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Completa las frases con la forma correcta del verbo que

se encuentra entre paréntesis.
1. Alex hadn’t traveled (not/travel) alone before his trip to London.
2. I had been (be) at home all day. I had to get out and go for a walk.
3. She had taught (teach) Shakespeare before.
4. Had you eaten (eat) breakfast when you left the house?
5. We hadn’t (not/finish) the document when the computer crashed.
6. I hadn’t done (not/do) all my homework when I went to class.

b.Read the text and answer the questions.

1.  Who had Susan invited to the party?

- She had invited all her friends to her house.
2. Who is Susan’s best friend?
- Susan's best friend is Cindy.
3. Where was Susan’s boyfriend travelling?
- Susan's boyfriend traveled to Sao Paolo for business.
4. What food had Susan prepared?
- Susan had made lasagna, which was very good.
5. Was it good?

- Everything was delicious.

c. Extract from the text three sentences using Past

Perfect. Change them into Negative and Interrogative
1. She had invited all her friends to her house.

- She hadn’t invited all her friends to her house.

- Had she invited all her friends to her house?

2. She had invited her friends from work.

- She hadn’t invited her friends from work.

- Had she invited her friends from work?

3. He had left the day before.

- He hadn’t left the day before.

- had he left the day before?

d. Translate the text into Spanish
Susan had a party last week.

She had invited all her friends to her house. She had invited her friends

from work, her friends from university, and her friends from her

neighborhood. The guests started arriving at around 7 o’clock for dinner.

Susan’s best friend, Cindy, was there, wearing a red dress. And Susan’s

boyfriend, Tom, was wearing a blue suit and looked very handsome.

Cindy’s boyfriend wasn’t there, because he was travelling for business. He

was negotiating a big contract in Sao Paolo that day. He had left the day

before, and wouldn’t be back for two more days.

Susan had made lasagna, which was very good. She had made enough

lasagna for 30 people! She had also made salad and stuffed eggplant.

Everything was delicious.


Susan hizo una fiesta la semana pasada.

Había invitado a todos sus amigos a su casa. Había invitado a sus amigos del trabajo, a
sus amigos de la universidad y a sus amigos de su vecindario. Los invitados empezaron
a llegar alrededor de las 7 en punto para cenar.
La mejor amiga de Susan, Cindy, estaba allí, con un vestido rojo. Y el novio de Susan,
Tom, vestía un traje azul y se veía muy guapo.
El novio de Cindy no estaba allí porque viajaba por negocios. Ese día estaba negociando
un gran contrato en Sao Paolo. Se había ido el día anterior y no volvería hasta dentro de
dos días.
Susan había hecho lasaña, que estaba muy rica. ¡Había preparado suficiente lasaña
para 30 personas! También había preparado ensalada y berenjena rellena. Todo estuvo

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