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10/10/2022 10/11/2022 10/12/2022 10/13/2022 10/14/2022

English 10 English 10 English 10 English 10 English 10
Grammar Grammar Grammar Grammar NO SCHOOL

Students will be able to: Handout worksheet for Students will be able Handout worksheet for In-Service
Define adjective and its type adjective specifically its to: action and linking verb  
Identify the types of
adjectives and figure it out type and identify it Define action and for mastery and  
on sentences within the sentences linking verbs retention of the lesson  
Construct sentences using given Identify action and    
the different kinds of   linking verb within a   English 11
adjectives   sentence   NO SCHOOL
  Construct sentences  
  using action and linking   In-Service
    English 11
Handout new set of
English 11   Colon symbol
words for spelling test
this week
English 11 Handout worksheet about English 12
English 11 appositives for mastery and
Handout worksheet Grammar NO SCHOOL
Speech retention of the lesson.
about suffix and prefix Students will be able to:
English 12
for master and Define appositives In-Service
Students will be able Grammar
retention of the lesson Identify appositives
English 12 within a sentence
Define suffixes and Handout worksheet
prefixes Construct sentences with about context clues for
Identify suffix and Continue working on appositives mastery and retention
prefix in a sentence the essay they made. English 12 English 7
English 7
Construct sentences English 7 Context Clues NO SCHOOL
Spelling test
with suffix and prefix Poem Students will be able to: Spelling test for the class
English 12 Define context clues English 8 In-Service
Essay Student will create their Identify it within a
own poem and present sentence or paragraph
Students will be able to: it to the class Construct sentences with Handout worksheet
Define what an essay is English 8 about action and
context clues English 8
Discuss on the steps in
writing an essay
Grammar English 7 linking verb for mastery NO SCHOOL
Students will need to read Grammar and retention of the
and article, or any Handout worksheet lesson In-Service
composition and will need to about personal Students will be able to: English 9
write and essay about it Essay
pronouns for retention -Know what action and
English 7 linking verb is
and mastery of the
Poem -Identify and site the action
lesson and linking verbs within the
Handout worksheet English 9
English 9 sentence about transitive and NO SCHOOL
Students will be able Grammar -Handout worksheet for intransitive verb for
to: action and linking verb mastery and retention In-Service
Define the elements of   of the lesson
Handout worksheet
a poem English 8 Speech Class
about adjective and the
Site these elements on Grammar Presentation
different types of it for Speech Class
a specific poem
mastery and retention NO SCHOOL
Students will chose a Students will be able
Speech Class Students will continue
poem and they will to:
Presentation with the presentation of In-Service
need to figure out the Define action and
elements from the linking verbs their speeches and the
poem they chose. Students will continue Identify action and rest of the student as
English 8 with the presentation of linking verb within a audience or listeners
Grammar their speeches and the sentence will give constructive
rest of the student as Construct sentences criticism.
Students will be able audience or listeners using action and linking
to: will give constructive verbs
Personal pronouns criticism  
Identify personal English 9
pronouns within a Grammar
Construct sentences Students will be able
with personal pronouns to:
  Define what an essay
Handout new set of Define what transitive
words for spelling test and intransitive verb is
this week Identify transitive and
English 9 intransitive verb in a
Grammar sentence
Construct sentences
Students will be able with transitive or
to: intransitive verb
Define proper and
compound adjectives Speech Class
Identify these kind of Presentation
adjectives within a
sentence Students will continue
Construct sentences with the presentation of
with proper and their speeches and the
compound adjectives rest of the student as
  audience or listeners
  will give constructive
Handout new set of criticism
words for this week
spelling test
Speech Class

Each of the student will

present a speech
Entertainment speech
and the rest of the
student as audience or
listeners will give
constructive criticism

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