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Middle Bronze Age

Cold Epoch

The Middle Bronze Age Cold Epoch was a period of unusually cold climate in the North Atlantic
region that lasted about from 1800 BC to 1500 BC.[1][2] It was followed by the Bronze Age
Optimum (1500—900 BC).

Greenland ice sheet temperatures interpreted with 18O isotope from 6 ice cores (Vinther, B., et al., 2009)

During the Middle Bronze Age Cold Epoch, a series of severe volcanic eruptions occurred,
including Mount Vesuvius (Avellino eruption, about 1660 BC),[3] Mount Aniakchak (about 1645
BC),[4] and Thera (Minoan eruption, about 1620 BC).[5]

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Last edited 4 months ago by Epolk

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