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Arrived at residence of Michael Galvin for investigation after the recent listing of the place on the
market. Should be a routine sweep, but Galvin was a known sorcerer who had some skill at contacting outside
entities, so the Institute thought it was best to check the place out to make sure there were no surprises. I got
the key from the realtor without any trouble, and a preliminary sweep of the premises didn’t really turn up
anything so far. Musty rooms, covered furniture, that sort of thing. Looks like Galvin’s family sold off
anything of any real value years ago, after he was found dead in the woods north of Toronto. We’ve got a
Sensitive in town; I’ll have her do a sweep of the place tomorrow just in case we find anything that’s best
kept out of the hands of the public.

Glad we took another look at this place. Our Sensitive found two things of note yesterday. The first
was an old summoning room in the attic – looks like a ritual site that was used several times for summoning,
as well as probable sacrifice. Residue tests showed human and animal blood in the summoning room, as well as
on some of the cooking implements in the kitchen. Fucking sorcerers.
Second thing is a relic of some kind. Our Sensitive says it has power, but she’s not familiar with it.
It looks to be a First Nations artifact to her, possibly Ojibwa. It’s a carved crystal sphere, probably quartz,
with a black marble base. She tried to use it, and I’m concerned she may have alerted someone or something
– she seemed like she had a pretty bad reaction to looking into the thing. I’ve decided to take it back to a
friend in Spokane who has experience with scrying devices like this. I’m going to take ground transportation
per General Rule 26.2(b) regarding air travel while in possession of a supernatural relic.

God, I hate Halloween. Two Cat-3 ghost attacks, a botched ritual in Schaumburg, and some stupid kid
managed to open the ghoul’s gate in Graceland Cemetery. I’m letting the Chicago office do the paperwork for
that, though I did help out. I’ll put together a full report later, it’s going to be long. I’ll head out for Spokane
this afternoon.

Made it as far as Bismarck, I’m going to try and push through to Spokane tomorrow.

Had to stop in at a rest stop in Idaho, just a few hours east of Spokane. Storm’s getting bad outside.
Unseasonably early for this area, though we are a ways up in the mountains. Going to have to keep up my
guard, I have a bad feeling about this weather.

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