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Thời gian thi: 150 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề
(Đề thi gồm 05 trang)

Part 1: Questions 1 – 10. Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer.
Address Rooms Facilities Providing Price Problem
3 bedrooms, a Example: Internet & $(1)_______ Garden: too
bathroom, restaurant utilities big to clean
Beatle Road
and a living up
3 bedrooms, a Shared living Living room $400/$340 Due to some
(2)_________, room, furniture shared
and a living bathroom, facilities, it
room kitchen, and seems
(3)_________ (4_________
2 bedrooms, a (5)________ (6)________ $600 sometimes a
Mead Street living room, little bit
and a study (7)_________
a bedroom, a (8)________ (9)________ $500 without
Devon Close
living room, a (10)_______
study, and a
dining hall

Part 2: Questions 11 – 15. You will hear Anita Burroughs, an ice-skater, being interviewed about her
work. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, or C.
11. What problem did Anita have when ice-skating as a child?
A. There was nowhere to practise. B. She couldn’t find a good teacher.
C. The clothes were expensive.
12. She says she often does shows
A. seven days a week. B. more than once a day. C. all summer.
13. What does Anita find most difficult about her job?
A. The performances are tiring. B. Practising is very hard work.
C. She misses her family.
14. How does Anita feel about doing radio interviews?
A. She prefers them to TV interviews. B. She doesn’t know what to say.
C. She looks forward to them.
15. To be a professional ice-skater like Anita, you should
A. work well in a team. B. remain serious on the ice. C. be a good leader.
Part 3: Questions 16 – 20. You will hear five different people talking about a famous person. For
Questions 16 – 20, choose from the list (A-F) what each speaker’s opinion of the celebrity is. Use the
letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
He doesn’t have any talent. Speaker 1 16
He deserves sympathy. Speaker 2 17
He has interesting ideas. Speaker 3 18
He won’t be famous for long. Speaker 4 19
He has a bad influence on young people. Speaker 5 20
He annoys a lot of people.
Exercise 1: Choose the best answer for each question.
21. Fifteen________ by five is three.
By Đỗ Bình– THPT Liễn Sơn, Lap Thach, Vinh Phuc Trang 1
A. divided B. dividing C. been divided D. is divided
22. The problems________ Tony has seem insurmountable.
A. he B. that C. what D. when
23. Have some brandy; it’ll calm your________.
A. mind B. nerves C. head D. brain
24. When I arrived on the spot, I found out that I________ the heavy gas bottle on my back because
the campsite now had electric cookers.
A. needn't have carried B. didn't need to carry
C. can't have carried D. might not have carried
25. UNESCO________ United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
A. stands for B. brings about C. gets across D. takes after
26. Farmers can enrich the soil by using________.
A. fertile B. fertilizers C. fertilize D. fertility
27. Remember to appreciate what your friends do for you. You shouldn't take them________.
A. out of habit B. as usual C. for granted D. as a rule
28. I don't think this record will ever________.
A. get out B. run off C. catch on D. put down
29. Why did Berth ask you________ a bicycle?
A. that you had B. do you have C. if you had D. that if you had
30. She________ modern art. She visits all the local exhibitions.
A. looks down on B. goes in for C. fixes up with D. comes up against
31. Are you taking________ this semester?
A. home economic B. home economics C. house economics D. house economic
32. In some parts of the world, the indigenous population has been completely________.
A. wiped up B. wiped away C. wiped out D. wiped off
33. I would appreciate________ it a secret.
A. you to keep B. that you keep C. that you will keep D. your keeping
34. The boy is________ to solve the problem.
A. clever enough B. enough clever C. so clever D. such clever
35. The judge________ the murderer to a lifetime imprisonment.
A. accused B. convicted C. sentenced D. prosecuted
36. The________ exam in February prepared pupils for the real thing in June.
A. false B. mock C. fake D. unreal
37. You________ too much emphasis on your academic success. Be relaxed!
A. offer B. take C. give D. put
38. After so many years, it is great to see him________ his ambitions.
A. realize B. get C. possess D. deserve
39. Minh and Cuong were badly injured in the last match, so________ of them can play in this match.
A. neither B. none C. either D. both
40. The government are doing a________ of people’s changing habits.
A. plan B. project C. survey D. research
Exercise 2: Provide the correct form of the word in capitals.
(41. AUTHORIZE)_________ in Paris have halted the filming of scenes from (42. ACT)_________
movies on its streets in the wake of the recent terror attacks. The city is still on high alert (43.
FOLLOW)_________ the attack on the magazine Charlie Hebdo and other attacks, which left 20 people
(44. DIE)_________. Security has been (45. HIGH)_________ around synagogues, newspaper and
broadcasting offices and (46. SHOP)_________ malls. (47. ARMY)_________ police and soldiers are
clearly (48. VISION)_________ on the streets. Security measures have now been extended to the
movie (49. INDUSTRIAL)_________. Paris' police commander Sylvie Barnaud said: "There's a problem
with these action-type scenes, as the actors in uniform could be targets for terrorists….Also, the
actors could pose (50. CONFUSED)_________ for the general public."
Exercise 3: There is one incorrect word in terms of spelling, grammar or usage in each line of the
following passage. Indicate and correct it.
Australia was settled by Europeans in 1788, mainly to home criminals, 5 Line 1
By Đỗ Bình– THPT Liễn Sơn, Lap Thach, Vinh Phuc Trang 2
but with a little independent farmers and businessmen. The settlements 1 Line 2
were not wealthy, and there was little help available to them in need: the 5 Line 3
poor, the sick, the unemploye, and the aged. To begin with, what little 2 Line 4
help was availably came in the form of charity: donations of money, 5 Line 5
acommodation or medical treatment to selected needy. A second 3 Line 6
approach that began to emerge in the last nineteenth century was that of 5 Line 7
“universalism”. It stresses that all people in society should be entitle to 4 Line 8
certain benefits-up to a minimum level and across a restricted range of 5 Line 9
services. This approach was eventually used to arguing for the 5 Line 10
introduction of a pension for the aged poor. 5

