Angel David Villa González, Ingles

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Name: angel David Villa González

module: initial interaction in English

group: 101 accounting

Evaluation activity 2.2

sketch of my house
My room
• In my room
there is a
bed, two
tables and I
use it to
study and
• In this room
there is a
table, a
and some
bags, it is
used to store
Living room
• In the living
room there are
two pieces of
furniture and a
television and
it is used to
rest or watch
Dinning room
• In the
there is a
table with
8 chairs
and it is
used to
How to get to each link
• To get to the living room, you first have to enter through the •,
main door to go to the dining room, we will cross the living room
to go to the kitchen, we will have to cross the dining room to the
left and the same with the bathroom but a little further on, to
get there. To the rooms we will have to go up the stairs and cross
each one of them to the left

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