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Day 5:

/i:/, / ɪ /, /u:/, /ʊ/

If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way, if you don’t,
you’ll find an excuse.
/i:/ /ɪ/

sheep ship
/ʃiːp/ /ʃɪp/
/i:/ /ɪ/

release visit
/rɪˈliːs/ /’vɪzɪt/

complete /kəmˈpliːt/ physician /fɪˈzɪʃ.ən/

ceiling /ˈsiː.lɪŋ/ appreciate /əˈpriː.ʃi.eɪt/

receipt /rɪˈsiːt/ extend /ɪkˈstend/


1. Three chinese teachers are in the meeting.

2. It is difficult to live here.

/u:/ /ʊ/

Food Cook
/fu:d/ /kʊk/
/u:/ /ʊ/

Supervisor Push
/ˈsuːpə.vaɪ.zər/ /pʊʃ/

approve /əˈpruːv/ neighbourhood /ˈneɪ.bə.hʊd/

recruit /rɪˈkruːt/ woman /ˈwʊm.ən/

suitable /ˈsuː.tə.bəl/ assurance /əˈʃʊr.əns/

Check up 1:
1. Some___________ are parked near the building.
2. The ___________ is next to the dock.
3. The ___________ is waiting in the railway station.
4. There are ___________ on the highway.
5. The ___________ are parked in the row.
6. Some ___________ are crossing a bridge.
7. The ___________ is empty.
8. The ___________ is deserted.
9. Boats are going under the ___________.
10.A flowerpot has been placed on the ___________.

Check up 2:
1. There are___________ on the lawn.
2. A ___________ has been hung on the wall.
3. The ___________ are lined up on the wall.
4. There is ___________ by the doorway.
5. Some ___________ are arranged around the table.
6. The ___________ is full of folders.
7. There are ___________ under the counter.
8. Some ___________ has been turned on.
9. ___________ are displayed by the wall.
10.Some ___________ have been organized on a counter.
Check up 3:
1. Display ___________ are stocked with products.
2. Some ___________ are on display in a store.
3. There is ___________ on the shelves.
4. Some ___________ are filled with food.
5. There are ___________ in a vehicle.
6. Some ___________ are arranged in a row.
7. The ___________ is filled with clothes.
8. The ___________ are different sizes.
9. Some ___________are hanging on the wall.
10. ___________are stacked on the table.
Check up 4:
1. Some___________ are behind the sofa.

2. ___________ has been placed on the table.

3. ___________ ___________ are on display.

4. There is a ___________ beside the path.
5. ___________ have been planted in rows.

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