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Lexey Tobel

Learning Environments

The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning,
and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.

3(a) The teacher collaborates with learners, families, and colleagues to build a safe, positive learning climate
of openness, mutual respect, support, and inquiry.

Evidence Narrative

Teacher works with students to I chose this evidence because as an

educator you must learn to
learn and develop what each communicate with your fellow
student needs individually to colleagues, students, and their families
feel comfortable and open in in order to learn the best techniques
and ways to teach the student. Mrs.
the classroom.
Soloman worked with multiple
different teachers from different
The teacher communicates
rooms to create the best learning
with colleagues to develop environment for her students.
positive learning environments Developing a positive classroom
in all classrooms the students culture begins with the students
becoming comfortable with one
are in each day. another. As the teacher of the
classroom the idea of mutual respect
The teacher expresses the must be discussed before ice breaker
values of mutual respect and games, or getting to know one another
how students should support happen, if one student disrespects
another when they share something
one another to assist in each
personal or what they are passionate
others learning. about it is likely that student will not
be willing to share their expressive
The teacher incorporates ice ideas anymore. This possibility can be
breaker challenges to get the eliminated if the concept of mutual
students to become respect is stressed early on in the
school year, this must be
comfortable with one another. communicated. Communication is key.

In the future when I have my own classroom open communication and a positive classroom environment will be the two things, I stress
the most. Growing up I always loved going into the classroom where I could sit and chat with the teacher about things other than school.
I will be the teacher students go to when something is going wrong in their life, or when they just need guidance. Mutual respect will be
given to each student in my classroom by myself and their fellow classmates, and if a student disrespects or “bucket dips” another student
intentionally there will be logical consequences appointed to that students. Getting to know the student and what they like to do or care
about outside of school is important and can impact a student forever. I would do nothing differently, I believe what I experienced in
Mrs. Soloman’s room and learning from the relationships she had with each of her students showed me what type of teacher I want to be
and what kind of teacher that the education system and students need in their lives.

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