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BSED-ENG 1-3 MARCH 10, 2022


1. Are there any differences between moral laws and society’s laws? If there are, why is it?
Yes, there are differences between the two. Law is a set of rules that a country or society
acknowledges as governing its citizens' behavior and that it has the power to enforce through the
enforcement of punishments. Morality, on the other hand, is a collection of ethical rules that
determine what is ethically correct and incorrect.
Enforcement. The ruling bodies of a country, state, or community execute the law, although
there is no such body to impose moral norms; however, those who are instructed by religious
teachings and social ethics follow them. As a result, there is a distinction between law and
Another distinction between law and morality is that laws are responsible for establishing a
country's constitution, but morality has no such responsibility.
Emergence. Furthermore, morality arose prior to the ideal set of laws. As a result, morality
played a role in the formation of laws in a community or country.
A major distinction between law and morality is the use of sanctions and punishments. There
are direct sanctions for individuals who break the law, but no such punishments are enforced for
those who commit immoral conduct.
The law is direct and harsh in its sanctions, whereas morals can be obeyed or not, depending on
the individual's preferences. This feature of the law, on the other hand, reassures those
individuals are moral. As a result, there is another distinction between law and morality.
2. What are human beings really like; selfish and greedy or generous and kind?
According to studies, humans are born with a gene of giving. We feel good about ourselves when
we act generous and kind towards others. In addition, it is a good social character. Everyone is
born with the ability to be kind and generous. Someone may have been selfish and greedy in later
years of their lives as a result of personal desires, some of which were based on their previous
3. Are some people better at “morally ‘than others, or is everyone equally capable of doing
Humans have a moral sense because their biological composition defines the presence of three
essential prerequisites for ethical behavior: the ability to predict the consequences of one's own
acts; (ii) the ability to form value judgments; and (iii) the ability to select between alternatives.
Every people can do good. It is a matter of choice whether to be moral or immoral because we
already have the ability t0 distinguish bad from the good.
4. Are there good ways in teaching the children to behave morally?

Yes, as a parent, I have ways to educate my child on moral teaching and how to interact with
others in a decent manner. I also learned this from my parents and how they taught us in the past.
Showing or being a role model for youngsters is the best way to teach them morals. You must
not only teach them how to be good or behave morally, but you must also demonstrate to them
that you are behaving or doing what you preach. For example, I am educating my child not to
utter derogatory remarks to her playmates, yet she constantly hears me do it to others or to her.
She will not follow or listen in this scenario. She'll do exactly what she sees me doing. So, for
me to be able to teach my child to behave morally in the way that is right, and I want her to, I
must first live what I preach and serve as a role model for her. Another is to explain to her the
significance of acting morally or being good to others and the ramifications of harming others,
doing or having immoral behaviors. So that she will be able to tell the difference between good
and bad in any situation as she grows older, and my teachings will help her to be her moral

5. Does anyone have the right to tell anyone else what is goodness and wickedness are?

Yes. It is our responsibility as humans who love one another to correct our fellowmen's mistakes.
We must tell them to show our concern and love for them, whether it hurts them or makes them
happy. We don't want them to bear the consequences of their wrongdoings.
6. Are there any certain kinds of acts that are always wrong?
Yes, there are many different types of acts that are always wrong, such as lying. Some people
make excuses for lying because they don't want to hurt their loved ones or because they are in a
situation in which they have no choice but to lie. But lying, regardless of its purpose or reason, is
still lying, and it is wrong. Murder, theft, using derogatory words even in jest or as an expression,
rape, adultery, infidelity, bribery, and breaking promises are all examples.

7. What do you think is the best answer to the question ‘why should I be a good person?
Being good is a choice, and in whatever situation, I will always choose to be good. I should or
must be excellent for myself, not for the sake of pleasing others. It gives me pleasure to do well
and to be good to everyone. It's true that you harvest what you sow. And, because I want positive
things to happen to me and my loved ones, I choose to be good in order to reap the benefits of
the future. When I act morally and do good, I am less stressed, I can avoid disputes with others,
and I am constantly positive. I can be a good help in my society as a good citizen and a pride of
my family.
8. is morality about obeying a set of rules or it is thinking carefully about the consequences?
Morality is defined as a system of principles that allow individuals to live cooperatively in
communities. It is what civilizations deem "proper" and "acceptable." Acting morally sometimes
necessitates individuals sacrificing their own short-term interests in order to help society.
Individuals who violate these criteria may be deemed immoral.
As a result, I can say that morality is both obeying the sets of rules and carefully considering the
outcomes and consequences we might face if we tend to violate them.
9. Is ethic a special kind of knowledge? If so, what sort of knowledge is it and how do we get
hold of it?
Ethics is not a type of knowledge, but rather a critical and creative approach to dealing with
knowledge that must never be exhausted.
A person's ethical views are shaped by the society and culture in which they were raised. What
one person considers ethical in one society may not be considered ethical in another. It is
difficult to produce knowledge in the given areas of knowledge without making a generalization
in that sense.

10. When people say that ‘I know murder is wrong’ do they know it is wrong or they just
believe it very wrongly?
They are aware that killing is wrong, but they continue to do so. They violate the morality set of
rules in society and will bear the consequences of their immoral actions.

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