A PiRNA To Remember

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gradient, suggesting that, in the case of Thus, by the most general conceptual

Bcd, the target expression domains do criteria, Bcd should still be considered
not depend on absolute morphogen a morphogen, just one that is getting
levels. This conundrum can be partially even more interesting than we might
explained by the observation that even have imagined.
flat Bcd gradients result in sharp bound-
aries of runt expression and thus in
opposing Runt repressor gradients.
The work of Chen et al. shows that Balaskas, N., Ribeiro, A., Panovska, J., Dessaud,
neither the wild-type gradient nor the E., Sasai, N., Page, K.M., Briscoe, J., and Ribes,
specific levels of Bcd protein are either V. (2012). Cell 148, 273–284.
Figure 1. Activator and Repressor Gradi- necessary or sufficient for establishing
ents Cooperate for Differential Gene Chen, et al. (2012). Cell 149, this issue, 618–629.
precise borders of target gene expression
Expression Driever, W., and Nüsslein-Volhard, C. (1988). Cell
Anterior target genes (cyan, yellow, and purple at the anterior of the embryo. Given this, is 54, 95–104.
bars) integrate activating inputs from Bicoid (Bcd, it possible to continue to classify Bcd as
blue) and repressive inputs from Runt (orange) and Gregor, T., Tank, D.W., Wieschaus, E.F., and
a ‘‘morphogen’’? Based on the criteria Bialek, W. (2007). Cell 130, 153–164.
Capicua (not shown) in order to establish different
posterior borders of expression in fruit fly embryos. of the French flag model, clearly not.
Jaeger, J., Surkova, S., Blagov, M., Janssens, H.,
Chen et al. (2012) shows that many anterior genes However, although the cellular concentra- Kosman, D., Kozlov, K.N., Manu, Myasnikova, E.,
share a common activation threshold (AT) but tion of Bcd protein does not set all thresh- Vanario-Alonso, C.E., Samsonova, M., et al.
respond to different repressive thresholds (RTN).
Their work also indicates that the Runt gradient is
olds of gene expression in the fly embryo, (2004). Nature 430, 368–371.
generated through the action of one or more Bcd multiple read-outs of the gradient are Löhr, U., Chung, H.R., Beller, M., and Jäckle, H.
target genes (purple line). detectable. In addition, in the case of (2009). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106, 21695–
runt, it appears that the levels and activity 21700.
of this antagonistic gradient are a function Manu, S., Surkova, S., Spirov, A.V., Gursky, V.V.,
The results of these experiments are of those of Bcd, indicating that the Bcd Janssens, H., Kim, A.R., Radulescu, O., Vanario-
quite striking. Even flat Bcd gradients gradient is indeed generating most of Alonso, C.E., Sharp, D.H., Samsonova, M., and
may result in sharply defined head gap the positional information in the anterior Reinitz, J. (2009). PLoS Biol. 7, e1000049.
gene domains that are correctly ordered half of the embryo. Finally, it has been Porcher, A., and Dostatni, N. (2010). Curr. Biol. 20,
along the anterior posterior axis. These demonstrated in other systems that R249–R254.
domains are established at Bcd concen- morphogen interpretation is largely an Rogers, K.W., and Schier, A.F. (2011). Annu. Rev.
trations that are lower than the corre- emergent property of the target gene Cell Dev. Biol. 27, 377–407.
sponding concentrations of the wild-type network (Balaskas et al., 2012). Wolpert, L. (1969). J. Theor. Biol. 25, 1–47.

A piRNA to Remember
Danesh Moazed1,*
1Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA

*Correspondence: danesh@hms.harvard.edu
DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2012.04.008

In this issue of Cell, Rajasethupathy et al. report a surprising role for piRNAs, previously thought to
act mainly in the animal germline to silence transposons, in transcriptional regulation of plasticity-
related genes in the central nervous system of the sea slug Aplysia californica. The findings expand
the functions of small RNAs and have important implications for our understanding of how transient
signals can give rise to long-term memories.

During the past decade, small noncoding from fungi to mammals. Based on their miRNAs and siRNAs, is produced from
RNAs have emerged as widely recog- mechanism of biogenesis, small RNAs cleavage of double-stranded RNA precur-
nized regulators of gene expression and can be divided into at least two major sors by the Dicer ribonuclease. The
genome stability in eukaryotes ranging classes. The first class, which includes second class, the Piwi-associated small

