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Midterm Exam: COS231a_F2022 Introduction to UNIX 28.11.

2022, 00:13

Midterm Exam
Due Oct 27 at 2:15pm Points 15 Questions 40
Available Oct 27 at 2:15pm - Nov 15 at 4:15pm Time Limit 90 Minutes

This quiz was locked Nov 15 at 4:15pm.

Attempt History
Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1 81 minutes 13.7 out of 15

Score for this quiz: 13.7 out of 15

Submitted Oct 27 at 3:36pm
This attempt took 81 minutes.

Question 1 0.1 / 0.1 pts

You can use the -a option with the ls command to list

____________________ files.

You Answered
hidden files (starting with . (dot)

Correct Answers hidden

Question 2 0.1 / 0.1 pts

A(n) ____________________ is a special character that can stand

for any other character or, in some cases, a group of characters. Page 1 of 17
Midterm Exam: COS231a_F2022 Introduction to UNIX 28.11.2022, 00:13

You Answered
wildcard. * for group of characters, ? for one

Correct Answers wildcard

Question 3 0.1 / 0.1 pts

UNIX/Linux systems interpret ____ to mean the parent directory.

backward slash (\)

dot (.)

forward slash (/)

Correct! dot (..)

Question 4 0.1 / 0.1 pts

Compiled and interpreted files that can be run are called ____
program files.



Correct! executable

dynamic Page 2 of 17
Midterm Exam: COS231a_F2022 Introduction to UNIX 28.11.2022, 00:13

Question 5 0.1 / 0.1 pts

How can you save a file without exiting vi?

Your Answer:

you can use :w in a command mode (after pressing esc)

Question 6 0.1 / 0.1 pts

A binary digit, called a(n) ____________________ for short, is in one

of two states.

You Answered

Correct Answers bit

Question 7 0.1 / 0.1 pts

For some languages, such as Chinese, the ASCII character set is

preferred instead of the Unicode character set.


False Page 3 of 17
Midterm Exam: COS231a_F2022 Introduction to UNIX 28.11.2022, 00:13

Question 8 0.1 / 0.1 pts

What is ASCII?

Your Answer:

it is character set which consists of 256 characters and used for

interpretation. bigger character set is unicode which consists of more
than 32.000 charcaters

Question 9 0.1 / 0.1 pts

The vi editor’s ____ mode is started by pressing Esc.

Correct! command




Question 10 0.1 / 0.1 pts

The ____________________ option of the paste command causes

files to be pasted one after the other instead of in parallel.

You Answered
-s, serial Page 4 of 17
Midterm Exam: COS231a_F2022 Introduction to UNIX 28.11.2022, 00:13

Correct Answers -s

Question 11 0.1 / 0.1 pts

System administrators and programmers refer to standard output as



Correct! stdout



Question 12 0.1 / 0.1 pts

UNIX/Linux store data, such as letters, product records, or vendor

reports, in flat ASCII files.

Correct! True


Question 13 0.1 / 0.1 pts Page 5 of 17
Midterm Exam: COS231a_F2022 Introduction to UNIX 28.11.2022, 00:13

The ____ command is used to look for patterns in files.





Question 14 0.1 / 0.1 pts

When you use the paste command, by default, the pasted results
appear in columns separated by commas.


Correct! False

Question 15 0.1 / 0.1 pts

What is the find command used for?

Your Answer:

it is used for a search for file in a directory Page 6 of 17
Midterm Exam: COS231a_F2022 Introduction to UNIX 28.11.2022, 00:13

Question 16 0.3 / 0.3 pts

When you write a script, it is advisable to specify with what shell the
script is intended to be used. How can you do this?

Your Answer:


Question 17 0.3 / 0.3 pts

The ____ option of the diff command is used to display the

differences side-by-side in columns.




Correct! -y

Question 18 0 / 0.3 pts

You use the ____ command to search for a specified pattern in a file,
such as a particular word or phrase.

diff Page 7 of 17
Midterm Exam: COS231a_F2022 Introduction to UNIX 28.11.2022, 00:13

Correct Answer grep

You Answered sed


Question 19 0.3 / 0.3 pts

What is the diff command used for?

Your Answer:

it is used to compare file lines by lines

Question 20 0.3 / 0.3 pts

In some cases, when you use grep, it is helpful to enter the character
pattern you are trying to find in single or double quotes. Why?

