MidTermExam CADCAM2019 FF

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Faculty Of Engineering 3rd Year Time : 1.5 hours

Mechatronics Engineering Department 18/4/2019 2nd Term
MT 308 CAD/CAM Midterm EXAM
Q Questions: Answer All questions Points
PART A: Review Questions
a) True or false (please circle on) (7 x 1=7) 5
1) T or F A cylinder can be created by all four construction commands (extrude,
revolve, sweep and loft).
2) T or F we can undo any operation in UNG NX10.
3) T or F constrains can be added to a wireframe manually.
4) T or F loft-command can be used between different types of cross-sections.
5) T or F there is only one type of fillet icon.
6) T or F a circle can be rotated about its diameter to get a sphere.
7) T or F different draft angles can be given to different edges of wireframe inside
b) Fill in blanks ((5 x 1=5) 5
1) __library __ option allows to share CAD models among other users.
2) __measure __ option is used to find the distance between two faces of a model.
3) __partition __option within extrude command is used to create two volumes out of
one part.
4) __copy switch __option inside move command is used to create multiple copies of
the same features.
5) A feature can be suppressed using __history tree _ option.

Q a) Abbreviation : Provide Full Name of the following abbreviations( only 4): 4

2 1. DCS:

2. VDCS:

3. VCS:

4. FEA:


b) Definitions: Provide short answers to the following questions( only 4): 4

1. Concurrent Engineering:

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2. Model Coordinate System(MCS):

3. Feature-Based Modeling:

4. Over-defined constrained:

5. Synthetic curves:

Q Review Questions: Provide short answers to the following questions: 8

3 1. What are the two most important components of CAD?

2. What are the major four steps in the design and manufacturing of a mechanical

3. In the four steps that you answer in 3, which one uses CAD tool, which one uses
CAE tool, and which one uses CAM tool?

4. What is the most widely used computer technology in CAE?

5. Describe the difference between a CAD model and a CAE model?

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6. In describing the shape of an object, what is the main reason for using the object’s
model coordinate system?

7. Briefly describe the procedure by which the coordinate of a point on an object,

measured with respect to the model coordinate system, are converted to the virtual
screen device coordinates (u, v).

8. Explain why, in order to use a single matrix to represent the affine transformation,
a point must be represented by homogeneous coordinates [x y z 1] T, rather than the
conventional [x y z]T.

Q a) Multiple choice questions (please circle one) (5 x 1=5) 5

4 1) Each time after using the history tree the following option should be used.
a) Update b) Modify c) Delete d) suppress

2) for sketching on a face of a cubic, the global work plane is moved using:
a) Sketch on point b) Sketch on axis c) Sketch on plane d) move

3) to create a helical spring the following command inside revolve is used:

a) Translation along axis b) rotation along axis c) Rotate d) sweep

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4) the following command leaves the common volume of two intersecting parts
a) Cut b) Intersect c) add d) Extrude

5) The most efficient way to create an array of holes is

a) Copy b) Modify c) pattern d) reflect

b) Briefly Describe: 3
1) What are the major disadvantages of Hermite curve representation?

2) What is a graphics library?

3) How do you prove that an affine transformation preserves the linearity?

PART B: Problems (only 2)

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Q Give the parametric curve representation of the 4

1 ellipse shown below.

Q Euler-Poincare formula of solids 4

2 with voids. What is the relationship
between V, E, F, H and P of the solid
below? (The small cube is a hollow
part, also called a void.), Let W be
the number of voids in the solid,
establish the relationship between V,
E, F, H, P, and W.


V =24, E = 36, F = 16, H = 2, P = 1,

By Euler-Poincare formula, that is V-E+F-H =2(1-P)
However 24-36+16-2= 2 not equal to 2(1-1)
Therefore this situation does not satisfy the formula, we add an unknown x to balance the
formula, that is
V-E+F-H = 2(1-P)+x , here x=2 for one void
Assume there are two voids in the solid V=32, E=48, F=22, H=2, P=1, in to above formula
Similarly, for solid with 3 x=6, solid with 4, x=8
We could get the equation:
V-E+F-H = 2(1-P) +2W
W is the number of the voids.

Q Consider the Hermite curve defined in the plane with P(0) = (2, 3), P(1) = (4, 0), P’(0) = 8
3 (3, 2), and P’(1) = (3, -4). Find the curve equation.

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:::::::Good luck:::::::::

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