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Esther Jean Z.

Barcelona ENSCI 1100

BCAEd 2-1

Learning task 5.2. Climate change

Human activities are the primary cause of climate change. Human use of fossil
resources is one of the leading causes of climate change; fossil fuel consumption emits
hazardous chemicals into the environment. Pollution is also a major contributor to
climate change; air pollutants reduce the amount of sunlight that enters the atmosphere;
some pollutants warm the Earth, while others cool it. Deforestation appears to
contribute significantly to climate change by reversing the effects of carbon
sequestration and releasing greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Constructing
different structures has an impact on the environment because it generates a lot of
waste and harmful chemicals, which pollute the land and air. As you can see, climate
change is a massive problem that must be addressed. People and countries are now
dealing with the consequences of generations of greenhouse emissions. Failing to
respond immediately will lead to an inversion of development gains for society's poorest
and most vulnerable individuals, a reduction of species and habitats, increased
problems in providing food and shelter, and the possible loss of entire nations to the
impacts of climate change. We can facilitate in mitigating and adapting to climate
change by promoting ecological industry, public transportation and sustainable mobility,
improving energy efficiency and choosing renewable energy over fossil fuels, replanting
forests and restoring damaged ecosystems.

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