Corridor Descriptions

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PCs are a suspicious and paranoid bunch. And with good reasons.
In the depths of a dungeon, it’s not necessarily only the monsters that can kill them.

Wise adventurers pay careful attention to their surroundings. Sights, sounds and smells can all provide a hint—or
warning—about what lies beyond.

This corridor is suspiciously clean. No dust or mud covers the floor and no cobwebs cloak the ceiling.

Four torch sconces jut from the walls of this corridor. Three are empty, but the fourth holds a fresh, unused torch.

Large, jagged claw marks mar one of the corridor’s walls. The gouges are deep; in one lurks the remains of a single
great claw or fingernail.

A small shaft pierces the corridor’s ceiling. Originally a natural crack in the rock, the builders of the place used it for
ventilation. The shaft is narrow and links this corridor with the level above (or the outside world).

A drainage gulley cuts through the floor of this corridor. Shallow, moist mud fills the gulley and the floor is subtly
angled to direct water into the gulley. The PCs—of course—may suspect a more sinister reason for the angled floor.

The mortar in the walls and ceiling is old and crumbling. Water oozes through the exposed cracks and mould grows on
some of the brickwork.

Section of the floor have moved and shifted. Thus, the floor is uneven and difficult to traverse at speed. Small puddles
lurk between the stones.

Mottled green and brown mould grows across the corridor’s ceiling. In places, cold water drips though the mould to
form greenish puddles on the uneven floor.

This length of corridor is unremarkable save for a bricked-up doorway roughly halfway along its length. The brickwork
is clearly of much more recent construction than the surrounds.

The corridor’s ceiling has been—unevenly—whitewashed. Strange, faded whorl-like patterns decorate the ceiling. They
seem completely random in design and yet hint at the madness undoubtedly lurking within the artist’s mind.

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