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M1 Role of an environmental engineer are concerned with assessing and managing the

effects of human and other activity on the natural and built environment. With so much
focus on being green and preserving the environment for our futures, environmental
engineers are becoming increasingly important. We outline how you can become an
environmental engineer and what the role involves. Environmental engineering
specialists use principles of biology and chemistry to develop solutions to environmental
problems. These workers are involved in matters such as recycling, waste disposal, water
and air pollution control, and public health issues Natural Purification of Liquid
Water Purification of water in liquid form ultimately depends on natural filtration,
chemical absorption and adsorption by soil particles and organic matter, living organism
uptake of nutrients, and living organism decomposition processes in soil and water
environments. Human activities that compact soil, degrade soil structure in other ways,
contaminate storm water with pollutants, or alter the composition of soil and water-
based organisms, eventually reduce or retard the natural water purification process and
cause accelerated movement of unfiltered water through the system and into our water
supplies. Soils, especially in wetland and riparian areas, along with vegetation and
microorganisms play very important roles in natural water purification. Microorganisms
in soils, wetlands and riparian areas either utilize or breakdown numerous chemical and
biological contaminants in water. Public Health Perspective For Treating Water and Waste
Water The volume of sewage in the world is set to rise in line with population growth.
Furthermore, the growth in global wealth means our wastewater, including sewage,
contains increasing amounts of dangerous chemicals, toxic substances and the debris
associated with modern consumer lifestyles. Sewage contains plastic particles, microbial
pollutants and traces of medications that can threaten water and food security, and
human health. The problem is particularly acute in densely populated areas which lack
treatment facilities. Wastewater treatment is a process used to remove contaminants
from wastewater and convert it into an effluent that can be returned to the water cycle.
Once returned to the water cycle, the effluent creates an acceptable impact on the
environment or is reused for various purposes. Water may be treated differently in
different communities depending on the quality of the source water that enters the
treatment plant. The water that enters the treatment plant is most often either surface
water or ground water. Surface water typically requires more treatment and filtration
than ground water POPULATION FORECASTING METHODS • 1.Arithmetic increase
method• Simplest method • Assumption : There will be a constant increase in population
from decade to decade. • Collect the census data of at least 3-4 decades. • Calculate the
increase in population for each decade • Calculate average increase per decade. The
future population Pn = P0 + n x Where, P = present population n = no. of decades b/w
now and future I = average increase per decade 2.Geometric Increase Method • Growth
percentage is assumed to be constant • Compounding is done every decade • Pn = P0
(1+r/100)n 3.Incremental increase method • Rate of growth is not assumed to be a
constant • Growth is assumed to be progressively increasing • Incremental increase (+/-)
is determined • Pn = P0 + n x̅ + [n(n+1)/2].Y 4.Decreasing rate of growth method •
Assumption : Rate of increase in population decreases as cities reach towardssaturation
•Applicable only when rate of growth shows a decreasing trend 5.Simple Graphical
Method •Graph is plotted for existing data and extended up to desired year •Assumption:
conditions remain same in future 6.Comparative Graphical Method • Growth of city is
compared with similar cities that have developed in past • Logical precise reliable
method; and results from statistics of similar developments 7.Master Plan Method •
Adopted for well planned cities • Master plan gives idea about development of houses,
industries and commercial establishments 8. Ratio Method/Apportionment Method •
City’s population is expressed as percentage of population of country’s population • Ratio
of local population to national population is worked out for 4-5 decades • Graph is
plotted b/w time and ratios, ratio is extrapolated to design year and multiplied by
expected national population for design year • Suitable for growths parallel to national
growth PER CAPITA DEMand is defined as the annual average amount of daily water
required by one person, and includes the domestic use, industrial and commercial use,
public use, wastes, thefts, etc. Factors affecting per capita demand • Size of city (Big
cities-commercial, industrial activities) • Climatic conditions • Living standards of people
• Industrial and commercial activities • Quality of water supplies • Pressure in
distribution system • Development of sewerage system • System of supply : continuous,
intermittent • Cost of water • Policy of metering and method of charging Per capita
Demand Fluctuations Hourly, Daily, Monthly, Seasonal Variations • Maximum daily
consumption = 1.8 times Average daily demand • Maximum hourly consumption= 1.5
times Average hourly demand • Maximum monthly consumption = 1.4 times Average
monthly demand • Maximum seasonal consumption = 1.3 times Average seasonal
demand Types of water demand 1.Domestic demand • The amount of water necessary in
the residences for drinking, bathing, cooking, washing • Depends on the habits, social
status, weather and traditions of the people • 135 - 200 litres/capita/day (IS:1172-1993)
2. Industrial demand • Based on existing and expected demand • 20 –25% of total water
demand is normally considered as industrial water demand (50 l/capita/d) 3. Institutional
and commercial demand • Includes the water requirement for public buildings other than
residences. • Commercial buildings, hospitals, malls, colleges, hotels, bus depots... • 20
l/capita/d 4. Water demand for public use • For public utility needs like for washing and
