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Python Documentation

Variables is a named place in the memory where a programmer can store and
retrieve data using the assigned name.

Control structure (IF Statement and Loop)

Control structures are the control flow of a python program which are
regulated by conditional statements, loops and function calls.

Strings data type

A string is a sequence of characters, a string literal uses quotes and for strings +
means concatenate, even if a string contains numbers it is still a string and we
can convert numbers in a string into a number using int().

A list is a data structure in Python that is changeable sequence of elements,
each element or value inside of a list is called an item, they are defined by
square brackets.

Functions are some reusable codes that takes arguments as input, does some
computation, and then return results, we define a function by using the def
reserved word, there are 2 types of functions in python which are built in
functions and functions that we define ourselves.
Files I/O

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