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Create Needs Assessment

Camille, Lilla, Laith, Dylan, Owen, Nathan

The Overall Objective of our project

What components of your shipping container fit the need:

The enjoyment of the pool and the park

What are the needs of the community: parks, public pools

Include :

Park, swimming pool, green house, bathroom/outdoor shower

Provide 2 sources from your research for why the project
fulfills a need in the community

1. Vanessa McCarthy Olmsted (works for Rich Desmond)- it gets really hot
during the summer, especially during climate change so a pool is a really
good place to cool off

2. Mrs. Mokhtar (therapist) - a place for kids to play outdoors and enjoy nature
Describe the basic function for each shipping container
How many containers - in your project:3

1. One container will be made into a pool

2. The other will be a green house with a basketball hoop, slide, and zipline on
top of it.
3. Half for pool supplies and other half restroom/washroom
What other materials are needed:
● Plants ● Trees ● Lavender
● Marigold
● planter boxes ● Fence ● Rosemary
● soil ● Glass ● Basil
● water ● Picnic tables ● Mint
● sand ● Circle rope swing ● These are the plants
● basketball hoop ● Slackline
● toys ● Roundabout
● zipline ● Outdoor shower
● swing ● Access to water
● water slide ● Seating
● Life vests ● Shade
● restroom/washroom
Hand Diagrams
and Sketches of
your groups ideas

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