sprinkling on roads, cleaning of sewers, watering of public parks, gardens, public
fountains etc. • Usually 5 % of total water demand for city (10 l/capita/d) 5. Fire demand
• Water requirement for fire fighting purpose. The quantity of water required for
extinguishing fire is not very large, the total amount of water consumption for a city of 50
lakh population hardly amounts to 1 lpcd. But this water should be easily available and
kept always stored in storage reservoirs. Three jet streams are simultaneously thrown
from each hydrant; one on the burning property, and one each on adjacent property on
either sides of the burning property. The discharge of each stream should be about 1100
litres/minute. The minimum water pressure available at fire hydrants should be of the
order of 1 to 1.5 kg/cm² and should be maintained even after 4 to 5 hours of constant use
of fire hydrant Rate of fire demand is worked out by some formulas 6. Wastage and
losses •in pipeline while water distribution. • Due to damaged pipe line/faulty
accessories, water taps kept open in public or residences causing water wastage, illegal
and unauthorized connections • 12- 15% of total quantity of water Dry Weather Flow The
sanitary sewage which flows in dry season is known as dry weather flow. Dry weather
flows represent all flows within the sewer pipes on a typical day without precipitation
and the results of lower flow to separate sanitary sewer systems.  During dry weather
flow, insufficient flow velocities can increase the retention time within the pipes and
channel.  Therefore, these flows could result in undesirable sedimentation of solid
particles and biological/chemical reactions. It consists of two types of sewage:a) Domestic
sewage.b) Industrial sewage.The quantity of D.W.F depends upon the factors: a)
Infiltration and ex-filtration.b) Nature of industries.c) Population.d) Rate of water supply.
Wet weather flows/storm.water.Flow include sewage flows and runoff that infiltrate into
the sanitary sewer systems during a storm event.  Wet weather flows also include
groundwater flows that enter through defective pipe joints, connections and/or manhole
walls. The peak wet weather flow is obtained by adding inflow and infiltration to the
peak dry weather flow. When designing for an existing facility, flow measurement shall
be used in lieu of calculations for the preexisting developed area. Population equivalent
(in waste-water monitoring and treatment) refers to the amount of oxygen—demanding
substances whose oxygen consumption during biodegradation equals the average oxygen
demand of the waste water produced by one person. For residential areas the
population equivalent is calculated as five per dwelling and is a direct measurement of
the population in an area. However for commercial areas it is calculated from the floor
area, which is considered to be proportional to the number of people using a premises
during the day. DESIGN PERIODS The future period for which a provision is made in the
water supply scheme is known as the design period. Design period is estimated based on
the following: (Factors affecting Design Period) 1.Useful life of the component,
considering .2.obsolescence, wear, tear, etc. 3.Expandability aspect. 4.Rate of interest
5.Anticipated rate of growth of population, including industrial, commercial
developments and migration immigration. 6.Available resources.7.Performance of the
system during initial period. 8.The rate of interest on borrowing. Water Intakes Intakes
are structures which collect water from the surface sources, for further conveyance to
treatment plant eg. Reservoir intake, Lake intake, River intake, Canal intake Gravity Flow
Water Distribution System When the distribution reservoir is located at a higher elevation
than the target community; then water is supplied with the gravity flow and such a
system is called Gravity Flow Water Distribution System. Usually pumping water is not
required at any stage of this type of distribution. In hilly or high altitude regions, water
supply is generally done by the gravity method. There is no control of water pressure in
pipelines. Due to the high gradient, the velocity of water is also very high. So, Break
Pressure Tanks are built at suitable distances to reduce the hydrostatic pressure in
the pipe. This prevents the bursting of pipes. Working-G.W.D.S Water source in this
system is generally spring, river, or impounded reservoir which lie at a higher elevation.
~Water from the source is conveyed to the treatment plant with the help of intake
structure and transmission mains. ~ Treatment plant is usually located at a lower
elevation than source and also near from the source. ~ Treated water is sent to the
distribution reservoir and is distributed to the consumers by gravity flow as the targeted
community lies at a lower elevation than the distribution reservoir. Advantage 1.No
energy is required to operate the system as water is conveyed by gravity. 2. No pump is
required.3. Economical for long-term use disadv 1. Not applicable in plain or flat terrain
where an elevation source of water supply is not available.2. Water loss by leakage is
comparatively higher.3. Requirement of break pressure tanks to reduce the hydrostatic
pressure in the pipelines. PRESSURE FLOW SYSTEMSSome extra pumps are also installed
for emergency causes like fire hazards, peak water demand, etc. This method is suitable if
the source is at a lower elevation than the target community.vHowever, this system of
distribution becomes very expensive for long-term use. In this system, the water may be
insufficient when the power fails. So diesel pumps are also managed as an alternative.
This method has no problem with the pressure and maintaining the head at the
consumer’s tap. Working P.F.S ~ Pump ( at intake structure) is utilized to supply the water
to the transmission mains, which conveys the water to the treatment plant. ~ After
treating water, it is stored in service reservoirs from which water is distributed to the
consumers using pumps. Advantage 1. Water can be pumped only when required. 2. Low
water loss due to leakage. Disadv 1. Break down of system may occur if power fails. 2.
