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‫آل ﻣﻌﻠﻢ‬


13 Tweets • 2021-01-30 21:03:46 UTC •  See on Twitter 

The Early Ash'arites affirming two eyes for Allah:

1. Abu-l Hasan Al Ash'ari [d. 324AH]:

"Ahlus Sunnah and Ashab Al Hadith said...And He

[i.e. Allah] has two eyes without a How"

Maqalat Al Islamiyyin p.172

"The Mu'tazilah are in agreement in denying Eyes
and Hands for Allah. They differed in this issue into
two camps:

1. Some denied the statement "Allah has two

Hands" and the statement "Allah has two Eyes"

2. Some claimed that Allah has a Hand and that he

has two Hands but
Hand means blessing. They also went to say in the
meaning of Eyes in that He [Allah] intended
Knowledge and that he Knows and that the verse
"be brought up under My watchful Eye." i.e.
with my knowledge."

Ibid. p.156

My comments:

Observe how Al Ash'ari himself labels these 2 views

as being the view of the Mu'tazilah.

Views that are taught today as a standard "Ash'ari"

stance to any beginner Ash'ari student.
2. Al Baqillani [d.403AH]:

"And [affirming] the two Eyes [for Allah] as has

been explicitly affirmed by the Qur'an to be from
His [i.e. Allaah's] attributes and has been
established by the Mutawatir reports from the
Prophet as Allah states [20:39 & 54:14]

Al Insaf p.24

In his book Al Tamheed he affirms two Eyes as

being from Sifaat Al Thaat i.e. the Attributes of His
3. Al Juwayni [d.478AH]

Now, whilst Al Juwayni does not affirm two eyes for

Allah, he does concede that some of his Imams
from the Ash'ari school (he does not name them but
its pretty clear he is referring to Al Ash'ari, Al
Baqillani and their likes) did.

Al Irshad p.155
4. Sayf Al Amidi [d.636AH]:

He also makes the same confession as Al Juwayni.

See Ghaayat Al Maraam p.135

How do Modern Ash'aris deal with these

Two ways:

1. Say these books have been tampered (especially

in the case of Al Ash'ari) or deny the books belongs
to their author

2. Re-interpret their words to try & fit it into

Juwayniyan, Ghazzalian & Raazian

With the first nonsenical claim, the fact such a

claim is even being thought of and mentioned
indicates they accept these statements are
problematic to them hence why we must deny the
book's attribution to him...
Concerning the second point, Ibn Hazm throws this
idea away by saying Al Ash'ari said that the term
'Ayn found in plural form actually refers to 'Aynan
i.e. two eyes.

See Al Fisal 2/127

In conclusion, any negative ruling issued upon a

Hanbali or Wahhabi based on their affirmation of
two Eyes for Allah will also fall upon Al Ash'ari and
those early Ash' be wary of that

And Allah knows best

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