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This review consists of books, articles, documents that focus on the same subject

matter or other concepts of the study. The proponents made use of different reading

materials related to the online system. The information gathered by the researchers

focuses on the development of e-commerce or online marketing and its advantages to the

economy, consumers and businesses.


In the Philippines, e-commerce is mostly being implemented by major retailers

and multinational corporations for bank-to-bank exchange. A number of Business-to-

consumer transactions have emerged through the years such as auctions, online shopping,

and online banking. This just shows that Filipino businesses welcome this new

opportunity in selling goods since 16% of the population is using Internet. This new

marketing strategy will not only benefit those big companies but also the small

businesses who cannot afford to advertise their products. Just by creating a website in a

very affordable cost would make the business grow in terms of sales and enhance the

company image as well. (Lacson, Pasadilla, 2006)

“Players now are fortunate that all components to put up an online store

are available locally — from hosting to shopping carts, payment systems to online

marketing,” (Monching Romano, founder of

Santos (2009) assumed that Philippine e-commerce has grown rapidly in recent

years. Scores of business now owner and operate websites using the internet for customer

and supply-chain transaction.


It is critical for companies to know how do they attract customers to their website,

engage them to turn into paying customers and also retain them in returning to your

website. Online communications techniques used to achieve goals of brand awareness,

familiarity and favourability and to influence purchase intent by encouraging users of

digital media to visit a website to engage with the brand or product and ultimately to

purchase online or offline through traditional media channels such as by phone or in-

store.(Chaffey, 2009).

According to Tafar (2013) customer Order System aims to accelerate customers’

orders. Customer Ordering System used by servers and kitchen employees to accept

customer orders. An online ordering system is not a new concept to many as this has been

running successfully all over the world for quite some time now. The whole concept

behind a professional website along with a system shows how you present yourself to the

online world.

Wave (2009) provides an excellent website designed with the ability to increase

sales and expand their business by giving customers the ability to order online with a

simple click of a button like for the log-in with the use of JQuery(Client Side Scripting).

It has been developed by some of the most revolutionary thinkers so as to provide better

order taking solutions to the industry. Most importantly, our focus is on quality and better
customer service. All website content is entered through a secure browser interface,

accommodating multiple user levels to protect data integrity and maximize administrative

efficiency. It also has the ability to service your needs wherever you may be. They

provide an extensive range of optional components and extra functionality such as image

galleries, newsletter management etc. Their goal is dedicated to a cost effective and

customer friendly restaurant online ordering software & solutions for the Restaurants



Based on the information gathered, company who are engaged into online ordering

system are more likely to be competitive in the business field. According to the related

local and foreign literature collected, e-commerce promotes convenience to both

consumers and the beneficiary. Online ordering increases sales, expand business, and

accelerates customers’ order.

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