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Date : 18/11/22 Maths Chp#20 Matric (X) Sir M.

Abdullah Rana

Total Marks : 50

Q1. Use discriminant find the nature of the roots of the following quadratic equations:

(a) 2 x² - 6 x + 3  =  0

Solution :

Discriminant = b² - 4 a c

a = 2  b = - 6 and c = 3

  =  (-6)² - 4 (2) (3)

  =  36 - 24

  =  12 > 0

It has two distinct real roots

b) 3 x 2–2x+13=0

Solution :

Discriminant = b² - 4 a c

a = 3  b = - 2 and c = 13

  =  (-2)² - 4 (3) (13)

  =  4 - 156

  =  -152

It has no real roots

Q2. Determine the value of m in each of the following quadratic equations that will
make the roots equal.

(4+m)x² + (m+1)x+1=0


The given equation is ( 4 + m ) x² + ( m + 1 ) x + 1 = 0 .



Date : 18/11/22 Maths Chp#20 Matric (X) Sir M.Abdullah Rana

Total Marks : 50
When the roots of the equation are equal , then we can write that b² = 4 ac  .

Hence :

( m + 1 )² = 4 ( 4 + m ) 1

⇒ m² + 1 + 2 m = 16 + 4 m

⇒ m² - 2 m - 15 = 0

Splitting - 2m into 3 m - 5 m we get :-

⇒ m² + 3 m - 5 m - 15 = 0

Take commons :-


⇒ ( m - 5 )( m + 3 ) = 0

Either m = 5 .

Or m = - 3

Q3. Show that the roots of the following quadratic equations are real :

 (a 2+b 2) x 2+2(ac+bd)x+(c 2+d 2)=0

Date : 18/11/22 Maths Chp#20 Matric (X) Sir M.Abdullah Rana

Total Marks : 50

Q4. Evaluate the following:-

i¿( 2+5 ꙍ+ 2ꙍ ²)6

Date : 18/11/22 Maths Chp#20 Matric (X) Sir M.Abdullah Rana

Total Marks : 50
Date : 18/11/22 Maths Chp#20 Matric (X) Sir M.Abdullah Rana

Total Marks : 50
ii) (-1+√−3 ¿ ¿ +¿


Q5. Show that :

i) 2+ꙍ= 2
2+ ꙍ
Date : 18/11/22 Maths Chp#20 Matric (X) Sir M.Abdullah Rana

Total Marks : 50
Date : 18/11/22 Maths Chp#20 Matric (X) Sir M.Abdullah Rana

Total Marks : 50
2 2 3 3 3
ii) (x+y+z)(x+yꙍ+zꙍ )(x+yꙍ +zꙍ)= x + y + z -3xyz


Q6. Without solving, find the sum and product of the roots in each of the following

Quadratic equation :

3(5 x 2+ 1)=17x

Date : 18/11/22 Maths Chp#20 Matric (X) Sir M.Abdullah Rana

Total Marks : 50
Date : 18/11/22 Maths Chp#20 Matric (X) Sir M.Abdullah Rana

Total Marks : 50
Q7. If α and β are the roots of a quadratic equation  x − px+ q=0, Find the value of :
2 2
α +β

Q8. Find the equation whose roots exceed by 2 the roots of p x 2−qx +r =0.


Q9. Solve the following system of equations :

x 2+ y 2=16 and x 2-3xy+ y 2=0


Q10. The area of rectangular plot is 320m2 . The width of the plot is less 4m than the length of
the plot . Find the length and width of the plot.
Date : 18/11/22 Maths Chp#20 Matric (X) Sir M.Abdullah Rana

Total Marks : 50
Date : 18/11/22 Maths Chp#20 Matric (X) Sir M.Abdullah Rana

Total Marks : 50

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