An100 - Sem1 Cat1 2021 2022 1

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Module Name: Anatomy Module Code: AN 100
Time: 2 hours Maximum Marks: 100
a) Answer all questions
b) Choose the best of the 4 options provided in each question

1. Most anteriorly located valve of the heart is:

A. Pulmonary C. Tricuspid
B. Aortic D. Bicuspid
2. The trachea extends in cadaver from _____to _____vertebra
A. C6 to T2 C. C6 to T4
B. C6 to T3 D. C6 to T5
3. The base of the heart is formed by:
A. Right and left ventricles C. Right atrium and right ventricle
B. Right and left atria D. Left atrium and left ventricle
4. Select the incorrect statement about the oblique pericardial sinus:
A. It is the recess of serous pericardium C. It lies behind the right atrium
B. It lies behind the left atrium D. It is closed on all sides except below
5. Apex beat in adults is normally felt in the:
A. Left 4th intercostal space in the midclavicular line
B. Left 5th intercostal space just medial to the midclavicular line
C. Left 6th intercostal space just medial to the midclavicular line
D. Left 3rd intercostal space just lateral to the midclavicular line
6. All structures meet at the crux of the heart except:
A. Posterior interventricular groove C. Interatrial groove
B. Posterior atrioventricular groove D. Sulcus terminalis
7. The superior vena cava is formed at the lower border of the______cartilage.
A. Right 1st costal cartilage C. Left 1st costal cartilage
B. Right 2nd costal cartilage D. Left 2nd costal cartilage
8. The ascending aorta gives origin to:
A. Brachiocephalic trunk C. Left subclavian artery
B. Left common carotid artery D. Right and left coronary arteries


9. Aortic knuckle, a projection in the upper part of left margin of the cardiac shadow in x-ray chest PA
view, is cast by:
A. Ascending aorta C. Aortic sinuses
B. Arch of aorta D. Descending aorta
10. All are correct statements about pulmonary trunk except:
A. It is about 5 cm long
B. It arises from the infundibulum of the right ventricle
C. Its termination lies in front of the arch of aorta
D. It is completely enclosed within the fibrous Pericardium
11. All are the branches of arch of aorta except:
A. Brachiocephalic trunk C. Left common carotid artery
B. Right common carotid artery D. Left subclavian artery
12. The distance from the upper incisor teeth to second constriction of the esophagus is:
A. 22.5cm C. 25.5 cm
B. 24.5 cm D. 27.5 cm
13. Select the incorrect statement about the esophagus:
A. It is narrowest at its commencement
B. It is about 15 cm long
C. It ends at the level of T11 vertebra
D. It pierces diaphragm at the level of T10 vertebra
14. Arterial supply of trachea is by:
A. Inferior thyroid artery C. Mediastinal artery
B. Left bronchial artery D. Esophageal artery
15. Beneath the extensor retinaculum at wrist there are how many tunnels for extensor tendons:
A. 4 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8
16. The left superior intercostal vein drains into:
A. Accessory hemiazygos vein C. Azygos vein
B. Hemiazygos vein D. Left brachiocephalic vein
17. All are the tributaries of azygos vein except:
A. Hemiazygos vein C. Right first posterior intercostal vein
B. Accessory hemiazygos vein D. Right bronchial vein
18. All structures lie behind the thoracic duct at the root of the neck except:
A. Vertebral artery and vein C. Phrenic nerve
B. Carotid sheath D. Thyrocervical trunk and its branches


