Activity 1.3

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Melva Q.


BSED-ENG 1-3 Tuesday 8:30-10am

Mrs. Ada EdaleEN A. Diansuy




1. Materials
a. Pencil
b. Crayons
c. Bond paper
2. Procedure
a. Create an illustration showing the relationship of mathematics to another field of study
b. Explain the illustration that u have created.

Almost all branches of study have a healthy interaction with mathematics. Mathematics and the arts are
intertwined in my illustration. Shapes, symmetry, proportions, and dimensions are all used by artists in
their work. In the discipline of engineering, math is used to calculate voltage, discover transmission
distances, solve numerical problems, and measure various goods, among other things. The environment
and mathematics are inextricably linked. Everything in nature is built up of mathematical ratios, which
scale regardless of the life you're looking at. Nature is a mathematician's dream. The concept is based on
the fact that nature is full of patterns, such as the Fibonacci sequence, which is a series of numbers in
which each number is the sum of the previous two numbers. Without mathematics, modern technology
would be unimaginable. Because mathematics requires technology, the relationship is mutual.
Mathematicians now use computers for a variety of tasks, including the search for proofs, validations,
and counterexamples, in addition to calculations.

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