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ake This Codelastor identifies a 12-stop procedure for designing a structure fr food loads in accordance wih the requirements ofthe 2015 nterationl Resident Code IRC), the 2015 International Buiting Code (IBC), ASCE 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buings and Other Structures, and ASCE 24-14 Flood Resistant Design and Constucion. ‘SECRETS OF THE CODEMASTER: Amst al food lated design requrements for structures wih the scope ofthe 2015 IBC are found in ASCE 24-14. Secon 1612.4 ofthe 2015 IBC requires compliance wih ASCE 24-14 and ASCE 7-10, ‘Al steps wil not be applicable inal cases, but folowing the applicable steps is necessary to meet the requirements ofthe National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)~ see Code of Federal Regulations, Tite 44, Parts 59 and 60, ‘onary Co 9) + ASCE wien This CodeMaster apples 10 new constuon. It lso applies to existing structures that are Substantially Damaged Substantially Improved and must be tcught ni compfance vith the requrements for new onsecicn SECRETS OF THE CODEMASTER: Contact the durscton to determine whether and how is floodplain management regulations and bung code requirements vary fom the food resistant design an consrucion regres found in he IRC, BC, and ASCE 24. Also inuie i IEC Append G (Food Resisart Constucton) scoped The flow chart below wil guide designe in ther use ofthis CodeMast. ses ta an ‘ee | seit wnecoaey Crate hmgencam nie ed —* saaatin erga i ‘eevee ya Coden Seo 2 jme Ths terminology section is provided so tha the designer can easly refer back to these tems and acronyms, Where used in is Codetastr, these terms are in bol italics as @ reminder that they are defined here Ss Te (847 901-2700, C) Asibsan of. Ghosh Associate ro I ax (047) 91-2702 copyright @ 201607 SKGA ‘a skghoshassociles com it UCU '500-Year Flood Elevation: The elevation of foadng having a 0.2-peroent chance }of beng equaled or exceeded in any given year. ASCE 24-14 Secon 1.2 Base Flood: The fod having a t-percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. Also known as the “100-year food." 2015 IBC Section 202; ASCE 24-14 Section 12. Base Flood Elevation (BFE): The elevation ofthe Base Flood, inciting wave height elative tothe datum used onthe Fload Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). 2015 IBC Section 202; ASCE 24-14 Secon 1.2, Basement: The potion of @ stuctze having its Noor subgrade (below ground leva) onal sides. 2015 IBC Section 202; ASCE 24-14 Secon 1.2, Breakaway Walls: Wells tat are no part ofthe structural supporto the structure and are designed and constructed to break away, collapse, ofl due to Flood | Loads curing Base Flood or lesser condions, to allow tree passage of floodwaters without causing colpse, displacement or other structural damage to tha elevated porton ofthe structure or foundation system, IRC Section R322.34; ASCE 24-14 Section 12. Coastal AZone (CZ): Porton of the Food Hazard Area (FHA) subject to wave heights between 1.5 and 3.0 f during the Base Fiod, and located between the Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LIMWA) and the V Zone (or shoreline it @V) Zone isnot mapped). or chernise designated by the Jurisdiction. 2015 IRC ‘Section R322.2 and R322.3; 2015 IBC Section 202; ASCE 24-14 Section 12 Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA): Area subject to wave heights in excess of 3.0 for subject to high-velocity wave action or wavesnduced erosion. CHAS are shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) 2s Zone VE, VO, V1-30 or V. 2018 IRC Section R323; 2015 IBC Sexton 202; ASCE 24-14 Section 1.2 Design Flood: The greater of: 1} the Base Flood, ard 2 the flood associated with ‘an area designated as Flood Hazard Area (FHA) on a map adopted by the Jurisdiction ft reqdetory purposes or oferwise legally designated, 2015 IBC ‘Section 202; ASCE 24-14 Sacto 12 Design Flood Elevation (DFE): The elevation ofthe Design Flood, incucing wave height, relate to the datum used on the Flood Hazard Map, 2015 IRC ‘Seaton R321; 2018 IBC Seetion 202; ASCE 24-t4 Secon 1.2. ry Floodproofing: A comticaton of measures that resu in a suture being watertght wth walls substantially impermeable fo the passage of water and with structural components having the capacity to resist Flood Loads under Design rood conditions. 2015 IBC Secon 202; ASCE 24-14 Section 12 Flood Damage-Resistant Material: Any construction material capable of withstanding dec and prolonged contact with foodwates without sustaining any damage that requires more than cosmetic repair. 