19. In midclavicular line, the horizontal fissure is at the level of:
A. 4th rib B. 5th rib C. 6th rib D. 7th rib
20. The total number of bones found in right upper limb is____________
A.25 B.26 C.30 D.60
21. Colle’s fracture is associated with___________
A. Femur C. Radius
B. Ulna D. Humerus
22. Name of the shoulder bone is _________
A. Acetabulum C.Scapula
B.Pelvi D. Clavicle
23. Glenoid cavity is found in_________
A. Pelvic girdle C.Sternum
B. Pectoral girdle D. Humerus
24. Which of the following region is not included in shoulder region?
A. Pectoral region C. Axilla
B.Arm D. Scapular region
25. The one of the following statement is incorrect about the clavicle:
A. It ossifies mainly in cartilage C. It is only long bone which lies horizontally
B. It has no medullary cavity D. It ossifies by two primary centers
26. All the statements about clavicle are correct except:
A. It is first bone to start ossifying
B. It acts like a strut to keep upper limb away from the Trunk
C. It commonly fractures at the junction of its lateral two-third and medial one-third
D. It can be palpated throughout its extent
27. All the structures are attached to coracoid process except:
A. Coracohumeral ligament C. Rhomboid ligament
B. Coracoacromial ligament D. Long head of biceps brachii
28. Select the incorrect statement about scapula:
A. It has three processes C. It extends vertically from 1st to 8th rib
B. It has head and neck D. Its lateral border is thickest
29. Select the incorrect statement about the surgical neck of humerus:
A. It is commonest site of fracture of humerus
B. It is related to axillary nerve
C. It is a short constriction at the upper end of th shaft below the greater and lesser tubercles


D. It is related to posterior and anterior circumflex humeral arteries
30. Select the incorrect statement about the lower end of radius:
A. It is the widest part of the bone
B. Its posterior surface presents Listers’s tubercle
C. Groove lateral to Lister’s tubercle lodges the tendon of extensor pollicis longus
D. Its medial surface presents the ulnar notch
31. Which of the following is the incorrect statement about carpal bones?
A. Scaphoid is the most commonly fractured carpal bone
B. Hamate is the first bone to ossify
C. Capitate is largest carpal bone
D. Lunate is most commonly dislocated carpal bone

32. An X-ray of hand showing ________fracture- neck of the 5th metacarpal.

A. Boxer’s

B. Bennet’s

C. Colle’s

D. Galeazzi

33. All the structures are attached to coracoid process except:

A. Coracohumeral ligament C. Rhomboid ligament
B. Coracoacromial ligament D. Long head of biceps brachii
34. Select the incorrect statement about the surgical neck of humerus:
A. It is commonest site of fracture of humerus
B. It is related to axillary nerve
C. It is a short constriction at the upper end of the shaft below the greater and lesser tubercles
D. It is related to posterior and anterior circumflex humeral arteries
35. Which of the following nerve is not directly related to the Humerus?
A. Axillry C. Radial
B. Musculocutaneous D. Ulnar
36. ______ nerve is most commonly involved in the supracondylar fracture of the humerus.
A. Axillry C. Radial
B. Median D. Ulnar


37. How many secondary centres for the upper end of Humerus?
A. 4 B. 5 C. 2 D. 3
38. Lister’s tubercle is present in lower end of _______
A. Ulna C. Humerus
B. Radius D. Scapula
39. Which muscle is attached to the lesser tubercle of the Humerus?
A. Supraspinatus C. Teres minor
B. Infraspinatus D. Subscapularis
40. Select the incorrect statement about the phalanges:
A. They are 14 in number B. They are short long bones
C. All the digits have three phalanges D. Heads of proximal and middle
phalanges are pulley shaped
41. Muscles of pectoral region include all except:
A. Pectoralis major C. Pectoralis minor
B. Serratus anterior D. Subclavius
42. Select the shoe shaped carpal bone:
A. Capitate C. Trapezoid
B. Hamate D. Lunate
43. Suclavius muscle takes origin from_____
A. 2nd rib B. 1st rib C. 3rd rib D. 4th rib
44. Which muscle crosses in front of the Axillary artery and divide this artery into three parts?
A. Pectoralis major C. Deltoid
B. Pectoralis minor D. Brachialis
45. Boxer’s muscle is _____
A. Serratus anterior C. Deltoid
B. Subclavius D. Lattismus dorsi
46. How many pairs of spinal nerves are present in the body?
A. 30 B. 31 C. 33 D. 35
47. Montgomery’s tubercles are present in_________
A. Heart C. Mammary gland
B. Lungs D. Diaphragm
48. Clavipectoral fascia is pierced by all of the following structures except:
A. Cephalic vein C. Medial pectoral nerve
B. Thoraco-acromial artery D. Lymph vessels from the breast


