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European Union

European Union

Europe has endured wars for centuries. The EU was designed to join Europe together and avoid
any further fighting.

In 1993 the Single Market is completed with the 'four freedoms' of: movement of goods, services,
people and money

The six founding countries are Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the
Deadliest wars ever

World War 1 (20 million dead)


competing for land/resources in Africa

Countries like Germany increasing toxic-level national pride (nationalism)

Secret treaties/alliances- this pulled all of europe into the fight

Industrial militaries were begging to be used (militarism)

Deadliest wars ever pt. 2

World War 2 (75 million dead)


Germany was forced to take blame and pay for all the WW1 damages in Europe

Germany was forced to give up territory after WW1

Germany was forced to give up its pride and military after WW1
What is it?

The EU was created to link the economies of Europe. The purpose was to simplify
business and give Europe greater bargaining power with the rest of the world.

Instead of say, just France or just Belgium negotiating for a good price on steel from
the USA, the entire EU can order more steel together, and demand a better price.

In other words, the EU functions like one country, economically, even though each
individual nation has their own governments and laws.
World economies in GDP

USA- 20.5 Trillion

European Union- 18.8 Trillion

China - 13.6 Trillion

What currency would you use if you visited
Mexico? Canada? What about Italy? France?
If you travel…..

1 Euro = $1.16 11/2/21


How much do you have to pay to buy 1 Euro today?

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