FinalExamAssignmentDBR - Upridzal Madani Pratama

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Upridzal Madani Pratama – 1401192504






Praise be to God Almighty for giving the author the opportunity to complete this
paper. It is because of His grace and guidance that the author was able to finish the
paper entitled [title of the paper] on time.

Paper [title of paper] is prepared to fulfill the task of Mr. Ramdhan in Digital
Business Regulation at Telkom University. In addition, the author also hopes that this
paper can add insight for readers.

The author would like to thank profusely to Mr. Ramdhan as lecturer. The task
that has been given can increase knowledge and insight related to the field occupied
by the author.

The author realizes that this paper is still far from perfect. Therefore,
constructive criticism and suggestions will be accepted by the author for the perfection
of this paper.

Upridzal Madani Pratama

Table Of Contents

PREFACE .............................................................................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Formulation For Problem ................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Objectives............................................................................................................................. 5
CHAPTER II - THEORITICAL STUDY ............................................................................................. 6
CHAPTER III ......................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Implementation of ICT in Indonesia Government ........................................................... 7
3.2 Failure in Implementing ICT in Government..................................................................... 8
3.3 Factors of Failure..................................................................................................................... 8
3.4 How to Minimize the Failure.................................................................................................. 9
CHAPTER IV – CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................... 10
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................... 11


1.1 Background
Technology is something that make human life a lot easier than before, for example
like a smartphone that can order something if we are hungry but doesn’t want to go
outside, with just a few clicks we can get what we want with ease, another example of
technology is a remote, with that we can easily control something from a far place, and
so many other example of technology that make human life easier.

There are also what known of as ICT, which is information and communication
technologies, a broad umbrella of terminology that includes all the technical tools
needed to process and convey important information. ICT has two important aspects,
namely information technology and communication technology. Information
technology in this case includes various matters relating to the process, use as a tool,
manipulating, and managing existing information.

ICT in Indonesia has been implemented in a lot of things, especially the

government, in efforts to develop Electronics-Based Government Systems,
government implemented ICT into their daily basis work, but there are still so many
problems that has to be fixed, and one of the problems that will be discussed in this
paper is that the failure of the implementation process and the operation of ICT
programs or projects that have been carried out

E-government itself first implemented in Indonesia is in 2000s to increase the

transparency of government and eventually will increase public trust towards our
government that is low especially these days, but of course it’s not easy to implement
that to our country, especially Indonesia is an archipelago country which contains a lot
of islands, and we cannot ensure that all have adequate facilities.

But implementation of E-government also contains some risk, even though the
benefits of it I think it’s a lot more than the risk, but the risk is quite important, which
the hacker, with E-government a lot sensitive data will be transferred via online, and
that is crucial things, so we also must increase the security of our E-government.

1.2 Formulation For Problem
Based on the background that has been described, the formulation of the problem

that will be the basis for discussion in this paper include:

- What kind of cases that fail in the implementation of ICT?

- What reason it’s failed
- How to minimize the failure

1.3 Objectives
- To find out what kind of cases that fail in the implementation of ICT
- To find out what digital business regulation that are suitable for each case
- To find out how to minimize the failures


Term of “Digital Business Regulation” means that it’s a law or regulation around
digital business that control the way business can operate in digital area, usually the
government regulate the activities of businesses in five core areas which is advertising,
labor, environmental impact, privacy and health and safety.

Term of “ICT” means a technology or system that can reduce various limitations
of space and time to be able to move, retrieve, present, analyze, store, and convey
data information into important information.

While “E-Government” means is the use of technological communications

devices, such as computers and the Internet, to provide public services to citizens and
other persons in a country or region.


3.1 Implementation of ICT in Indonesia Government

E-Government in this case is referring to the distribution of information and
services to people or companies or other government departments by national or local
governments via the Internet or other digital means. E-Government is a generic term
for local, state, and federal web-based services.

We can tell that implementation of ICT in government is quite the same with e-
government, which is using technology as a tool in many processes in the government,
e-government first implemented in Indonesia in 1992, when we are using computers
for store the data of KTP

E-Gov in Indonesia has been eyed since 2001, namely since the emergence of
Presidential Instruction No. 6 of 2001 date. 24 April 2001 concerning Telematics
(Telecommunication, Media, and Informatics) which states that government officials
must use telematics technology to support good governance and accelerate the
democratic process.

