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Green economy

A green economy is an economy that objective at reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities.
This means that reduction in carbon and pollution, efficient use of energy except can growth the economy.
- Fair trade
Is all about improving lives. The people who work in developing countries don’t usually get a fair share of
profit or benefit. The international fair trade want to change this exploitation to getting a fair deal. Fair
trade objective is having a decent price for goods that could be cover the costs of production and
guarantee a long life contract that offer security. Another point is education and support that the fair
trader can use the skills in the future also for protecting the environment. consumer demand is increasing
and this is a good for a lot of communities.
- Sustainable trade
Another type of trade that guarantee that contributes positively to economic, social and environment
development. Can be applied to agricultural product or manufactured goods. Natural product are bought
directly from cooperatives growing coffee, tea, fruit , spice or bought product that are manufactured
through that process which cause minimal negative environment impact , respect natural resources,
workers .
Sustainable development versus de-growth
The world is going ahead with the globalization, using more energy mostly from fossil fuels. Burning fossil
fuels bring a lot of carbons in the atmosphere causing climate change resulting a disaster for our world.
There are 2 model to stop this:
De-growth-promote the society that have for priority social and ecological well-being instead profits,
excess consume. Degrowth means transforming societies to guarantee environmental justice and a good
life for the planet, for all. These can be possible reducing consume and production
What is sustainable development?
Is a concept that appeared to warn the negative environmental consequences, the economic growth and
globalization and to try finding solutions to the problems caused mostly from the industrialization and
people. To achieve/realize these problems like inequality, climate change, water scarcity, hunger can be
resolved by the support of all the world and promote the sustainable development. These can be possible
if the business, administration and all the world contribute to guarantee this.
What are the sustainable development goals?
Sustainable development is defined as development that satisfy the needs of both current and future
generations. The sustainable development goals, also known as the global goals, are an appeal from the
united national to all the country of the world for thinking about our future and the other’s future to
protect the planet and giving them the opportunities to live the life without destroyed the planet. But to
do this the humanity has to pass a lot of challenges to permit to the other that comes after us to have the
same development. This is a big problem to be resolved, in fact lately is came out a big program of
sustainable development definite by united national that are written 17 goals for taking a better and
sustainable future for everyone. This is called Agenda 2030, and all of these goals are related to each other.
Some of them are: end poverty everywhere, end hunger, guarantee education for all, guarantee modern
energy, water, reduced inequalities, promote peace and justice, fight the climate change …
Green business
Try to reduce its impact in the environment maintaining a profit. Before this was not an important
objective but nowadays this is a mainstream. For them having a green business is a bonus to have a good
reputation and competitive and help to company profits. Some of the reasons to be green are:
-reducing environmental risk (ex. Leave the investment in the dirty energy renewable)
-green product demand (it’s grown these years)
-consumer participation (important for the business)
-saving money (using renewable energy)
Process of integration and interaction from people, business, nations guided/driven by international trade
and information technology. This process has effects on the environment, culture, political system , well-
being in the world. Globalisation is having a impact in the world.
Positive : People can share ideas, experience, lifestyle, culture, can try type of food and product. The
people feel the need for sustainable development. Different companies offer new jobs and skills.
Negative: Can be a threat to the different world culture because they are scared that they culture can be
destroyed or disappeared. Has encouraged the rapid production, consume of material goods .
Renewable energy
Renewable energy comes from natural resources, such as sunlight, wind, geothermal heat. We have to use
renewable energy because firstly gas and coals are going to finished and secondly are effects of global
warming to the environment.
Solar energy- to generate electricity, light homes and for a variety of commercial uses. Nowadays is a quite
expensive to converting solar energy to electricity but with the state assistance can be possible.
Wind energy – are common in the world, occupy less space and you can use the land around. It’s not a lot
efficient because there is no wind, no electricity.
Bioenergy-the sun is one of the factors to help plants to grow. The organic material that makes up is called
biomass. That can be used to produce energy, chemical. It’s difficult to be produced so it’s not helpful to
replace fossil fuels.
Geothermal energy-not all of the renewable energy come from the sun. In fact geothermal energy use the
energy that comes from the earth’s internal heat to produce energy, heating and cooling of buildings.

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