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TP060103 UCDF2005(1)ICT(SE)

Networking Individual Assignment

Networks and Networking



Name: Lim Jin Wei (Arthur) (TP060103)

HAND IN DATE: 20 November 2021

Lecturer: Miss. Noris Ismail

TP060103 UCDF2005(1)ICT(SE)

1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................3
2. Physical Topology..........................................................................................................................4
3. Logical Topology............................................................................................................................5
4. Lan Topology.................................................................................................................................6
5. WAN Topology...............................................................................................................................9
6. Cable Connections.......................................................................................................................10
7. Connection between networks....................................................................................................10
8. IP Addressing Table......................................................................................................................12
9. Router IP Addressing Plan............................................................................................................13
10. Conclusion...............................................................................................................................14

TP060103 UCDF2005(1)ICT(SE)

1. Introduction
The assignment is given out to us to help us understand, implement, and demonstrate the use
of packet tracer, switch configs, calculation of VLSM and router, this report is written to
show the understanding and explanation of the network topology and IP addressing scheme
used in the small network design which was created and configured to show the
understanding and knowledge gained from our lectures.
The network topology is based on the network of Boulevard Hotel and the students need to
design and implement an IP addressing scheme for the network topology shown. The students
are provided with a single class C block of IP addresses to subnet and provide the necessary
IP addressing plan for the network.
With the use of Cisco Packet Tracer, the students are first required to create the topology
diagram of the network that is shown by the diagram that is provided, once finished the
devices are then configuration is then needed according to the IP addressing scheme, once
completed the right commands are then needed to ensure the network is in working order, the
students are given the addressing space of to be used on our network design,
the objectives of the assignment is to first allow communications in the network and the other
is to be able to perform basic configurations onto the routers.

TP060103 UCDF2005(1)ICT(SE)

2. Physical Topology

The picture above shows the physical topology which shows the physical devices such as
routers, desktops and smartphones, they also show how they are connected, as seen above the
routers, switches, access points and servers are neatly stacked onto the rack onto the left and
the end devices such as smartphones, laptops and desktops and on the right, this is done to
make the physical topology neat and easy to manage as a messy and unorganized topology
will lead to problems like managing difficult, they also help demonstrate how the devices are
interconnected and are able to ping each other.

TP060103 UCDF2005(1)ICT(SE)

3. Logical Topology

The picture above shows the logical topology which gives us an overview and the virtual
connections between every device on the network with the help of device interfaces, icons
and IP addressing schemes, the routers, switches, access points, servers and end devices are
placed as the students are using the logical topology to configure and map out the networks
before the students access the physical network, it is also used to verify the connections, and
the configuration of routers, switches, access points, servers and end devices in order for
them to be connected to each other so that they work as intended and are able to ping each
other successfully.

TP060103 UCDF2005(1)ICT(SE)

4. Lan Topology

As seen from the picture above the topology used at the LAN topology of the hotel’s network
is mostly an extended star topology which consists of multiple nodes (hosts) with a switch
acting as the central communication node, and using the picture above as an example the
switch the central communication node and it acts as a node for message exchanges and
transfers which means that if any nodes wants to convey a message to another node, first they
have to send the message to the switch with upon receiving it will send the message to the
appropriate node, using the picture above again it can be seen that copper cables are being
used to connect with the fast ethernet interfaces and as for the wireless LAN connection they
are using Wi-Fi to connect.
This works best for short distanced communications in buildings where a local network is set
up, an advantage of utilizing would be that all of the nodes are able to be handled from 1
single location that being the switch. Extended star topology is often implemented when
multiple nodes are needed to be connected to one single switch and all nodes must be
controlled by that one switch, because the nodes are connected to a single central hub the
chances of the network failing is slim as they are independent of one another and is directly
connected to on central switch.

TP060103 UCDF2005(1)ICT(SE)

The two pictures above shows the offsite and JB network which uses a star topology, the
switches are connected to the routers and multiple end devices are also connected to the
switch, all end systems are also chained together and terminated on each end. A star topology
has a central node as mentioned above and has multiple units connect to it, they do not
communicate with each other but instead sends signals to the central node which then sends
the signal to the specific system, the star topology is perfect for small or short distanced
As seen on the first picture the offsite network has 3 servers that are directly connected to the
switch with the router providing IP addresses and internet with the intention for the servers to
communicate with one another.
The second picture is of the JB network which has both wired and wireless connections, the
PC is has a wired ethernet connection and the laptop and smartphone both has a wireless
connection to the access point which is connected to the switch.

TP060103 UCDF2005(1)ICT(SE)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Star Topology

TP060103 UCDF2005(1)ICT(SE)

5. WAN Topology

The picture above shows the Penang and Offsite router being connected via a serial cable
which allows them to communicate with one another and allow data to flow from one
network to another, the picture also shows the point to point topology that the routers are
using to enable them to connect to each other, it is the most common WAN topology which
has a permanent link between two endpoints as seen in the picture above.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Point to Point topology

6. Cable Connections
There were a total of 3 cables that were being used during the configuration of the networks
they are Fiber Optic, Copper Straight Through and Serial Cable. Serial cables are often used
to transmit data between two devices using a serial communication protocol to send and
receive information. Copper Straight Through cables are a twisted pair copper wire cables
which are often used for Local Area Network (LAN), the cable utilizes one wiring standard

TP060103 UCDF2005(1)ICT(SE)

where both ends have either a T568A standard or T568B standard, they are also used as an
ethernet cable for connection between two types of interfaces which are the Fast Ethernet
Interface and the Gigabit Ether Interface. Fiber optic cables are used as a backbone cabling
for point to point connections between data distribution facilities and for the interconnections
of buildings in multi building campuses.

