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Esther Jean Z.

Barcelona CAED 2104

BCAEd 2-1

Body Language as a Teaching Tool

Define the following:

1. Non-Verbal communication
- Nonverbal communication is the most effective method for improving student
performance and engagement in the learning process. When educators use their
nonverbal cues, gestures, posture, and eye contact, students learn more easily and
actively participate in class.
2. Body language
- Body language is defined as meaningful action, expression, and posture. Teachers'
body language can aid to boost the impact of sound language in the classroom.
Observing the pupils' body language is an important approach for teachers to learn
about them.
3. Body movements
- While teaching, moving around is perceived as open, friendly, approachable, and
helpful. It enables us to invite pupils to voice their opinions, offer assistance, and
correct any mistakes. 

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