Exercise 1: Questions 61 – 73
China’s ‘violent philanthropist’ gives away fresh air.
Even through the thick Beijing smog, it is impossible to mistake the ebullient figure shaking
hands, signing autographs and barking at startled passersby: “Come on, two cans for each one –
free fresh air. Open it and drink it and breathe it! It keeps you fresh the whole day!” It is the kind of
offer that has made Chen Guangbiao a household name in China: giving away thousands of tins of
air to raise awareness of China’s pollution. “If we don’t act in the next 10 years, our descendants
will have to carry oxygen tanks and wear masks all the time,” he said at the publicity event in
Beijing this month.
Chen, 44, is a multimillionaire entrepreneur who bills himself as the country’s number one
philanthropist and environmentalist. In January, he lay under a sheet of wood and steel while two
cars drove over him, to demonstrate that the world would be better without cars. In another
comment on the drawbacks of motoring he smashed up a Mercedes Benz car. Recently he put an
advert in the New York Times proclaiming the disputed Diaoyu Islands-currently at the heart of the
territorial row with Japan-to be Chinese, and announced he was giving new cars to drivers whose
vehicles were destroyed in anti-Japanese protests-while simultaneously promoting a cycling
initiative. He also plans to give away $240,000 to young entrepreneurs in the next weeks.
But he is best known for his personal deliveries to the victims of natural disasters. He
arrived in Sichuan with a fleet of heavy machinery after the earthquake in 2008. When the tsunami
struck Japan, he flew over with cash and goods. He has apparently an unsinkable self-belief. “I want
to record the name of Chen Guangbiao in Chinese history,” he said.
His party trick is to lift a bike using his teeth and spin it around in the air. It is, says Chen, all down
to kung fu training at the famous Shaolin temple. Chen grew up in the countryside near Nanjing, in
such poverty that two of his siblings starved to death. He earned his first cash-around 60 cents-
carrying water from a well to villagers one summer, and used some of the money to help pay for a
neighbour’s schooling. In recognition of his good deed, a teacher pasted a red star on his face. “I ran
around the classes … Every student wanted to learn from me and do good things,” he explained.
He made his fortune recycling materials from demolished buildings and has vowed to give it
all away before his death. The Hurun rich list estimated his worth at $740m last year. Already, he
says, he has made donations worth $278m. Others rank far ahead of him in independent lists of
charitable donors and sceptics say it is hard to assess the real value of his gifts since they are often
in kind. He counters that other philanthropists give to charities in the sectors they work in, with the
hope of commercial returns.
By Đỗ Bình– THPT Liễn Sơn, Lap Thach, Vinh Phuc Trang 3
Chen calls his hig-profile tactics “violent philanthropy”. He says: “My individual power is
limited. I want to use my high-profile way to wake people up to take action together to do good
things. I can only awake them with my performance art and creativity.” Admirers point out that
most millionaires are doing little for their fellows. And Chen’s stunts have, as he predicted, got
people talking about philanthropy and the environment. “We need these kinds of people to tell us
that if you want to help people you need to take responsibility,” says Wang Lanjun, pausing to have
her photo taken with him. “He’s great!” enthused another passing pedestrian. “He said I’m great,”
Chen points out. “You see? Ordinary people love me.”
Questions 61 – 65: Read the text and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F).
61. Chen Guangbiao has given out free oxygen masks to passersby in Beijing.
62. He has destroyed a luxury car.
63. He has taken heavy equipment to an area affectede by an earthquake.
64. He has helped pay for the education of some students at his village school.
65. He has made a promise to give away all his money before he dies.
Questions 66 – 73: Read the text and choose the most suitable word in the box to fill in each blank in
the summary. There are more words than needed.
awareness donations drawbacks fortune initiatives
poverty responsibility philanthropy stunts simultaneously
Chen Guangbiao is an extraordinary figure who started life in extreme (66)____________ and then