49. Regarding breast cancer, which of following statements is incorrect:
A. It mostly occurs in its superolateral C. It produces retraction of nipple
quadrant D. Its spread to vertebral column occurs
B. It is immobile and fixed through Lymphatics
50. The deep aspect of breast is related to all of the following muscles except:
A. Pectoralis major B. Pectoralis minor
C. Serratus anterior D. Aponeurosis of external oblique
muscle of abdomen
51. Which of the following statement is not correct regarding Mammary gland?
A. It is a modified sebaceous gland
B. It lies in the superficial fascia of the pectoral region
C. Vertically, it extends from 2nd to 6th rib
D. Horizontally, it extends from sternum to midaxillary Line
52. The axillary sheath is derived from:
A. Investing layer of deep cervical fascia C. Prevertebral fascia
B. Pretracheal fascia D. Deep fascia of the axilla

53. The apex of axilla is bounded by all of the following structures except:
A. Clavicle C. Neck of humerus
B. Upper border of scapula D. Outer border of the 1st rib
54. Which of the following structures is not a content of the axilla?
A. Axillary vessels C. Axillary tail of the mammary gland
B. Roots of brachial plexus D. Intercostobrachial nerve
55. Select the incorrect statement about the axillary artery:
A. It extends from outer border of 1st rib to the lower border of teres major muscle
B. It is divided into three parts of the pectoralis minor muscle
C. It usually gives rise to five branches
D. It is the ‘key structure’ of the axilla
56. Which of the following parts of the brachial plexus is involved in Klumpke’s paralysis?
A. Upper trunk C. Lower trunk
B. Middle trunk D. None of the above
57. Klumpke’s paralysis presents all of the following clinical features except:
A. Claw hand B. Sensory loss along the medial border
of forearm andhand


C. Horner’s syndrome D. Wrist drop
58. Select the following two muscles contract together while climbing a tree:
A. Latissimus dorsi and trapezius C. Teres major and minor
B. Latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major D. Teres major and pectoralis major
59. All of the following structures form the boundary of triangle of auscultation except:
A. Trapezius C. Latissimus dorsi
B. Rhomboideus major D. Medial border of the scapulae
60. Which of the following nerve traverse through lower triangular intermuscular space?
A. Axillary nerve C. Radial nerve
B. Thoraco-dorsal nerve D. Median nerve
61. Which of the following artery pass through the upper triangular intermuscular space?
A. Anterior circumflex humeral artery C. Profunda brachii artery
B. Posterior circumflex humeral artery D. Circumflex scapular artery
62. All of the following structures pass through quadrangular intermuscular space except:
A. Axillary nerve C. Posterior circumflex humeral artery
B. Circumflex scapular artery D. Posterior circumflex humeral vein
63. Erb’s point is formed by_______nerve roots
A. C6 and C7 C. C7 and C8
B. C5 and C6 D. C8 and T1
64. Which nerve is injured while giving intramuscular injection in deltoid muscle?
A. Ulnar nerve C. Median nerve
B. Axillary nerve D. Musculocutaneous nerve
65. The nerve which is related to the lateral side of third part of the Axillary artery is:
A. Axillary nerve C. Radial nerve
B. Musculocutaneous nerve D. Ulnar nerve
66. Which is the largest branch of the Brachial Plexus?
A. Axillary nerve C. Radial nerve
B. Musculocutaneous nerve D. Ulnar nerve
67. Most dependent part of the Axilla is:
A. Base C. Posteror wall
B. Anterior wall D. Medial wall
68. Select the incorrect statement about the deltoid muscle:
A. It is shaped like an inverted Greek B. It is supplied by axillary nerve
letter delta


C. It abducts the arm from 0° to 90° D. Its middle fibres are multipennate
69. All of the following arteries take part in the formation of anastomosis around scapula except:
A. Deep branch of the transverse cervical B. Suprascapular artery
C. Lateral thoracic artery D. Circumflex scapular artery
70. ________ vein crosses the roof of the Anatomical snuff box:
A. Basilic vein C. Dorsal venous arch
B. Cephalic vein D. Median cubital vein
71. Which muscle is not formed in Musculotendinous cuff?
A. Supraspinatus C. Teres minor
B. Infraspinatus D. Teres major
72. Commonest dislocation of the shoulder joint:
A. Superior dislocation C. Posterior dislocation
B. Anterior dislocation D. Inferior dislocation
73. Which muscle is prime mover in lateral rotation of Shoulder joint?
A. Deltoid (posterior fibres) C. Latissimus dorsi
B. Subscapularis D. Supra spinatus
74. The Range of motion for flexion in shoulder joint:
A. 90º B. 45º C. 180º D. 55º