7. Connection between networks

The picture above shows the logical topology and its connections, if a PC from KL wanted to
ping a PC in Penang static routing will be used as it allows the packets to travel form a
network to another, configurations will be needed to set up the commands for the routers that
the packets will be traveling through which in this case would be the KL router, then the
Offsite router and finally the Penang router.

As seen above from the configuration that have been set the first packet will be sent to the
offsite router which is the network ID of, the subnet of and
the hop address being, the network ID and subnet will be keyed in and the hop
address being where the packets will exit from, the rest of the commands works the same but
the only difference being that minor adjustments will be needed which are the routes that
needs to be keyed in.

TP060103 UCDF2005(1)ICT(SE)

When the PC from KL pings the PC in Penang upon a successful ping it should show that it is
successful like the picture shown above, this shows that the configurations have been done
correctly and that the connection is working as intended, but if the connection is unsuccessful
the status should display “failed” and look like the picture below.

TP060103 UCDF2005(1)ICT(SE)

8. IP Addressing Table

The picture above shows the IP addressing plans for the network configuration, it’s of a
descending order so starting with the largest number of hosts with the KL network having
120 hosts, 128 IP addresses are used for this network which also has a subnet mask of, there are a total of 2 IP addresses that were left out for the network and
broadcast IP which also applies to the rest of the IP addresses, the KL network uses the
network ID and a total of 126 IP addresses with DHCP and static routing also
being applied with the address of to being left out from the
DHCP configurations while the rest of the IP addresses are in the DHCP configuration with
the application of static route onto the network.

Up next is the Penang network with 60 hosts, 64 IP addresses and a subnet mask of , the network ID and 62 IP addresses are being used for
the network and the IP address that ranges from to are
being excluded from the DHCP configuration and the rest are in the DHCP configuration.

JB host has both wired and wireless connections which means that there are 2 separate
network IDs but still within the same area, the first JB host has 30 host and has a wireless
connection, 32 IP addresses and a subnet mask of are used for this network
and the network ID and 30 IP addresses are used for this network, the IP
address ranges from to are being excluded from the DHCP
configuration and the rest are in the DHCP configuration.

The second JB host is a wired network with 10 host and is a wired connection, there are a
total of 16 OP addresses and a subnet mask of, the network ID is and 14 IP addresses which are usable for this network, the IP address ranges
from to are not included from the DHCP configuration and
the rest just like before are.

And the fifth and final host is the Offsite host which consist of a total of 8 host and it is the
least number of host in the network, a total of 16 IP addresses and a subnet mask of which will be needed for the network, the network ID and
14 IP addresses are used for the network, the range of the IP addresses from
to are excluded from the DHCP configuration and like before the rest are
included in the configuration.

TP060103 UCDF2005(1)ICT(SE)

9. Router IP Addressing Plan

The picture above displays the table that shows the IP addressing plan for the routers, the
Offsite router is the central main router which will be connected to the rest of the 3 routers
which are KL, JB and Penang routers.

Offsite to KL has 2 host, 4 IP addresses and the subnet mask of, its network
ID will then be and only have 2 usable IP addresses which are

Offsite to JB also has 2 host, 4 IP addresses and subnet mask of, but the
network ID is and only have 2 usable IP addresses which are

Offsite to Penang also has 2 host, 4 IP addresses and subnet mask of, but the
network ID is and there will also have 2 usable IP addresses which are and

TP060103 UCDF2005(1)ICT(SE)

10. Conclusion
In short, this assignment was handed out and done by the students to showcase their
understand and implementation of the knowledge they’ve gained throughout the 14 weeks of
lecture classes. The students are tested by needing to build a network which requires the use
of VLSM calculations, IP addresses, configuration and placements of routers, switches,
servers, cables, static route, access points, and end to end devices. They are also required to
know the types of topologies used in the Boulevard Hotels network like Star and Extended
Star topology for both LAN and WAN, they also need to know the benefits and drawbacks of
the topologies.

The students also need to carry out self-reflections and look back on what they have learnt
and the problems they have faced and had to troubleshoot along the way. This assignment
will greatly help the students better understand what they have been thought, develop trouble
shooting skills, implementation of what they have learnt and to learn new things and develop
new ideas along the way.

It is safe to say that the students are very appreciative of their lecturers as they are not only
eager to teach but also eager to help the students understand as they take the time to help the
student with their issues inside and outside of classes.

TP060103 UCDF2005(1)ICT(SE)

11. References
Point to point topology - advantages & disadvantages: Network topology. Computer
Network Topology. (2020, May 22).

Fiber optic vs copper cabling - know the difference. Versitron. (n.d.).

Network media. Fiber versus Copper. (n.d.).

Extended star topology: Importance and uses of extended star topology. EDUCBA.
(2021, July 13).


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