succeeded in making a huge (67)____________ through recycling building materials. He is famous in
China for both his large (68)____________ to people in need and his spectacular publicity
(69)____________ which aim to raise (70)____________ about key environmental issues. One of his latest
(71)____________ has been to give away cans of fresh air to publicise the threat of air pollution. In
addition, he has also organised events to show the significant (72)____________ of using motor
vehicles. The hope is that his campaigns will encourage individuals and companies to take
(73)____________ for their impact on the environment.
Exercise 2: Choose the best option to complete the passage.
A love of travelling
For Nigel Portman, a love of travelling began with what’s (74)____________ a ‘gap year’. In
common with many other British teenagers, he chose to take a year out before (75)____________ to
study for his degree. After doing various jobs to (76)____________ some money, he left home to gain
some experience of life in different cultures, visiting America and Asia. The more adventurous the
young person, the (77)____________ the challenge they are likely to set themselves for the gap year,
and for some, like Nigel, it can (78)____________ in a thirst for adventure.
Now that his university course has (79)____________ to an end, Nigel is just about to leave on a
three-year trip that will take him right around the world. What’s more, he plans to make the whole
journey using only means of transport which are (80)____________ by natural energy. In other words,
he’ll be (81)____________ mostly on bicycles and his own legs; and when there’s an ocean to cross, he
won’t be taking a (82)____________ cut by climbing aboard a plane, he’ll be joining the crew of a
sailing ship (83)____________.
As well as doing some mountain climbing and other outdoor pursuits along the way, Nigel
hopes to pass on to the people he meets the environmental message that lies behind the whole
74. A called B. named C. referred D. known
75. A. settling down B. getting up C. taking over D. holding back
76. A. achieve B. raise C. advance D. win
77. A. stronger B. wider C. greater D. deeper
78. A. result B. lead C. cause D. create
79. A. come B. turned C. reached D. brought
80. A. pulled B. charged C. forced D. powered
81. A. attempting B. using C. relying D. trying
82. A. quick B. short C. brief D. swift
83. A. anyway B. alike C. instead D. otherwise
Exercise 3: Fill in each blank with a most suitable word.
By Đỗ Bình– THPT Liễn Sơn, Lap Thach, Vinh Phuc Trang 4
Number of blue whales increasing
This is a good-news story about sea life. Scientists (84)____________ reported that the
numbers of blue whales in the eastern Pacific Ocean (85)____________ the highest they have been in
over a century. Researchers at the University of Washington report that there are now over 2,200
blue whales (86)____________ Mexico and Alaska. Hunters killed nearly all the blue whales in that
area and they were (87)____________ to extinction. (88)____________ became illegal in 1971 and the
numbers of the world's largest mammal started increasing. It has (89)____________ over 40 years for
the blue whale to recover. Lead (90)____________ Dr Cole Monnahan was very happy at this positive
news. He said: "For us, this is a great conservation success story."
Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences using FROM FOUR TO SIX WORDS (including the given
words) so that their meanings are close to the originals.
91. You didn’t think carefully enough before you decided. OUGHT
You _________________________ carefully before you decided.
92. Surely nobody likes it when people make fun of them in public. BEING
Surely nobody likes _________________________ in public.
93. Don’t conclude that learning English is easy. COME
Don’t _________________________ that learning English is easy.
94. I’m afraid there is no room in the concert hall tonight. BOOKED
I’m afraid the _________________________ tonight.
95. The motorcyclist rounded the corner at a quite unbelievable speed. WHICH
The speed _________________________ the corner was quite unbelievable.
Exercise 2: Write a description of the table below (at least 120 words).
The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia
in 1999.

__________THE END___________

By Đỗ Bình– THPT Liễn Sơn, Lap Thach, Vinh Phuc Trang 5

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