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Quiz de Ingles 1

Pedro Jose Cerquera Roa

Cód. 20192182736

Celebration of festivals of San Pedro:
The festivities of San Pedro are celebrated in the department of Huila,
in the south west of the country, celebrated in the middle of the year
between June and July; in these celebrations the customs and actions
of our ancestors are usually revived in a more allegorical way,
therefore, in that season one usually keeps active all day since the way
to attract tourists and to monopolize more our customs are very fun for
our society. I usually participate in the different dances and dance
activities that take place in that celebration.

Recommending a person to visit our country, I would say that you
should always come as this country is not just known, there are many
wonderful places; that you should never come without money since
Colombian crafts are beautiful and you fall in love with everything that
surrounds you, that while you are in our country you will need very
good spirits and energy to know how wonderful Colombia is; You
always have to bring energy and knowledge of our country and above
all the most important thing is to leave with a great knowledge of our
Quiz de Ingles 1
Pedro Jose Cerquera Roa
Cód. 20192182736

10) Ronaldo Nazário

former Brazilian historical soccer player.

known as the phenomenon.

top scorer of the 2002 world cup.

brave and excelled despite the circumstances.

retired in two thousand eleven.

played in Barcelona and real Madrid.

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