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Leveraging Digital Skills

for Business and Career

1 Chronicles 12:32; Isaiah 54:2

Digital skills are broadly described by UNESCO as the ability to use digital devices,
communication applications, and networks to access and manage information.
Digital transformation and innovation have changed the rule of the game across
all sectors. Leveraging digital skills is therefore important for survival in this
modern digital age and is tantamount to using digital devices such as Information
Technology, computers, smartphones, softwares etc to achieve desired results.
Digital skills extend to Artificial Intelligence, automation and robotics which are
taking over intensive tasks; machine learning, virtual reality, use of sensors; devices
like drones and many more.

QUESTION: How has Digital revolution or transformation reshaped different

In the educational sector, schools have adopted e-learning technologies. Legal
practitioners perform e-filing of cases and virtual court sittings. With mobile
devices and applications, medical doctors can diagnose and treat their patients
In addition, farmers use sensors and information technology to automate, monitor,
and regulate their systems to become more profitable, efficient, and sustainable.
Social Media is now an effective platform to drive customer action. Virtual walk-
throughs are available to prospective clients looking to purchase or lease real
Digital skills that Young Professionals can learn include computer literacy
(Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint). The more advanced
digital skills include Computer coding, Graphics Design, Web and App
development, Data science, UI/UX Design, Artistic Design, Blockchain Technology
amongst others.

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It is clear that having a range of digital skills is essential to thriving in today’s work
environment, but how do you gain and improve these all-important skills?
Educate yourself and enrol online. Equip yourself with a computer and explore
other digital resources such as smartphones, softwares and internet access.
Establish a career using your digital skills. Embrace creativity and define your
ACTIVITY: Put-a-finger-down. Each person is expected to show their ten fingers.
You have to put a finger down if the answer to the following questions is “Yes.”

Put a finger down if you can:

• Communicate via email
• Research information online
• Use any of the following: One drive shared folder, Google Drive, DropBox
• Set up a meeting on any of the following: Zoom, Skype, Google Meet and
Microsoft Teams
• Create and manage spreadsheets
• Use LinkedIn
• Install a software, App and activate software updates
• Share a screen during a video call
• Create online accounts to access information
• Use GPS location, Google Map or Route Finder
Digital skills have become a source of empowerment for many young adults.
Instead of waiting endlessly for the big white-collar job, many young professionals
have become great innovators, inventors, creators, and developers.
A young professional should have multiple digital skills. So, it is not out of place for
a lawyer to describe himself as a legal practitioner, a Data Scientist, and a Content
If you fail to acquire digital skills, you may become irrelevant in today’s world.
Don’t be out of tune with current realities. There is no excuse for failure. Like the
sons of Issachar, discern the times and use the move of this age for the profit of
yourself, the society and God. Leverage or remain an average Joe!

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