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Math 141 WIR2_Dr. Rosanna Pearlstein 1.Q, 2.1, 2.

1. For the following quadratic equations, do the following:

a) Determine whether the graph opens up or down.
b) Find the vertex of the parabola.
c) Find the maximum and minimum values.
d) Find the x-intercepts.
I. II.
2. If the demand of an item is given by (where x is the number of items) find the revenue
a) What number of items produced yields maximum revenue?
b) If the cost is , find the equilibrium point.
3. For each linear system below, use the Gauss-Jordan elimination method to determine the solution(s) or lack

A. B. C.

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4. (From our textbook, Finite Mathematics by Tan, 2.1 #28). Box Office Receipts. A theater has a seating
capacity of 900 and charges $4 for children, $6 for students, and $8 for adults. At a certain screening with
full attendance, there were half as many adults as children and students combined. The receipts totaled
$5600. How many children attended the show?
5. Which of the following matrices is in row-reduced form?

A. B. C.

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6. Pivot each of the two matrices below about the boxed element.

A. B.

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7. Solve the linear systems below, using the Gauss-Jordan elimination method.

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8. Solve the linear systems below. Express the solutions using parameters.

I. II.
9. Determine the value of k for which systems A and B below have infinitely many solutions and no solution

A. B.

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10. Comment on the following statements: are they true or false? Why?
(a) A linear system with the same number of equations as unknowns always has a solution.

(b) A linear system with more equations than the number of unknowns never has a solution.

(c) A (2×2) linear system of two lines in the plane will have a solution if the two lines are not parallel.

(d) A (3×3) linear system of three planes in space will have a solution if the three planes are not parallel.

(e) A linear system with more variables than equations always has a solution.

(f) A linear system with more variables than equations either has no solution or it has infinitely many

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