Your Answer:

so it will be accurate and you wont mix it with something else

Question 21 0.3 / 0.3 pts

What is an algorithm? Page 8 of 17
Midterm Exam: COS231a_F2022 Introduction to UNIX 28.11.2022, 00:13

Your Answer:

it is the pre defined arithmetic structure to perform certain tasks

Question 22 0.3 / 0.3 pts

____ variables are used to store information about the setup of the
operating system, and after they are set up, you typically do not
change them.


Correct! Configuration



Question 23 0 / 0.3 pts

Shell scripts run more quickly than compiled programs.

You Answered True

Correct Answer False

Question 24 0.3 / 0.3 pts Page 9 of 17
Midterm Exam: COS231a_F2022 Introduction to UNIX 28.11.2022, 00:13

____ operators compare the relationship between two values or





Correct! Relational

Question 25 0.3 / 0.3 pts

What is looping logic?

Your Answer:

it is processes using either for or while to perform certain tasks

Question 26 0.3 / 0.3 pts

If a source file contains ____ errors, it cannot be converted into an

executable file.



Correct! syntax Page 10 of 17
Midterm Exam: COS231a_F2022 Introduction to UNIX 28.11.2022, 00:13


Question 27 0 / 0.3 pts

Logic structures supported by shell scripts include: sequential logic,

decision logic, looping logic, and ____________________ logic.

You Answered

Correct Answers case

Question 28 0.3 / 0.3 pts

Logic structures are also called ____ structures.


Correct! control



Question 29 0.3 / 0.3 pts Page 11 of 17
Midterm Exam: COS231a_F2022 Introduction to UNIX 28.11.2022, 00:13

Shell scripts support many shell script ____________________,

including those for assigning the contents of a shell variable, for
evaluating information, for performing mathematical operations, and
for piping or redirection of input/output.


Correct Answers operators

Question 30 0.3 / 0.3 pts

The Bash shell offers improved features over the older Bourne and
Korn shells and is fully backward compatible with the Bourne shell.

Correct! True


Question 31 0.3 / 0.3 pts

You should omit spaces when you assign a variable without using
single or double quotation marks around its value.

Correct! True

False Page 12 of 17
Midterm Exam: COS231a_F2022 Introduction to UNIX 28.11.2022, 00:13

Question 32 0.2 / 0.2 pts

When you create a script, you should include the command that sets
the particular shell to use on ____.

Correct! the first line of the script

your login script

the configuration file

the last line of the script

Question 33 0 / 0.2 pts

The clear command is a useful housekeeping utility for clearing the

screen, but you can use a faster method. Describe this alternative

Your Answer:

move down the screen


Question 34 0.2 / 0.2 pts Page 13 of 17
Midterm Exam: COS231a_F2022 Introduction to UNIX 28.11.2022, 00:13

What is a Boolean operator?

Your Answer:

They are operators that are used for truth tables and in code. value
for it could be either true (1) or false (0)

Question 35 0.2 / 0.2 pts

How can you view the most recent command’s exit status?

Your Answer:

$! could be used

Question 36 0 / 0.2 pts

What is the test command used for?

Your Answer:

it is used to check file types and compare values in the files Page 14 of 17
Midterm Exam: COS231a_F2022 Introduction to UNIX 28.11.2022, 00:13

Question 37 0.2 / 0.2 pts

The .bashrc file is a hidden file contained in ____ directory.

the /usr

the /home

Correct! your home

the root

Unanswered Question 38 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Write a script that creates the following calculator:

Enter first value: value1

Enter second value: value2
value1 + value2 = ?
value1 - value2 = ?
value1 * value2 = ?
value1 / value2 = ?
average =

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Unanswered Question 39 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Write a script that creates the following menu:

Soup Menu
Select a soup . . . (q) to quit

With this script user should to place order in restaurant and generate
the list of order items saved in separate files, named
LastnameFirstname_Date_Time.order !

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Unanswered Question 40 2.5 / 2.5 pts Page 16 of 17
Midterm Exam: COS231a_F2022 Introduction to UNIX 28.11.2022, 00:13

Troubleshoot the problems with the following script:

Script Name: record_entry
By: TRJackson
looptrack = y
while [ "$ looptrack ""==11]
echo -n “Type in the account number:” rea
d account
echo -n “Type the first and last name:” ;
read full_name
echo -n “Type the age:” red age
echo -n “Enter another record?” ; read lo

Upload corerct file!

Quiz Score: 13.7 out of 15 Page 17 of 17

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