Collaborative Repertoire Event Form 829 205 v2

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Collaborative Repertoire/Event Form

Instrument and Applied Lesson Course Number:


Please complete this form and return it to the Collaborative Coordinator, along with a copy of your music.
This form must be used every time you submit music.

Ruth Moreno Calderón Professor:_______________________________
Dr. Galit Kaunitz

(601) 9131214 Address:__________________________________

Classification (check one): D.M.A. | M.M. ✔| Senior Junior Sophomore Freshman

Major (check one): B.A. | Performance ✔| Music Education | Jazz Studies

Is this your (check one): Primary Instrument ✔| Secondary Instrument

Music to be performed this semester: (Note: Hand-written/difficult-to-read manuscripts are not acceptable.
All photocopies must be legible).

1. Composer:____________________________________________________________________________
Antonio Pasculli
Concerto on themes from Donizetti’s La Favorita
Movement(s) to be performed. Please include only movements to be performed this semester:___________

2. Composer:____________________________________________________________________________
Movement(s) to be performed. Please include only movements to be performed this semester:___________

3. Composer:____________________________________________________________________________
Movement(s) to be performed. Please include only movements to be performed this semester:___________

4. Composer:____________________________________________________________________________
Movement(s) to be performed. Please include only movements to be performed this semester:___________

Will you be giving a degree recital this semester? Yes / No ✔

If so, please include the proposed recital date:_____________________

Please list other upcoming performances for which your pianist’s services are requested (this semester only):

1. Event: Soloists competition/Jury

Date: T/A
Time/Location: Marsh Auditorium

2. Event: Soloists competition/Jury

3. Event:

HOW MANY SERVICES DO I RECEIVE? - Every student is entitled to 6 services. Eligible students
include all DMA, MM, MME, BM, BM-jazz studies, BME, BA, and BS students. Instrumental minors, non-
majors, and ELI students are not eligible.
1 service = 30 minutes
• Services can be used for rehearsals, lessons, studio class, departmental class, general recital class, juries, and
USM school-sponsored competitions.
• Once you have used your allotted services, you may request additional services with your pianist. For these
additional services you must pay your pianist out-of-pocket before the service begins! Suggested rates for
extra services = $25 per 30-minute service for instrumentalists.
All degree recitals are included in your course fee and you will not pay extra. For recital students only recital
preparation such as studio class performances, departmental class performances, general recital class performances,
recital hearings and dress rehearsals in preparation for your recitals are not considered services, and therefore will not
take up one of your 6 services.
To Schedule a recital please do the following:
1. Check dates with your pianist first! Come up with several options that work for both of you.
2. Check with your applied teacher, as well as your graduate committee if applicable, for their availability.
3. Use to form under “Forms” on the School of Music website to complete your recital reservation.

GUIDELINES (Please initial next to each item)
• RMC Once the collaborative assignment is complete, both the student and professor will be notified. Please contact
the pianist within two weeks to introduce yourself and start setting up a rehearsal schedule.
• Both parties are expected to invest individual time practicing and learning the music in advance in order for
the rehearsal to run efficiently. The instrumentalists need to know the piano part, and the pianists need to know the
instrumentalist’s part. The pianist is not required to assist in teaching the student their part, and vice versa.
• If your applied professor changes or adds a repertoire piece after the above-mentioned deadline, please make
your pianist aware of this change as soon as possible. No changes in repertoire can be made after the mid-point of the
semester (the end of week 7). This cut-off point is the exception to the rule and should only be used if your professor
has changed or added a piece.
• The student should contact the pianist 7 days in advance for the scheduling of any service.
• The first rehearsal for a recital should be scheduled at least four weeks prior to the recital.
• The first rehearsal for a jury must be scheduled at least three weeks prior to juries.
• The first rehearsal for any other performance (masterclass, studio class, departmental, general)
must be scheduled at least two weeks prior.

***If these advanced time requirements are not met, your pianist has the right refuse playing your performance!***
• A minimum of 24-hours notice is required for any cancellation or rescheduling of a service. With less than 24-
hours notice, the service will only be rescheduled at the pianist’s discretion. In cases of missed service without
advanced notification, pianists are not obligated to reschedule. If your pianist arrives for a scheduled service or
performance, and you are not there, it counts as a service.
• Always be punctual for any service or performance. Pianists are not obligated to make up any lost time due to
tardiness or absence.
• Please do not wait until the end of the semester to use your services. This is a busy time for everyone,
especially pianists. Many of them are students themselves and have their own recitals, juries, and final exams to
prepare for. Please plan ahead with your pianist to avoid last-minute rehearsals for any performances. During weeks

11-14 of the semester, only two services per week can be used.
• Know the best way to reach your pianist and inform them of the best way to reach you.
• Each student and pianist should sign the service log sheet at the conclusion of each service.

Please contact Dr. Bunchman for any immediate concerns at Collaborative evaluation
forms will be available at the end of each semester for students to express any concerns as well as positive comments
regarding their pianist. Students should return these forms to the office of Dr. Bunchman, FAB 205.
Student signature __________________________ Date _______________________

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