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Name: Chrisdexie Calag Course and Year: BSED

English 2

Teenage pregnancy is a "problem" because most teenagers are not

financially, emotionally, or intellectually able to keep and care for a child. The
chances are that the child will either be neglected and grow up to be a "problem" or
will be abandoned for the government to care for. In the Philippines,
approximately 6% of Filipino girls become pregnant during their adolescence.
According to the 2019 Global Childhood Report by Save the Children, this is the
second highest rate in Southeast Asia. According to the Philippine Statistical
Authority, an estimated 538 babies are born to Filipino teenage mothers EVERY
SINGLE DAY in 2017. These young women are almost completely unprepared for
motherhood and frequently have no choice but to give up the baby they have just
nurtured for nine months. This is a heartbreaking situation. So, what is the answer?
What about birth control? Abortion? Both of those are a thousand times 'NO!' The
answer lies in our mission to LOVE and DISCIPLE. The generation currently
growing up requires unconditional love from family, but more impo0072tantly,
they must be introduced to the author of unconditional love, our Lord Jesus Christ.

As for the Violence against women and children, I was exposed to all kinds
of stories about these abuses and violence since my mother was a policewoman
assigned to this specific area where she would be handling cases such as rapes,
abandonment, child, and women abuse, etc. Knowing all of this made me more
conscious of what are the things that society needs to improve especially in treating
women and children, I would agree that given the chance they should be prioritized
given the fact they are more vulnerable to abuse since they are weak. But of
course, the reason why we need to be aware is to help them compensate for this
weakness which is why Republic Act (RA) 9262, also known as "An Act Defining
Violence Against Women and Their Children" (VAWC), was enacted. The law
punishes acts that cause or are likely to cause physical, sexual, psychological, or
economic harm or suffering, as well as threats of such acts, as the battery, assault,
coercion, harassment, or arbitrary deprivation of liberty.
To summarize, the webinar is more about raising awareness about the
aforementioned topics, and I am grateful to Cebu Normal University for
conducting such a study for us, sharing their knowledge, and understanding and
spreading awareness about these issues to hopefully eliminate them in the future.
Finally, as an individual, this is a great reminder to always listen to the right people
and never ignore their advice; curiosity is good, but too much is not.

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