Assessors focused on web presence, interactions, transactions, and transitions,

sustainability, e-Government willingness and transparency, value of investment in
each region, leadership, institutionalization of e-government in these sectors,
management processes, front office leadership performance, and other factors. budget
the implementation of e-government in Indonesia has progressed very rapidly,
compared to when it was first implemented.

The implementation of e-government, which was later known as digital

government, online government or in certain contexts transformational government
has proven to facilitate reciprocal interactions – digitally of course – between the
government and the community.

There is an easier two-way information delivery model, not only between the
government and the community (Government-to-Citizen/G2C) but also, between the
government and the private sector (Government-to-Business/G2B) or the government
and the government (Government-to-Government/G2G).

3.2 Failure in Implementing ICT in Government
With the high number of failures in the application of information systems,
especially in the government sector, it is necessary to analyze the factors causing the
failure and its evaluation model. By analyzing the failure factors in implementing
information systems, the readiness of the government to implement information
systems can be maximized. So that the concept of e-government can be implemented
properly and successfully. By knowing the gap from the failure or success of the
implementation of the information system, the readiness of the implementation of the
next information system will be more measurable and mature to avoid failure in the

Example of cases that e-government fail is an app that created by the KOMINFO
which is Mantra, not many people known or heard about this app, and the logo doesn’t
look professional, another example is some sites that government had is really slow or
not looking user friendly at all, and some of them are very easy to hack, there are many
cases that hacker going in into the website and steal the data

3.3 Factors of Failure

There are some factors that can be used as consideration of failure in e-
government, the first one is unpreparedness of human resources, there are a lot of
smart people in Indonesia but not many of them are in the government or maybe in
Indonesia, they think that work overseas more reliable than in their own countries.

Second factors that might be the problem is information technology facilities and
infrastructure which is not good enough to provide the e-government, due to the
uneven economy due to the size of Indonesia, making it difficult to reach remote areas

The third factors is that lack of attention from the parties involved directly with
the projects, there still some people that even do some corruption or maybe not
working hard enough so the project doesn’t run smoothly as it should be

3.4 How to Minimize the Failure
Of Course, it will not be easy to run a program or projects smoothly, especially
an E-Government or ICT implementation in government, it will require a lot of resources
and hard work to do it rightly, without any mistakes, but it doesn’t mean we can’t do it,
with a little effort nothing is impossible.

We must follow four stages of development of E-government in Indonesia, The

first stage, the initiation stage has the keyword "Digital Education" by doing things like
Socializing the use of computers and computer networks widely among government
officials, Introduced access to the Internet with minimal facilities, for example by dial-
up mechanism, The existence of this Internet access can also be used to start
organizing a simple institutional website as an initial form of service to the community.
The information presented in the studs is more likely to be static or does not have a
regular updating mechanism.

The second stage, the interaction stage with the keyword "Digital information"
the things to do are first reinforce the digital documentation culture within the institution,
second the concept of e-mail communication must be expanded in its use to initiate
forms of communication and coordination that accommodate office work processes
electronically. And eventually digital information culture will condition the apparatus to
Carry out effective exchange of information and better interoperability between
government agencies and provide quality and authentic sources of information.

The third stage will be the transaction stage which has the keyword “Digital
Transaction” continues what is being done which is digital documents and
communications have been formally recognized in government agencies, and
structured data, or data that has special attributes (numeric, tabular and spatial). This
form of data will play a major role in the management function of the government, as
material for controlling and determining directive plans. The existence of the
data/information was initially partial and spread across several agencies, and lastly the
creation of a mechanism to access data that is cross-agency supported by the
existence of a digital communication infrastructure information system with adequate

And finally, the last stage will be transformation stage, focuses explicitly on the
front-office aspect of service by taking the theme of the Digital Service stage.
Organizational culture at this stage can be seen in the government that has been
steady and is supported by the existence of supporting factors such as SITEL facilities,
SITEL implementing staff and rules/policies regarding SITEL implementation, and also
the creation of a service mechanism that is coordinated between authorized agencies.
The ideal condition that can be achieved is a one-stop service that makes the service
processing behind it transparent for the people it serves.

If we or the government follow those 4 stages, I believe that the implementation

of ICT will be much perfect or at least better than many other places, those 4 stages
are not really hard to do but also not really easy, but I believe in our government.


On this paper we already discussed a lot of things, and we can conclude that
E-Government implementation in Indonesia is still not perfect, for example like an app
that many people never heard of, or a website that are so heavy and take a lot of times
to load, and there are some factors that maybe cause that, which is for example like
human resource that are inadequate, and also resources that are not enough, but we
can minimize that by following 4 stages of e-government development



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