Maintenance and operation cost is high. 3. During pumping hours, water inflow through
leaks may cause water contamination. COMBINED SEWERAGE SYSTEM In a combined
system, the same sewer is intended to carry both the domestic sewage, industrial wastes
as well as the surface and the stormwater flow.Situation for Adoption1. Rainfall is even
throughout the year.2. Both the sanitary sewage and the stormwater have to be
pumped.3. The area to be severed is heavily built-up and space for laying pipes is not
enough.4. Effective or quicker flows have to be provided. 5. If the sewers are laid along
with the overall development of the area, a combined system is preferred. Advantages1,
Rainwater keeps sewage fresh making it easier and more economical for treatment
purpose.2. Dilution also helps, this being in itself a method of treatment.3. Automatic
flushing is provided by water.4. This is the simplest method of collection and house
plumbing economies.Disadvantages1. The bigger size of the sewer would involve larger
excavation.2. Overflowing under worst conditions may endanger public health.3. Cost of
pumping and treatment would increase due to the large quantity of sewage to be
handled.4. The dry weather flow is a small amount of the total flow, the large size of the
sewer would often result in causing silting up due to low velocity of flow during the dry
period of the year.SEPARATE SEWAGE SYSTEM In a separate system, the domestic sewage
and industrial wastes are carried in one set of sewers whereas the storm and surface
water are carried in another set of the sewer. Situation for Adoption 1.Where rainfall is
uneven. 2. Sanitary sewage is to have one outlet and other outlets for store or surface
water are available.3. Sanitary sewage is to be pumped.4. Separate sewer must be placed
deeper and the stormwater drains nearer the surface to economies excavation.5. If the
ground has steep slopes, it is easier to convert stormwater through an open drain to the
natural stream.6. Finance available are small but sanitary drainage is imperative.7. If the
subsoil is hard, it is difficult and costlier to lay combined sewer of large size.8. If the
sewers are laid before the area is developed, it is preferable to adopt a separate
system.Advantages1. Being smaller in size, the sewers are economical. The surface water
may be taken in open or closed conduit or drains at or near the surface and discharged at
suitable outlets, thus greatly simplifying the design of sewers of stormwater drains.2.
There is no risk of stream pollution as no storm overflows are to be provided. 3.The
quantity of sewage to be treated is small, the disposal or the treatment works can be
economically designed. 4.If the pumping of sewage at the treatment works is necessary,
pumping cost would be much less as there is no need to pump the stormwater.
Disadvantages1. Unless laid at a steep gradient, self-cleaning velocity in the sewer cannot
be assured and flushing shall have to be done. This may prove unsatisfactory and
expensive.2. Risk of encroachment by unauthorized rainwater collection and consequent
overflows of sewage may be there.3. Double house plumbing is another disadvantage.
Two sewers or drains in a street leading to greater obstruction of traffic which repairs to
any one of them are being carried out.4. Maintenance costs of two systems are greater
than that for one Types of Wastewater Pumps In any wastewater treatment plant, pumps
play a vital role. They help in collecting the wastewater from different parts of the plant
and transfer it to the treatment plant. Once the water is purified, pumps then assist in
moving the treated water to places where it is required or to a storage tank. Based on the
technique used for water treatment as well as the force required, there are several types
of wastewater pumps in usage Centrifugal PumpsAs the name implies, these pumps make
use of a centrifugal force to create sufficient velocity to displace the fluid through the
system. Centrifugal pumps come with rotating impellers. These are parts that resemble a
mechanical fan. It has a small intake and a large outlet. Simple and straightforward design
that makes it practical to operate. The moving parts are highly durable, ensuring that
your pumps last for long. Require minimal maintenance Positive Displacement Pumps
These pumps make use of rollers, gears, impellers to displace fluid through the system.
They are highly durable and are able to pump both liquids as well as slurries with lots of
solid particles. The most popular type of positive displacement pumps are the diaphragm
pumps. As the name states, these pumps have a chamber and a diaphragm membrane
and are fitted with discharge valves. Other Popular Types of Wastewater Pumps There
are plenty of wastewater pumps depending on the specific requirements of a particular
application. Submersible Water Pumps are entirely submerged in the liquid they are
displacing. They are mostly used to drain sewage or slurry. The pump is placed under the
wastewater or sewage levels, and its operation is controlled with the help of level
sensors. While some submersible pumps can handle only liquids and are used to drain
water from trash pumps and sumps, others can handle solid sewage as well.High-
Pressure Pumps These pumps employ axial piston principle and have a compact and light
design. They can either be variable delivery pumps or fixed displacement pumps.Water
Pressure Booster Pumps As the name indicates, these pumps are used in wastewater
treatment plants to control and boost water pressure. Agitator Pumps This type of pumps
supplies kinetic energy along the pump intake. Circulation pumpsThese pumps are used
when you need to keep the slurry moving through the treatment plant.Progressive Cavity
Pumps the storage tanks or pipelines are used to transfer fluids and slurry from the
suction area to the discharge area. used in wastewater treatment like mixed flow pumps,
lift stations, and trash pumps. 

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