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EUCLID (325BC-265BC)

 was born in Tyre or Megara about 325 BC and died in Alexandria about 265
BC, An ancient Greek Mathematician active as a geometer and logician,
Considered the “Father of geometry”, he is chiefly known for the Elements
Treatise, which established the foundations of geometry the largely
dominated the field until the early 19th century.
 Euclid is often referred to as 'Euclid of Alexandria' to differentiate him from
the earlier philosopher Euclid of Megara, a pupil of Socrates who was
included in the dialogues of Plato.


 His system, now referred to as Euclidean geometry, involved new

innovations in combination with a synthesis of theories from earlier Greek
mathematicians, including Eudoxus of Cnidus, Hippocrates of
Chios, Thales and Theaetetus.
ISAAC NEWTON (1642-1727)

 Isaac newton was born on dec 25, 1642 January 4, 1643, New style, in
woolsthorpe, Linscolnshire, England. And at the age of 84 he died on
march 31, 1727 in Kensington, Middlesex, great Britain.


 He was the original discoverer of the infinitesimal calculus. Newton’s
Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica (Mathematical Principles of
Natural Philosophy, 1678) was one of the most important single works in
the history of modern science)
1. Newton’s Fundamental Theorem Calculus

 The Fundamental Theorem of calculus establishes a relationship between

the concepts of differentiation and integration.

2. Generalised Binomial Theorem

 Newton is credited for providing a generalised expression of the binomial


3. Newton’s method

xn+1= xn−f ( xn ) f ' ( xn ) ,for n=0,1,2,3,…….., and

this process is iterated until a
precise value for the root of ‘f is achieved.

 Newton method was found by Isaac Newton and Joseph Raphson, so is

also known as the Newton-Raphson method.
4. Newton’s Identity

 These identities were found by Newton in 1666.

5. Cubic Plane Curve

y 3=x 3 +ax +b

 In mathematics, a cubic plane curve C is defined by the equation F(x, y,

z)=0, where x, y, z are homogeneous coordinates for the projective plane.
6. Newton’s Polynomial

 Newton’s Polynomial is a concept in numerical analysis.

7. Newton’s Forward Difference Formula

 Newton’s finite difference formula is based on finite-difference identity,

which gives an interpolated value between the points fp of the table in the
terms of initial value fo and the power of finite difference, denoted by ∆ .
8. Calculating Slope of a Curve

 Newton found it easy to represent and calculate the average slope of the
curve, but for some cases, likes the increasing speed of an object on a
distance-time graph, he claimed that there was no method to calculate the
exact slope on any given individual point on the curve.

9. Infinite

 Newton’s work on infinite series was based mostly on Simen Stevin’s


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