10 50
CAN 13 8 5 0 425 215 11 43
CSO 13 4 9 0 243 387 7 23
CUD 13 4 9 0 250 426 3 19
WWG 13 2 11 0 112 449 2 10
WAR 13 1 12 0 86 695 1 5

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