512 Cell 149, April 27, 2012 ª2012 Elsevier Inc.

RNAs (piRNAs), is produced function of Piwi and piRNAs
independently of Dicer by in modulation of synaptic
a mechanism that involves activity. This system allows
the endonuclease slicer the study of long-term facilita-
activity of the Piwi clade of tion (LTF) based on the
Argonaute proteins. piRNAs measurement of serotonin
are larger than miRNAs and (5HT)-induced electrical acti-
siRNAs (27 versus 22 nt) vity across synaptic connec-
and specifically associate tions that can be formed
with Piwi proteins, and their between one or more sensory
accumulation requires ampli- neurons and a single motor
fication by the so-called neuron. LTF requires change
ping-pong mechanism in- in synaptic strength and
volving at least two distinct shares requirements with
Piwi proteins (Aravin et al., memory formation in the
2006; Brennecke et al., 2007; animal. The authors’ first key
Gunawardane et al., 2007; observation using this system
Houwing et al., 2007). Unlike is that exposure of cultured
the other small RNAs, which neurons to 5HT results in
are abundantly present in a marked increase, up to 5-
somatic cells of many organ- fold, in the level of a subset
isms, piRNAs are thought to of piRNAs, suggesting that
be restricted to germ cells piRNA synthesis in neurons
and germline tissues in which may be regulated by neuro-
they function in silencing Figure 1. Genome and Gene Regulation by piRNAs transmitter-induced activity.
transposons by RNA degra- (A) In many multicellular organisms, piRNA expression from a few clusters is Depletion of Piwi impaired
developmentally regulated in germ cells and silences transposon expression.
dation at the posttranscrip- piRNAs associate with Piwi proteins and mediate silencing at the post-
LTF after exposure of syn-
tional level and by DNA transcriptional level and are also thought to promote DNA methylation at apsed neurons to 5HT,
methylation leading to tran- targeted transposons. revealing a role for Piwi in
(B) In Aplysia, in addition to germline cells, piRNAs are expressed in the CNS. In
scriptional gene silencing synaptic plasticity. Remark-
cultured neurons, specific piRNAs are induced by the serotonin neurotrans-
(Figure 1A). In a series of mitter and mediate the methylation of a promoter-proximal CpG island at the ably, a search for plasticity-
beautifully executed and CREB2 locus in a Piwi- and DNMT-dependent manner. Disruption of this related genes whose ex-
compelling experiments, methylation event impairs long-term facilitation. pression changes after Piwi
Kandel, Tuschl, and co- knockdown revealed a 2-fold
workers now provide evidence that at their 30 ends, suggesting that they are upregulation in the levels of CREB2
piRNAs are expressed in the central 20 -O methylated, which is also the case protein, a transcriptional repressor and
nervous system (CNS) and other somatic with piRNAs in other organisms. In all, major inhibitory constraint on LTF.
tissues in Aplysia and mediate CpG the authors define 372 distinct piRNA CREB2 mRNA levels were increased to
methylation and transcriptional silencing clusters in Aplysia. Consistent with the even higher levels than CREB2 protein,
of a key plasticity-related gene, CREB2 presence of piRNAs, the authors cloned suggesting that this regulation involves
(Rajasethupathy et al., 2012). a cDNA from the CNS that encodes the transcriptional control. Interestingly, and
Several previous studies have provided 96.4 kD Piwi protein and, using both in line with previous findings pointing to
evidence that the miRNA pathway plays antibody staining and expression of a role for piRNAs in directing DNA methyl-
a critical role in posttranscriptional regula- GFP-Piwi, showed that the protein is ation in the germline, the 5HT-induced
tion of specific mRNAs in response to predominantly nuclear. Thus, a convincing reduction in CREB2 protein and RNA
neuronal stimulation (for example, see set of results establishes the presence of was abolished by treatment with RG108,
Schratt et al. [2006]). In the course of CNS piRNAs and Piwi in Aplysia. An a DNA methyltransferase inhibitor.
using high-throughput sequencing to intriguing aspect of Aplysia piRNAs, noted These findings raise the tantalizing
screen for miRNAs in the Aplysia CNS by the authors, is that, unlike in other possibility that piRNAs may be directing
that might regulate long-term memory, systems, one or a few individual piRNAs long-lasting changes at the CREB2 locus
the authors noticed the presence of are cloned hundreds of times more by inducing DNA methylation. In fact,
a second class of small RNAs 27–30 nt frequently than surrounding piRNAs in examination of the CREB2 locus reveals
in length, the characteristic size of the same cluster. The mechanism for that methylation of a promoter-proximal
piRNAs. This class comprised 15% of this uneven distribution is unclear but CpG island is increased by treatment of
the total small RNA reads in the CNS suggests that amplification may be regu- neurons with 5HT in a Piwi-dependent
and could also be detected in other lated in interesting ways. manner. The authors go on to find several
somatic cells, and further examination of The authors next use the elegant relatively abundant piRNAs complemen-
a subset showed that they were blocked Aplysia coculture system to explore the tary to the CREB2 locus and reveal a key