2018 IRC Secton R322.18 2015 IBC Secon 202; ASCE 24-14 Secon 1.2. Also known as “Flood-Resistant Material” Flood Design Glass: A classiicaion of buildings and other structures for elerminaton of food leads and conditions, and determination of minimum elevation requirements on the basis of risk associated with unacceptable performance. ASCE 24-14 Section 12. Flood Hazard Area (FHA): The area subject to looting during the Design Flood | {and shown onthe Flood Hazard Map adopied ty the Jurisdiction. FHAs are ‘mapped in rvetne, lke, coastal and ater areas subject ofoodng. The FHA is ‘equal oorlarger than the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). 2015 IRC Section 422.2; 2015 IBC Section 202: ASCE 24-14 Secon 1.2, ‘Flood Hazard Map: The map adopted by the Jurisdiction deineating Flood Hazard Areas (FHA) In most Jurisdictions the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIR) isthe oficial Flood Hazard Map, ASCE 24-14 Secton 1.2. Somatines ‘refered to as th "Foca Map: Flood Hazard Zones: Aveas designated on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRI) to indicate the nature and seventy of flood hazards. Zones are general designated as ++ V.Zones: Zones VE, VO, V1.V20, an V, collectively refered to as V Zanes, velocity zones, or Coastal High Hazard Area (CHA). These zones are ATMA Ne subject higeloaty wave ation fom sts rss soues dng the Base Food A Zones: Zores AE, K1-A30, AO, AH, and A, collectively refered o as A Zones, tht isentty partons ofthe Special Food Hazard Area (SFHA) subject flooding dung the Base Flood al re outside V Zones. X Zones omety 8 and C Zones} X Zone (Shade) areas are subject o feding ding te 0 2-pereent anual chance Nod, ao cals he 00-year foceoian,” and X Zone (Unshaded) areas are ouside tre 500.year feépan Food Insurance Rate Map (FIRM): The offcial mao upon which the Federl Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has delineated bot the Special Food Hazard Area (SFHA) and the applicable sk preniam zores (Flood Hazard Zones). 2015 IBC Sacton 202; ASCE 2-14 Section 1.2. Food insurance Study (FS): The oficial opr povided by FEMA. ncing the Flood insurance Rate Map (FIRM) o arate Flood Hazard Map, and lung Base Food Elevations (BFE), Stlvater Elevations (SWEL) and supporing tecnica data. 2015 IBC Secton 202 Flood Loads: Stuctural lads caused by standing and moving water, including hytostatic ads, hytedynaicloads, wave leds and foodborne ders impact loads Food Openings: Openings tough walssurounding enclosed ares below the Lowest Flor, wich alow for auomatc equalization of water loves inside and cde of encesures Floodway: The chanel of he river, cook, or aber watercourse ad the acer land areas that must be reseed in order to discharge the Base Food witout cumulatively increasing the water sucace elevation more han a designated eight 218 1BC Section 202; ASCE 24-14 Section 1.2. Freeboard: Aonal height above the Base Food Elevation (BFE) Bling codes ince, and Jurisdictions may adopt, Freeboard asa factor of sat to account for unoernies inthe determination of food elevations, to provide an inteased lvl of fod protection, andor to reuce fod insxanoe prem for stucturesin Flood Mezard Areas. Freeboard may vary vith Flood Design Class and Flood Hazard Zone. Fre of Obsiuctions: Charactrisc ofan are below te Lowest Floor of 2 stuctre sivas onan open foundation and constructed witout atached objets «er camponets al terete wth the ree passage of fod ow and waves. Insect screening, lice, Breakaway Walls, and cern foundation breong are not carsidores odstuctions by te National Flood Insurance Program (NEI), bt ‘ome Jurisdcvons may iit hese olamnis blow the Lowest Foo. High Risk Flood Hazard Area: Flood Hazard Are (FHA) where one or more of ‘ho folowing hazards are known to coourallwal fan footing, fash foots, ‘nukes, ce jams, high vel Bow, costal wave hgh geste than or eq 101.5 feet,orerosen ASCE 2-14 Secion 12 Jurisdiction: Te goverment unt hatha adopted, ris request evore, 2 buling coe andor todplan management regulations. 