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Hello Maria, now I tell you that my worst sporting event was 2 years ago
there was a volleyball championship called interscholastic where my
school participated, we started the championship very well passing as
first place in the group we played, then as we continue to advance the
championship It was getting more difficult, the teams were stronger and a
little tired of playing games in a row, the training sessions had also
increased much more demand and effort that helped us to continue
advancing in the championship, we achieved good results and that
motivated us to continue striving In each training session, then we
reached the final and won the match, so we were already champions, it
filled us with a lot of pride since the school where I was had not won a
championship, after that it was the strongest to play with the
representatives of each province, in one day we played 4 games, we
eliminated Chota,Bambamarca and the game that defined who
represented the province of Cutervo, I lost most We were 6 -2 which
made me feel bad because I was so excited.

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