Cell 149, April 27, 2012 ª2012 Elsevier Inc. 513

role for one of these, piR-F, in CREB2 piRNA-programmed Piwi associates with for DNA methylation in memory formation
silencing in response to 5HT. As would nascent CREB2 transcripts and recruits in mammals (Miller and Sweatt, 2007). It
be expected if the 5HT-mediated silencing DNMT to promote CpG methylation will be exciting to see whether piRNAs
of CREB2 were mediated by piR-F, its (Figure 1B). Although this is a plausible mediate specific DNA methylation events
knockdown results in increased CREB2 mechanism, it remains to be demon- in the mammalian brain.
RNA and protein levels, and piR-F levels strated that Piwi associates with the
increase about 2-fold with a time course CREB2 locus and that the observed
that is consistent with the corresponding CpG methylation reduces CREB2 tran- REFERENCES
reduction in CREB2 mRNA levels. scription. Future studies are also likely to
Aravin, A., Gaidatzis, D., Pfeffer, S., Lagos-Quin-
The findings in this study raise many provide insight into how serotonin regu-
tana, M., Landgraf, P., Iovino, N., Morris, P.,
questions about the scope and extent of lates the accumulation of specific piRNAs Brownstein, M.J., Kuramochi-Miyagawa, S., Na-
piRNA/Piwi-mediated regulation of gene and the nature of repressive histone kano, T., et al. (2006). Nature 442, 203–207.
expression in somatic cells. Although modifications that are likely to be coupled
Brennecke, J., Aravin, A.A., Stark, A., Dus, M., Kel-
piRNAs are thought to be mainly to the induced DNA methylation. lis, M., Sachidanandam, R., and Hannon, G.J.
restricted to the germline tissue, there is The observation that serotonin induces (2007). Cell 128, 1089–1103.
some previous evidence suggesting that CpG methylation at the CREB2 locus is
Brower-Toland, B., Findley, S.D., Jiang, L., Liu, L.,
they also function in heterochromatic fascinating. This finding provides support Yin, H., Dus, M., Zhou, P., Elgin, S.C., and Lin, H.
gene silencing outside of the germline in for the concept that, in addition to well- (2007). Genes Dev. 21, 2300–2311.
Drosophila and can be detected in mouse established changes at synapses, the Gunawardane, L.S., Saito, K., Nishida, K.M.,
hippocampal neurons (Brower-Toland formation of long-term memories involves Miyoshi, K., Kawamura, Y., Nagami, T., Siomi, H.,
et al., 2007; Lee et al., 2011). The findings stable, long-lasting molecular changes in and Siomi, M.C. (2007). Science 315, 1587–1590.
of Rajasethupathy et al. raise the exciting the nucleus and, together with other Houwing, S., Kamminga, L.M., Berezikov, E., Cro-
possibility that piRNAs play a conserved observations, reveals a mechanism for nembold, D., Girard, A., van den Elst, H., Filippov,
role in regulation of plasticity-induced how these changes can be directed by D.V., Blaser, H., Raz, E., Moens, C.B., et al.
genes in parallel with miRNAs, which activity-induced small RNAs. CpG meth- (2007). Cell 129, 69–82.
play major roles in regulation of gene ylation is perhaps the most stable epige- Lee, E.J., Banerjee, S., Zhou, H., Jammalamadaka,
expression in neurons and other cells. In netic mark and is maintained by the A., Arcila, M., Manjunath, B.S., and Kosik, K.S.
contrast to miRNAs, which act in post- activity of maintenance DNA methyltrans- (2011). RNA 17, 1090–1099.
transcriptional gene silencing, piRNAs ferases over numerous rounds of DNA Miller, C.A., and Sweatt, J.D. (2007). Neuron 53,
have been suggested to promote the replication. The requirement for DNMT in 857–869.
methylation of specific DNA sequences. repression of CREB2 in cultured Aplysia Moazed, D. (2009). Nature 457, 413–420.
This clearly seems to be the case with neurons suggests that CpG methylation Rajasethupathy, R., Antonov, I., Sheridan, R., Frey,
the Aplysia CNS piRNAs, which mediate in these nondividing neurons is dynamic S., Sander, C., Tuschl, T., and Kandel, E.R. (2012).
CpG methylation at the CREB2 locus. By and requires continued DNMT activity, Cell 149, this issue, 693–707.
analogy to mechanisms in fission yeast, which presumably maintains the methyla- Schratt, G.M., Tuebing, F., Nigh, E.A., Kane, C.G.,
plants, and C. elegans (reviewed in tion marks as it does in dividing cells. Sabatini, M.E., Kiebler, M., and Greenberg, M.E.
Moazed, 2009), the authors suggest that Previous studies have suggested a role (2006). Nature 439, 283–289.

514 Cell 149, April 27, 2012 ª2012 Elsevier Inc.

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