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TOEFL Preparation

Ermansyah Malik
Understanding Gist

1. What is the main topic of the lecture

2. What are the speakers mainly
3. What is the lecture mainly about
4. Why does the professor ask ...
5. Why is the student talking to ...
6. Why does the professor discuss ...

1. According to the professor, what is the

problem with ...
2. What does the student say about ...
3. What caused
Understanding attitude

1. What is the student’s impression of ...

2. How does the professor feel about
3. What does the professor mean when he
says ...
Understanding function

1. What does the student imply when he

says this ...
2. What is the purpose of the professor’s

1. How is the lecture organized?

2. Why does the speaker mention/ discuss
Making connection

1. What does the speaker imply about ...

2. What does the professor imply when he
says ...
3. Organize ... In chart ....
4. Place the following sequence of events
in order.
 Part A. Short Dialogue (1 – 30)

 Part B. Long Conversation (31 – 40)

 Part C. Talks (41 – 50)

 Strategies
Skill 1. Focus on the last Line.
The short dialogue involve conversation
between 2 people, each followed by a
questions. It is important to understand
that the answer to this type of question
is most often (not always) found in the
last line of the conversation
 Strategies
Skill 2. choose answer with synonym
often the correct answer in the short
dialogue is an answer contains synonyms
(words with similar meaning but different
sounds) for key words in conversation.
Skill 3. avoid similar sound
Often the incorrect answers in the short
dialogues are answers that contain words
with similar sounds but very different
meanings from what you hear on the
recording. You should definetely avoid
these answer.
1b 04.00
End of Presentation

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