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USM School of Music

Woodwind Pedagogy
Lesson Observation Form

Name and Instrument • ).{ (I-{v,J(}ur/ /!.Jp('W

Professor's Signature: ~W\.,lf-!,tt.~-/-~al...d..<~L.L...!!~o.._..J

Type of lesson (perform nc~on-major, graduate, etc.)

ti~ \( t~i OV\ ·

1. How did the teacher greetthe student? 1 {nOOJ & i Vl~ t')'l I ,wtt. i 1
1) ,. IV)c tluJ~i" h0td a~o1 aire';J
UA\ 'r\.offJ QY1ol -f,ie11dl;r
2. What kind of preliminary comments were exchanged between student and teachf:ir? )
a& W hi mq\;x,.,t-
1} el~ a_~UJ~, \it-e G-t-\ lG~ lilOo> .)he vc
~, , 0 .
3. Was the atmosphere formal or inform;1l?
~-e Q..\-mb,rhe re l.bJ fu<IVl<ll I wi-l () fl;e11dl':r e~vif OP Vll{h f .

4. Did the student seem nervous~ If so, dMi Jtl-,~ teacher address this?
Mo\¼ &-t¼ien t w0>~ cont;Je'1+ civi<1 vitiof .

. 5. What kind of comments did the teacher provide? ( . ~ , l Jte ()) 0 J {e.<t1 cy

l) r. tkt \wa'i O! \:id ~;rn o\:01+~ h.e- tcl+ lJ ' e _ f' {) O


1.o1ta +-ec!.~iqllf4 \.'iSU<' j Wei• h9eeeh i1Li1 l,e uuJd I P,r:i(.;, ,+.
6. How much space (distance) was there between student and teacher?

~ s 0-co~Jh)en:.t-blt SfQLC-t lo#-vefri tte~

7. Did the teacher ever come into contact with the student? If so, for what reason?

¼,, i Je J; J o,Je, E'lpb l n h; m how Uvk iA b.J) ho,..,

I II -to
-fk, v; +lta l\d uJJV L , v1 .i1e. (At) , , d ·
USM School of Music
Woodwind Pedagogy
Lesson Observation Form

Professor's Signature: - -1--2.:J:...J~~~~~~---

Type of lesson (performance, education, non-major8etc.)

1. How did the teacher greet the student?

+, end_\d \,..i-\- -\{) 1Ma\

2. What kind of preliminary comments were exchange~ between s~dent and _teacher?

D,.~,.• lava o.~W~i(II O!\)ok

V\~~:,~!!t~~~~~mal?•Ct olun r U/[e(OII

---f--o f't'\OI \

4. Did the student seem nervous? If so, di,j thf teacher address this?

J h¼\ebt b-+- ..\\i --l--eock1 left (f Q--rkvW~.

5. What kind of comments did the teacher prn,.,,ide?

(fO'\,i(o WOO'.)
\ I
-!() 1€.J;)\U(>, eoc\i f H~cf ;it--ne f ,e.c.e
I fl . (
1 /{[ )
e~ ke JJ'() }1 ·

6. How much space (distance) was there between student and teacher?

µo+ tn.dt Lt +Jc, t.eoce wo-J <ll fu.Jw-!be«We- tk o#-.- c.-e. lV.<J
too j(h~n~
7. Did the teacher ever come into contact with the student? If so, for what reason?

¼(J !wr\-h hfc -bow\~ 0©1e, ¼ "'tf\lJI,~ him ho0 tk e,[,bo.,;

)hov\J (Y¥)Vt •
8. How did the teacher try to motivate or improve the performance of the student?

ltl1ovt j+vd(J"O +evht1\'f-C a~ &efl;o ~QOJlj •

9. Did the teacher demonstrate on the instrument or only verbalize?

i o-lh I Jk.. e~l!xwJ. C? ,-1-c,;, l\ f°'1\ O&,f-1 uE'l bal, :i; 0 ..J
~\\\ T u.e J w\~h, hev u1 ot, · U
10. Was cr\iticism constructive?

~-ti I \>J 1-\-1- ~l evjt CuffV araM -lo .rf.e__ i rt ~+1 <,1/hvt+•

i "t-
11. What was the ratio of positive to negative comments?

~fY) , eo~•i<t't I jo) . V\~'i f Judo tic_~ k>ui j k_ (.U,.j +,

}~id ;Jtu:~~s~to~sf;,~ :Vt<st was e,pected of him/her?

Ye j +ft itvd-ent Unol-N\ood fOCl, riol

Ol)l(;t'_ :ifl) 1 - ~ i /o,,c..._

13. How were those expectations commun icaH.>d )., y~,~.r~ teacher?

-~e~~(~~~:rlow~d C\l\cl e~e\9t,n,Jhoui kwJJ

14. Include your additional commenes.

r:J) I•3o•• l \ova e!-e 6, i 1\...-Q_c\.wI WO" ..\-io..u-1-o e,ad ;c,.e__

or ,d, --fk l lv'(:ot6V'C£ fl~ \G 11-(J bw Jv ,1~ .e«h rt WI~,
"11i i l ()'r~/00!'\ t h0lew(-rk Jr~ ++:) be (1) Me OL be~fi eb-p
o~ ~~e, Mei fe \fy\.e,.i.krtee..ol--e1cd-'• er ,,
USM School of Music
Woodwind Pedagogy
Lesson Observation Form

Name and Instrument of Professo; J ), l!\cr \.ov ! !(,J?"

