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January 25, 2019

Dear Ms. DiCamillo

Hi my name is Dylan Goldbach I am 9 years old and I am a 3rd grader at glenview
school. I am writing because I love your books. One of my favorite book is The Miraculous
Journey of Edward Tulane. Last year I read two of your Mercy Watson. How many Mercy
Watson books did you write. Maybe you can write a book about Mercy Watson in space eating
ice cream.I think that would be funny.
my favorite book of yours is The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. My favorite part
is when Abilene finds Edward in the doll shop. What are most disliked is when Edward gets
thrown off the Queen Mary. I had a couple questions how many Mercy Watson books did
you,write how many books did you write in total, how old were you when you started writing and
what was the year.

Dylan Goldbach

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