2018 IRC Secon R202 and 20%5 BC Secten 202. Also known asthe “Autorty Having Jurstiction Limi of Woderate Wave Acton (LIMWA): ine shown on Flood Hazard Maps indicating he it of e 1.5 R wave eight ing the Base Food. The Coastal A Zone (CAZ}'s he sea btwaen th LiMWA athe V Zone (othe shoreline a V Zones nat mapped), 2015 IBC Section 202; ASCE 24-14 Secton 1.2 Lowest Floor: Te foro! he lest encosed are, icing Basement, but excluding any codecomplan, vrnished o food restart encosu tht is Introd oly for vehicle parking, stucture acess, or limited storage, and excluding a cae-complant cau! space formed by fundaton wals. 2015 IRC ‘Section R522.15; 2015 IBC Section 202; ASCE 24-14 Secon 12. National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP): A federl program requiring paricpaing conmunites to adopt and eniore floodplain maragement Tequrements at meat or exo8ed the minimum land use and constuction roguremet of the program to reduce longterm wunerblly to food damage and} nate property ones fo prchas insurance prtecion against lasses fom foodng. ‘Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA): The land area subject lo food hazards, ‘own ona Fload insurance Rate Map (FIRM) as Zones A, AE, A'-30, 99, AR, 1AO, AH, V, VO, VE, or V7-30. 2075 IBC Secon 202; ASCE 24-14 Section 12. ‘Stilater Elevation (SWEL): The water surface elevaion used for design purposes. vena and lake areas, tis wl be @ floodwater surface: in coastal 0s, hs wl be he average water el ater ny waves nay be reset ae Stitwater Flood Depth (4): The verica distance trom the Stilwater Elevation (SWEL) to he ground, ater accountng for any erosion that is antipated during the Design Flood. Also known as “Flood Dept and "Stator Deph ‘Substantial Damage: Damage of any org sustained by a srucure whereby the ‘os of restoring the siuctur fo is belore-damaged condtion would equal or exoeed 50 percent of the market value ofthe stucture below the damage occured, or a smaller percentage it adopted by the Jurisdiction, 2015 IRC Sections R105.3.1.1 and R322.1; 2015 IBC Section 202; ASCE 24-14 Secton 1 2 ‘Substantial Improvement: Any rapa, reconstuston, rehabilitation, alteration, ‘adliton,o oar improvement of @stucture, the costo whch equals or exceeds 60 percent of the market value ofthe stucture before the start of constuction ofthe Improvement, or @ small: percentage f adopted by the Jurisdiction Repairs of sttuctues that incur Substantial Damage are Substantial Improvement, regartless of the actual repair work performed. The tem does not, however, include: (7) certain improvements ofa stuctue to core existing violations of heath, sanitary, or safety code requirements that ae the minimum necessary assur sale living conditons or (2) alterations ofa historic stucture, provided the alterations wil not preclude the structure's continued designaion as a historic structure. Consu the Jurisdtion regarding historic stuctures. 2015 IRC Sections R105:3.1.1 and R321; 2015 IBC Section 202; ASCE 24-14 Section 1.2. Determine ithe structure lis in whcleorinpartin the Flood Hazard Area (FHA) IF dows, then the structure needs to comply with the fod provisions ofthe applicable buling code and foodpiain management requatons Ite structure les entirely outside the Flood Hazard Area (FHA, then it wil not ‘be subject the flood provisions of codes and regulations unless the Jurisdetion has designated aitonl food resistant design requirements outside the FHA, Ire structure isnot subject food provisions of codes and regulations, then top here, The Jurisdiction should be consulted regarding other food regulatons which may apply. Food resistant design requirements vary depending onthe applicable building cde, The 2015 IRC govems one- and twe-amly dwaligs and towhouses up 1 ‘re sires in height (se 2015 IRC Section R101.2). The 2015 IBC governs a er stuctues ard dwelings for which ater 2015 IRC imitations are not met (soe 2015 IRC Sections R012, R30121, R301. 22, RI0123, R401 24, REZ, 403.18, and others Use the Flood Hazard Map and otter food-related regulations or documents proved by the Jurisdiction to determine the Flood Hazard Zone(s) where the proposed stuctie footprint is located. When making this determination, the following questions shoul be considered. «+ Is the stucture partially or enrol in tho Flood Hazard Are (FHA)? If yes, is "cated in A Zone? Floodway? Coastal A Zone (CAZ)? V Zone? «+ Is the stucture in the S00,year foodplein (Zone X (Shaded)? I yes, determine whether the Jurisdiction extends ‘ood resistant design requirements into th 500-year foodpan or beyond + fs the structure parially or enely ina High Risk Flood Hazard Area (ASCE 24 Section 3)? + Is the structure near or afecte by loves or food conto structures? Consuit the Jurisdiction regarting food hazards, since olde Flood Hazard Maps. ‘may aversate food protection provided by the levee or flod contol stucure Desig ad consti equreents vary by Flood Hazard Zone. Bas ecuitemes apply nA Zanes, and more retciverequrerents alin the Floodway, VZone, Coastal A Zone (CAZ), and ote High Risk Flood Hazard Ares, Pee eect et Peete SECRETS OF THE CODEMASTER: The location ofthe structure (not the ste)

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