Professor's Signature: H
Type of lesson (performance, education, non-major,~ etc.)

1. How did the teacher greet the student?

-h,, ina. I o.Ml-foi-ov...~ UJ\th o. tl1f J~ f\/lltn+ •
2. What kind of preliminary comments were exchanged between student and teacher?

---rte 1+_,olen+- a. W \,,,1Molou,+ b c, ,el1), .r;l,.1J "t.P vJ '1.-

et.\_~"'~ ~r) vre.~ aiYld-k(V\~ly_. u o
3. Was the atmosphere formal or informaf!

-=t-o,/llOI ,'b' .1'c,Jjn,-i (J)()(J Cl< IJo~ ,-1-J/---.Jkc!i,n .

4. Did the student seem nervous? If so, did the teacher address this?

tffJ I lo.,t l) 1 'wl),c,Lo11J oh J ru ~1(!)1t-j o\ reb1~tk

f\'l~\((()~tt,n+ ~eJJ> kiM ~ - vi ll_ ~ +kd J )
5. What kind of comments did thJ-.teacher ~vi~~f6 fO • U·· v ::C •

A-bout how -6 0(-lO!O,,J, u, ith dit4',e~+"1o j '(IJJ j ( uiJ f-eclt,n i7vc

6. How much space (distance) was there between student and teacher?

Gt ~o+ ') -t- bl-l1 --H-e. '1 r)t( UMe n+s f\-{:-eJd \+·

7. Did the teacher ever come into contact with the student? If so, for what reason?
L ~- I_ _AfAV uJtrJ-tvrdill<)_
\ (\ 'u l(DX_-f l 10 Q tt.LJ'Q, Q '(V'Tt 0
8. ~~'1 did the tcach 1r try to motivate or improve the performance of the student?
lu1~- e&O\M.C\f>J D~how 1-0.o icd-,c.e, rlfA b,,c,~tc' ortd
~o )1 41 v~ nto~. "- J
9. Did the teacher demonstrate on the instrument or only verbalize?

q{' j I bH, .l), 01~\(,ou,1\Sr .f {'.J_gJ, Vt1\vul,;,,, ·,.o,J~,

~te\OAH\--\-o tftj+udevd--
10. Was criticism constructive?

4-ei I eO(kt ~i /\I(', hz ~elQ.ii w ~rnJl.i•"t fk. J'f.,G\, ~t c.d.,tvJ +re

11. What was the ratio of positive to negative comments?

tool fK!.f-1-\v () . E.ll)()'l ( 0 ~ n-t-0 4-0 ~ I (.ti,11\r l.(p \ )~ ,J,d

~:::~::~:~:~expected ofhim/her?
-e J /::i l¼of k o J ot \i~e, bit l'\f ,~o\f J -\-k, ckf,,e J°"'lJ JJ(Ht
13. How were those expectations communicated by the teacher?
USM School of Music
Woodwind Pedagogy
Lesson Observation Form

Name and Instrument of Professor:,,r--F-=:.....,__+.L-.=!..!..'..~:...__----'<+:...!..!.!.==.!--

Professor's Signature: ----,-';;.......,#--~:,A,,<:::_- - - - -


Type oflesson (perform:n e, edu ation, non-majo9etc.)

1. How did the teacher greet the student?

2. What kind of preliminary comments were exchanged between student and teacher?

--w ~+uJ ~+ 0 Ld. ~I fit (J_{X)(.{f ~i uJ e,__-e_ t -0 Vt ol ~0 "1J Vu J

1-ee~i~} dJf +o ~1l 0oe1oiAioY1 - o~ ~i\ \CM-e.
3. Was the ~tmosphere formal or hlformal?

----+o1 /YLd \ .
4. Did the student seem nervous? If so, did the teacher address this?

4ldt{e ,b ·,ti (ijnd WO l -tk r10+-eJ J(() r re (rtQI i MfA Q'f i ,1 i z3' -He
-rte o<d: of- ruu¼ ete<C-1 >f.
5. What kincl. of comments did the teacher provide?
lect\l"llo. -tc> °'-ff r~ack-tkf.11 , n Ol bdflr1
t,vaa .
caMe~ ovtd__ V\.Oll>

6. How much space (distance) was there between student and teacher?

t\ lo+0 +.
7. Did the teacher ever come into contact with the student? If so, for what reason?
..~;1t;i;~~,;·;r7;;~•te;tr~·h~:;::nn;;; ·;~:i ~~;n'f~J ;ce
(J, 0 l" € ) / L.\ v-ef J . u u
9. Did the teacher demonstrate on the instrument or only verbalize?

µo I he ·1v ~-f U{)ito \·1JJ +k, €~t;ve, d~1i ·

10. Was criticism constructive?

• ~Ir\} o~-rk _\:, Me \JI.Q<J fve vi~ & fll 1-l, ue wo.:3 .
11. What was the ratio of positive to negative comments?

''fo/p:-,y,~iur , )'J/ nr94-i; ve -rw pd ·-eJJo, i, ,,cl +<, e~fh,<-rJ

-eoJ erlfrfrf ©fl olr+-1-rvcvil (y(ooroackie1 .
12. Did the student seem to understand whatfw!as expected of him/her?

Yei) 1; ~ce tk. 1e;r nni n;rJ.+kc.k.J) .

13. How were those expectations communicated by the teacher?

a Vied cri', lit "'°'d vJ i -flio Vhe O ni i o,\c; .i c1. )j .

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