75. Primary articulation of shoulder girdle is:

A. Sternoclavicular joint C. Acromioclavicular joint
B. Glenohumeral joint D. Scapulothoracic joint
76. Palmaris longus is inserted into:
A. Metacarpals C. Skin of fascia
B. Phalanx D. Scaphoid

77. Sensory loss in the palmar and dorsal aspect of hand following ________ nerve injury

A. Ulnar

B. Median

C. Radial

D. Musculocutaneous


78. Which of the following structures does not pass through the aortic orifice of the diaphragm?
A. Aorta C. Hemiazygos vein
B. Thoracic duct D. Azygos vein
79. Vena Caval opening of diaphragm lies at the level of:
A. Body of T6 vertebra C. Body of T10 vertebra
B. Body of T8 vertebra D. Body of T12 vertebra
80. Posterior boundary of Thoracic outlet is formed by:
A. Body of T10 vertebra C. Body of T12 vertebra
B. Body of T11 vertebra D. Body of T9 vertebra
81. The Angle of Louis is lies at the level of the intervertebral disc between_______
A. T3 and T4 vertebrae C. T4 and T5 vertebrae
B. T6 and T7 vertebrae D. T2 and T3 vertebrae
82. All are the atypical features of 1st rib except:
A. Its shaft has upper and lower surfaces C. Its head bears two articular facets
B. Its angle and tubercle coincide D. It is the most curved rib
83. First costosternal joint is a:
A. Synovial joint C. Secondary cartilaginous joint
B. Primary cartilaginous joint D. Fibrous joint
84. Atypical rib is______
A. 1st rib C. 9th rib
B. 2nd rib D. 10th rib
85. Anterior aspect of the neck of 1st rib is not related to________
A. Sympathetic chain C. Superior intercostal artery
B. Superior intercostal vein D. Ventral ramus of first thoracic nerve
86. How many borders are present in Manubrium sternum?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
87. Which of the following muscles is attached on the inner aspects of the ribs?
A. External intercostal C. Intercostalis intimus
B. Internal intercostal D. None of the above
88. Anterior intercostal membrane is the continuation of:
A. External intercostal muscle C. Intercostalis intimi muscle
B. Internal intercostal muscle D. Subcostalis muscle
89. Arterial supply of trachea is by:


A. Inferior thyroid artery C. Mediastinal artery
B. Left bronchial artery D. Esophageal artery

90. Typical intercostal nerves are:

A. 3rd to 6th intercostal nerves C. 7th to 10th intercostal nerves
B. 7th to 11th intercostal nerves D. 1st and 2nd intercostal nerves

91. The branches of all of the following arteries supply blood to intercostal spaces except:
A. Descending thoracic aorta C. Superior epigastric artery
B. Internal thoracic artery D. Musculophrenic artery
92. During quiet respiration, the elevation of ribs is done mostly by the contraction of:
A. Internal intercostal muscles C. Intercostalis intimi muscles
B. External intercostal muscles D. Subcostalis muscles

93. In the midaxillary line the inferior margin of parietal pleura crosses:
A. 6th rib B. 8th rib C. 10th rib D. 12th rib
94. All arteries supply the pleura except:
A. Internal thoracic C. Bronchial
B. Intercostal D. Pulmonary
95. Pericardial cavity lies between:
A. Fibrous pericardium and serous C. Parietal pericardium and visceral
pericardium pericardium
B. Fibrous pericardium and epicardium D. Epicardium and myocardium
96. Mediastinal surface of right lung is related to all except:
A. Right atrium C. Arch of azygos vein
B. Arch of aorta D. Inferior vena cava
97. Uppermost structure in the hilum of right lung is:
A. Pulmonary artery C. Bronchus
B. Superior pulmonary vein D. Bronchial artery
98. During quiet respiration the posterior end of lower border of lung passes across:
A. 6th rib C. 10th rib
B. 8th rib D. T12 spine
99. Mediastinal surface of the left lung is related to all except:
A. Left ventricle B. Ascending aorta



C. Superior vena cava D. Arch of aorta
100. Number of bronchopulmonary segments in inferior lobe of each lung is:
A. Two B. Three
C. Four D. Five



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