Aquifer Remediation Notes

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Greywater pilot – id market segments for nonpot water. E.g.

California, LA county

 California Water Code section 13558 requires the State Water Board to adopt regulations on or
before December 1, 2022, for risk-based water quality standards for the onsite treatment and
reuse of nonpotable water for nonpotable end uses in multifamily residential, commercial,
and mixed-use buildings.

 Water Code section 13558 also requires that on or before December 1, 2023, the
Department of Housing and Community Development, in consultation with the State
Water Board, is required to develop and propose for adoption any necessary
corresponding building standards to support the risk-based water quality standards
established by the State Water Board.
 Pursuant to Water Code subsections 13558(c) and (d), the risk-based water quality
standards will not address untreated graywater systems that are used exclusively for
subsurface irrigation and untreated rainwater systems that are used exclusively for
surface, subsurface, or drip irrigation.
 Existing onsite treated nonpotable water systems in operation before the effective
date of the regulations will be required to comply with the regulations within two
years of the effective date.
(California water code: Codes Display Text (

(National Blue Ribbon Commission Updates for Onsite Non-potable Water systems [2016-2019]: 2016-
2019_NBRC Accomplishments.pdf (

Making the Utility case for ONWS: NBRC_Utility Case for ONWS_032818.pdf.pdf (

In a world where rainfall is getting more unpredictable and freshwater aquifers are increasingly stressed,
systems that capture and reuse water onsite have a tremendous upside. The potential to capture both
rainfall and greywater for reuse onsite can not only lower bills and create predictability, but also relieve
demand on utilities that are trying to protect drinking water sources in the face of climate change

Aquifer remediation
TCE and PCE are both being removed from groundwater in the San Gabriel Valley of Los Angeles. More
than 30 square miles of the valley has been designated as a federal Superfund site due to commercial
and industrial discharges contaminating groundwater.

Most prevalent contaminants depend on location.

Portions of aquifers in many groundwater basins in California have degraded water quality that
does not support beneficial use of groundwater. In some areas, groundwater quality is degraded
by constituents that occur naturally (e.g., arsenic, heavy metals, radioactive constituents, various
salts from specific geologic formations or conditions). In many urban and rural areas,
groundwater quality degradation has resulted from a wide range of human (anthropogenic)
activities (organic, inorganic, radioactive constituents from point & non-point sources, industrial
sites, mining operations, leaking fuel tanks, agricultural activities).

Contaminant with most widespread and adverse impact on drinking water wells is arsenic, then
nitrates, natural occurring radioactivity, industrial/commercial solvents, and pesticides.

Contaminants in groundwater can come from a many sources, naturally occurring and
anthropogenic. Examples of naturally occurring contaminants include heavy metals and
radioactive constituents, as well as high concentrations of various salts from specific geologic
formations or conditions.

E.g. salt water intrusion, may also be exacerbated by climate change or adverse weather events.

Groundwater remediation removes constituents, hereafter called contaminants, which affect

beneficial use of groundwater. Groundwater remediation systems can employ passive or active
methods to remove contaminants. Passive groundwater remediation allows contaminants to
degrade biologically or chemically or disperse in situ over time. Active groundwater
remediation involves either treating contaminated groundwater while it is still in the aquifer
(in situ) or extracting contaminated groundwater from the aquifer and treating it outside of
the aquifer (ex situ). Active in situ methods generally involve injecting chemicals into the
contaminant plume to obtain a chemical or biological removal of the contaminant. Ex situ
methods for treating contaminated groundwater can involve physical, chemical, and/or biological

Ground water and soil remediation related injection wells may include the discharge
of microbe and nutrient solutions to enhance bioremediation, the introduction of
oxygen release compounds or other oxidizing solutions to facilitate the chemical
break down of hydrocarbon or chlorinated solvent contamination or the introduction
of surfactants to provide for the pumping and treating of contaminated ground water
for subsequent injection back into the aquifor.

(1) mobilizing arsenic from contaminated aquifer sediments to decrease the quantity
of arsenic at the source of contamination; and (2) immobilizing arsenic in situ, to
decrease the mobility and bioavailability of this arsenic. Optimal remediation may
well involve combinations of these two approaches.
Arsenic mobilization using oxalic acid is effective because oxalic acid dissolves
arsenic host minerals and competes for sorption sites on those minerals. In this
dissertation, oxalic acid treatment was tested using sediments with contrasting
iron mineralogies and arsenic contents from the Dover Municipal Landfill and the
Vineland Chemical Company Superfund sites. Oxalic acid mobilized arsenic from
both sites and the residual sediment arsenic was less vulnerable to microbial
reduction than before the treatment. Oxalic acid thus could improve the
efficiency of widely used pump-and-treat remediation. Oxalic acid did not
remove all of the reactive iron(III) minerals in Vineland sediment samples, and
thus released significant quantities of arsenic into solution under reducing
conditions than the Dover samples. Therefore, the efficacy of pump-and-treat
must consider iron mineralogy when evaluating its overall potential for
remediating groundwater arsenic.
Arsenic immobilization occurs by changing the chemical state, or speciation, of
arsenic and other elements in the system. Arsenic is often assumed to be
immobile in sulfidic environments. 

Put remediation wells as close as possible to contaminant source!

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