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UX Reserch

My answers
My niche:
I have decided to make my website about a made up religious cult that
thinks dinosaurs are our lords and saviors. The reason I chose this is
thematic is because it could serve as an Aprils fool’s joke in the future
and also it sounded like fun project to work on. The name of the cult
is T-rexligion (HA get it? Its because T-rex is a dinosaur but I got rid
of the -x at the end and added –ligion, ik it’s a terrible pun and im
sorry for that)

My user persona:
Well it’s going to mostly be random people from the internet with an
age in-between 13-25+ from all around the world and with varying
levels of education. By using this site the user has either been
completely bamboozled or simply admiring its pure genius. The
habits of the possible users can also greatly vary but a common one
would most likely be playing games or spending a significant time on
social media

My website’s strategy:
With my website I’m hoping of promoting a fictional religious cult
and making some strangers laugh. My website can be responsible for
releasing dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins which can greatly help
with relaxing muscle tensions and decreasing blood pressure and heart

My website’s functional requirements:

The users need to read the information on the site and explore it
My website’s content requirements:
The users need to see the made up story of how this cult came to be,
what it presents, some “opinions” from members inside the cult and
maybe some photos.

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