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Name: Khushbakht Shafqat (Wahaj Hussain’s Johar Campus)

Descriptive writing
Q. Describe your favorite time of the year and explain what makes it
special.(Remember you are describing the characteristics of the time and not telling a

After the departure of sweltering, sultry summers, the wonderful winters approached which
brought with them a beautiful touch of grace to the city. My favorite time of the year had
arrived, winters, which approached in its glorifying manner, concealing the ugliness of the
city life under its majestic cloak. It seemed as if it swung its wand across the heart of the city,
miraculously vanishing our stressful and hyperactive routines, and leading us to lay in our
warm cozy beds most of the times. The hustle and bustle of the city then disappeared, sending
tranquility upon our hearts.

The serene and silent environment caught my attention, causing me to glare at the beauty the
weather had brought. The tick-tock of the clock showed six in the morning. As I covered my
cold body with the quilt from both of my hands, I looked at the aesthetic and feathery clouds
beyond my window screen. It appeared to me no difference as I looked at those heavenly
pure white clouds and the white snow that gave a smooth coverage to everything beneath the
blue sky. After a while, a narrow streak of golden sunshine penetrated from across the white
cottony clouds. It touched my face in the most glorious manner as if God was bestowing me
with harmony and internal calm. Nothing was more satisfying than enjoying the treats and
goodies the weather brought with itself. The taste and pleasure brought by almonds, walnuts,
peanuts, hazelnuts and pistachios made me wonder about the blessings of winter season. The
sip of hot, smoky and delectable coffee gave warmth to my chilly body which was quivering
because of cold. It boosted and recovered me from the drowsiness I had become a victim of. I
was excited and stirred up to feel the snow with my bare hands. As I stepped outside the
house, the strong freezing wind touched my face softly, in the most peaceful manner. I could
feel the tip of my nose as cold as ice. As I held the snow with my bare hands, it numbed my
fingers and began to melt with the warmth of my hand. A time came that I could not feel my
hand but it bizarrely satisfied me.

The winter season was the time of the year I had been waiting for so long, and finally, its
arrival made me delightful and elated. It came in a manner as if a new chapter of the life had
begun, with a new phase, leaving all the problems and quarries behind.

(425 words)

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